I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 332

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:32 AM

Chapter 332: Natal Jinlian

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Lin Hang was also shocked when he heard this, his expression lost in thought. According to the high priest, Liu Ruyan would not let the high priest determine until after his resurrection that Liu Ruyan's breath was the same as that of the woman who saved her. In other words, after Liu Ruyan was resurrected, his breath had undergone tremendous changes, and the high priest would have such a reaction. Otherwise, when meeting Liu Ruyan for the first time, the high priest would not only doubt, but would directly confirm.

Lin Hang thought for a while and said, "Of course I believe what the high priest said. I am not a witness to this matter, so I can't say anything, it's just Yan'er. There is no reaction in your own memory now. Do you have any familiar feelings about the Golden Lotus fairy mentioned by the chieftain and the high priest said?"

Liu Ruyan shook her head and said, "Xiao Hang, I did awaken the memories of my previous life, but it is very strange that there is nothing in these memories about the people and things I experienced in the previous life, and all of them are about the path of my cultivation. Memory, this is why I practiced so fast, but I don’t know anything about common sense and ancient secrets in the monster race. Because I don’t have any memory of these in my mind, even my previous life. I don’t understand what it is like. The catastrophe this time only allowed me to understand the body of the previous life, which was a lotus flower. As for whether it was the golden lotus fairy, I am not sure at all."

Lin Hang could feel Liu Ruyan’s blankness. Liu Ruyan was originally just an ordinary monk of the Human Race. He suddenly awakened from the memory of her previous life and discovered her identity as the reincarnation of the Demon Race. She must have gone through a long time. It took time and psychological struggles to finally accept it. Only she knew how much she had to bear. But now, I won’t say that the catastrophe of the yin and fire has failed, but it has finally recovered, but it has something to do with the ancient power such as Jinlian Fairy. This makes Liu Ruyan a little exhausted and does not know what to do.

Lin Hang stepped forward and took Liu Ruyan into his arms, letting Liu Ruyan's head lightly rest on his chest, gently stroking Liu Ruyan's hair with his right hand, and said softly, " Yan'er, don't worry, no matter what you mean, no matter what the future will be, I will always be in front of you to block all the difficulties for you! Don't be confused and have no direction anymore. The road to the future, we just walk together! "

Liu Ruyan did not expect that Lin Hang would be like this, and was a little at a loss for a while, but after hearing Lin Hang's affectionate words, Liu Ruyan's body slowly relaxed, and his hands were tightly wrapped around him. Lin Hang's waist gently nodded in Lin Hang's arms, and said in a low voice, "Okay, Xiaohang, the road to the future, let's walk together!"

And in the hall of the high priest at this time, the high priest was watching Liu Ruyan and Lin Hang silently. When they saw the two embracing each other, the high priest couldn't help but burst into tears. . Although the high priest was sure that Liu Ruyan had a deep relationship with the golden lotus fairy, in her heart, Liu Ruyan had always been her most beloved disciple, and she naturally hoped that Liu Ruyan would get a good belonging. Now Lin Hang's treatment of Liu Ruyan really made the high priest feel very relieved.

After Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan enjoyed the rare tranquility for a while, Liu Ruyan gently pushed Lin Hang away, tidyed up his clothes a little shyly, gave Lin Hang lightly, and said, " Oh, Lin Hang, I blame you! We must have been seen by the teacher just now! How can I see her in the future!"

Lin Hang smiled'hehe', took Liu Ruyan's hand, and felt the softness in his hand. Lin Hang said, "Yan'er, what's the matter with this? Our current relationship, the high priest and her old man also understand, for sure. It will bless both of us! So, let's not cover up anymore, it's great to be generous!"

Liu Ruyan gave Lin Hang a white look, and said, "Okay, Xiao Hang, no more trouble! There is one more thing to tell you!"

With that, Liu Ruyan's right hand was deep in the depths, and then above the palm of his hand, a golden lotus slowly appeared, except for the color and the shape and size of Liu Ruyan's body at that time.

Lin Hang looked at the golden lotus flower that suddenly appeared, opened his mouth wide, and said in surprise, "Yan'er, what is this...?"

Liu Ruyan said, "This is the key to making the teacher more certain that I am the Golden Lotus Fairy! After I was resurrected by you in "Akabane Realm", I didn't have time to check the situation in my body for a while. After I met the teacher, I have time to examine myself carefully. This golden lotus flower was discovered by the teacher while inspecting my body. After I successfully recovered, it has been staying in my pubic pubic area. The current state seems to be mine. A natal spirit treasure, and compared to the natal spirit treasure that has been refining and communicating for a long time, this golden lotus fits me more closely and fits an incomparable feeling.

Lin Hang had recovered a little at this time, figured out the key, and said, "This golden lotus will not be exactly the same as the golden lotus in the arms of the mysterious woman that the high priest saw at the time. Right?"

Liu Ruyan nodded helplessly, and said with a wry smile, "It's true. Only in this way, teacher can be so sure that I am the golden lotus fairy. Think about it, the same face, breath and this iconic golden color Lotus, I cannot deny it myself!"

Although Lin Hang was also shocked, he still squeezed Liu Ruyan's small hand and said firmly, "Yan'er, let alone it's not determined yet. Even if you were really the unattainable Golden Lotus Fairy in your previous life, this For the first time, I will also pull you down! If you are really the reincarnated fairy Jinlian, and with such a powerful strength as the fairy Jinlian, you have to be reincarnated, it means that she must have suffered an unimaginable disaster in front of her. In the first life, perhaps this catastrophe will still find you, and this time I will not leave you alone anymore. I will stand in front of you and fight all the hardships for you!"

When Liu Ruyan heard Lin Hang’s affectionate confession, he was moved incomparably. Just when the tears were about to fall, Liu Ruyan blinked quickly, patted Lin Hang, turned around and scolded, "Oh, why are you? Always say this! Xiaohang, your current cultivation base is far worse than mine! Now you say you want to protect me, but it's still far behind! When your cultivation base can surpass me, let's say something like this!"

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