I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 334

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:29 AM

Chapter 334: Probe

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Lin Hang knew that, knowing that Mr. Wang didn't care about this, he said to Liu Ruyan on the side, "Yan'er, you should stay in this "Candle Realm" for a solid foundation! After all, you have just recovered. It’s better to practice with peace of mind for a while! My teacher and I are going to Earth Star to do some things, and I will come back to you soon after we are done!"

Liu Ruyan nodded, without any comments. Actually, Lin Hang didn’t mention it. Liu Ruyan also had the same idea. She was a bit reluctant to survive the catastrophe before, although she successfully recovered after a special ritual of the Yaozu, similar to completion. A process of'nirvana' has gained a lot of benefits, but the spiritual power of one's own cultivation still appears to be a little vain, and it takes time to calm down.

Liu Ruyan said, "Xiao Hang, you're busy with you, don't rush back. I just want to go back to Master for scuba cultivating for a while. First, I will stabilize my cultivation. Second, I will also get familiar with what I have acquired. Jinlian’s destiny, so go ahead and take care of you, don’t always remember me!"

Lin Hang nodded lightly, then with a light wave of his right hand, he sent Liu Ruyan back to the vicinity of the high priest's hall, and said to Lao Wang, "Teacher, well, let's set off now!"

After that, Lin Hang took out the jade card to open the light door, and came to the earth star with Wang Lao.

After the two reached the Earth Star, they proficiently teleported directly to the Sky Island. Lin Hang said, "Teacher, this Sky Island can shield perception, so you use the divine sense scan here, plus your mental power. The cultivation base, the leaders of the ten thousand races, it should be impossible to find that you are exploring."

In fact, Lin Hang was able to barely complete the scanning work with the help of "Gathering Stones" and the strengthening of the formation, but with the dual blessings of "Gathering Stones" and the formation, Lin Hang's mental power was able to Barely reaching the point of crossing the catastrophe period is not very safe. And this time things are more important, so let Wang Lao come to be able to guarantee nothing.

Lao Wang nodded, sat down cross-legged, holding two crystal-clear "Spirit Gathering Stones" in his hands, and began to scan and explore the many tens of thousands of people on the earth and stars.

Lin Hang waited quietly on the side. He knew that such a process would definitely last for a long time, because it was impossible for the leaders of the ten thousand races to talk about such things every day. Therefore, although Mr. Wang was able to quietly investigate the leaders of these ten thousand races, it would take some time to get the information he wanted.

And in this waiting time, Lin Hang began to copy the soul grass and the soul flower. In fact, it was not just Lin Hang himself. During this period of time, Lin Hang left the two clones of the early transformation of God on Qingtian Island. , Is also constantly copying these two treasures. In fact, these monks of the Huaxia human race are in great demand for such treasures. There were no conditions and resources before, but now with the original version, it can be produced indefinitely. The role of the divine soul cannot be reflected in the early stage, but in the later stage, the role of the divine soul is slowly manifested from the breakthrough of the Golden Core period. It is recognized by the cultivation world that if the cultivator’s spirit reaches a certain level, then his spiritual power cultivation base will at least reach the same limit. That is to say, if many of Huaxia's disciples rely on these treasures to enhance their souls to reach the level of the Golden Core Stage first, their spiritual power cultivation bases can quickly catch up in the near future. Because the soul is closely related to the later cultivation experience, if the soul becomes stronger, then breaking through the realm will be correspondingly easier.

It's just that the same kind of heaven, material and earth treasure can only be effective the first time it is used, and it will be useless the second time. In other words, many of Huaxia's disciples can only use one soulweed and soul flower, and then they can only take a bottle of spring water of soul power, which can get the effect of improving soul. After this, relying on these three treasures can no longer improve the soul. However, even so, it is a very rare opportunity. After all, treasures like this, even those with little improvement like Soulweed, have always been things that can't be sought since ancient times. The current Huaxia disciples, with Lin Hang, are likely to be able to enjoy the three treasures in the future, which is really enviable.

All the people in Huaxia now, many of the previous innate masters, except for the Patriarchs of the three families such as Fu Jia, are almost at the level of the Yuan Ying stage after the transformation of the cultivation system. They can still cultivate to the innate realm under the original system, which shows that they are all a group of extremely talented people, but the road to cultivation is like this, and being able to cultivate to the Nascent Soul Stage is already a manifestation of their high talents. I think that in the future, the cultivation will still be so fast, only to reach the genius of Wang Lao Linhang, so these people are working hard to improve their understanding, polish their cultivation base, accumulate experience, and move up step by step.

But now, if they use the three treasures such as the soul grass provided by Lin Hang to improve the spirit cultivation base, then the spiritual power training will become simpler. If the spirit can break through the realm, then the spiritual power The breakthrough of cultivation base is not so difficult. Therefore, Lin Hang's gain this time, in addition to those Huaxia disciples, these elders in the Yuan Ying stage, may be regarded as getting greater benefits.

The scanning and exploration of Wang Lao lasted for three days. During these three days, Lin Hang could feel the powerful spirit fluctuations emanating from Wang Lao. Obviously, Wang Lao was also in a state of full energy. And Lin Hang also copied a lot of soul grass and soul flower, but these are still far from enough for the entire China. The population base is too large, and this is something suitable for everyone. The days to come will definitely It will also occupy a lot of Lin Hang's mind and time.

After three days passed, Wang Lao opened his eyes and withdrew his consciousness. Lin Hang also felt it, and hurriedly stopped his work, came to Mr. Wang, and asked with concern, "Teacher, how are you! These days have passed, are there any results from your investigation?"

Old Wang rubbed his forehead a little, and said, "Well, there is a result. I have checked all the ancient leaders of the Ten Thousand Races. Their decision-making is very normal in every aspect, and there is no place aimed at our human race. And you I also carefully explored the large formation in the depths of the stars mentioned, and indeed found a tribulation monk from the ten thousand races, but he has stayed in the center of the large formation and has not left a step."

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