I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 333

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:31 AM

Chapter 333: See Wang Lao

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Although Liu Ruyan said this to hide his demeanor, he was telling the truth. Liu Ruyan successfully resurrected this time and reached the tribulation period, which is considered to have successfully survived the disaster. This Yinhuo Tribulation is rumored, but it is not weaker than the existence of the Ninefold Thunder Tribulation. After being baptized by the fire, Liu Ruyan’s ascent of the immortal at this time is much greater than that of the ordinary cultivator during the Tribulation Period, and the subsequent cultivation will be faster, and the possibility of successfully ascending the immortal will be greater Got a lot. Although the catastrophe of Yin and Fire is difficult to overcome, once you pass it, you can get unexpected benefits. As for Lin Hang, at this time, it was only the cultivation base of the early stage of God Transformation. Although Lin Hang's cultivation progress is very terrifying in everyone's eyes, after all, the current realm is still relatively low, and it is in the later stage. , No one knew whether Lin Hang's cultivation speed would continue to be so rapid. In addition, Lin Hang has not yet ushered in his own catastrophe, so everything is still unknown.

Lin Hang's expression did not change at all. He still held Liu Ruyan's small hand tightly and said softly, "Yan'er, I have encountered countless difficulties along the way with Lin Hang, but I have never Give up! Maybe this time being with you will be the most difficult decision I have ever experienced in my life, but what about it? As long as we work hard together, we will die without regrets!"

After expressing his determination, Lin Hang went on to say, "As for my current cultivation level, it is indeed a bit lower than yours! But don't worry, I will definitely work hard, and it won’t take long. I will definitely catch up. Fuck you! When the time comes, I will fight everything for you!"

After finishing talking, Lin Hang calculated the current time and said to Liu Ruyan, "Yan'er, I think it’s too early. We should also meet my teacher! After all, such a big thing, The teacher can be regarded as my closest relative in Earth Star, and I still have to visit his old man!"

"Ah..." Liu Ruyan said with embarrassment, "Lin Hang, really, are you really going to see Lao Wang? But, but, I'm not ready yet!"

Although Liu Ruyan had been determined and expressed his feelings for Lin Hang, but after all he had only confirmed the relationship with Lin Hang, and was going to see Lao Wang so soon, Liu Ruyan was still a little flustered at this time. Liu Ruyan also knew where Wang Lao was in Lin Hang's heart. This time Lin Hang was able to take her directly to meet Lao Wang. Liu Ruyan was still very happy, but he still felt a little embarrassed.

Lin Hang softly comforted, "Yan'er, it's okay! It's not the first time that you have met the teacher, and before I came to see you, when I went to see the teacher, he asked about you! So ah, it is necessary Too much worry, but the teacher is very satisfied with you!"

Liu Ruyan took a deep breath, knowing that this was an inevitable process. Since he decided to be with Lin Hang, these elders of Lin Hang would definitely come into contact. Liu Ruyan nodded heavily and said, "Well, Xiao Hang, when you see Mr. Wang later, you can't make fun of me, you must speak for me!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Uh, uh! Of course, my favorite Yaner, of course, must be protected by me! Don't worry, the teacher is very kind!"

While Lin Hang was talking, he brought Liu Ruyan to Huaxia's realm and saw Wang Lao who had returned to the room.

Old Wang looked at Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan who walked into the room side by side. When the two of them saluted, their faces also showed relief, and said with a smile, "Okay! Ok! I don't know if Lin Hang has something What a blessing to be able to win the favor of your girl! Lin Hang, you must treat others well in the rest of your time. If you let me know that you are a little bad for her, I can't spare you!"

Lin Hang scratched his head and said, "Teacher! How could I bully Yan'er! You don't understand what happened to us, so don't worry, I will treat Yan'er well!"

Mr. Wang nodded, Lin Hang often mentioned Liu Ruyan in front of him, so Mr. Wang also knew that Lin Hang was able to step into cultivation, except for the mysterious dark king Zhao Kangping. Ruyan is an indispensable contribution. Not only took Lin Hang to get acquainted with the world of the supernatural beings, but also taught some of the most basic knowledge. Even if he was able to get online with the Ye family later, Liu Ruyan's help was indispensable. Without Liu Ruyan, Lin Hang might also be able to become a strong man of the generation, but he might have missed Wang Lao. In this case, all future opportunities might be lost, and everything he has now would be lost.

But at this moment, I saw Liu Ruyan in front of me, and felt the powerful aura exuded by Liu Ruyan. It was an aura that was not weaker than himself. Old Wang couldn’t help but sighed, "Girl Liu, although you are now repairing Because I'm the same as the old man, but let me call you that way! Your current cultivation base, Lin Hang is far behind! Lin Hang, you have to work harder to catch up with Liu girl, Otherwise, you won't be able to lift your head in the future!"

Lin Hang was very helpless in his heart. Wang Lao’s remarks were obviously intended to attack him, but he said the same truth. Lin Hang had no room for refutation. He could only give a wry smile and said, "Teacher and disciple also want to work hard. , But she is hanging up with Yan'er! When the disciple was still in the Golden Core Stage, she had already entered the Nascent Soul Stage, and the disciple had managed to catch up with the progress over the years and entered the Transcendent Deity Stage, but Yan'er had already passed the Tribulation. Now! But don’t worry, the disciple will not be discouraged, I believe I will be able to catch up soon!"

At this time, Liu Ruyan had been smiling reservedly on the sidelines, quietly watching Lin Hang and Wang Lao, the master and apprentice chatting, without interrupting.

After Lin Hang and Wang Lao talked for a while, they asked, "Teacher, you have asked Brother Zhuo to prepare? I believe it won't be long before the disciples of the Golden Elixir period should be able to prepare, so it is not suitable. Later, let's go to Earth Star first! After all, this matter was caused by the disciple. If it is not resolved earlier, the disciple will feel a little distressed, so I have to trouble you teacher this time!

Mr. Wang nodded lightly and said, "Hang'er, what's the trouble? Zhuo Sheng and the others have already arranged it, and it won't take long to gather the disciples. Our work really needs to be done quickly. Regarding our China’s experience plan, it really cannot be postponed, so let’s go to Earth Star to have a look!"

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