I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 335

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:28 AM

Chapter 335: Wang Lao's decision

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After thinking about it, Wang Lao said his own judgment, "In my opinion, this monk of the ten thousand races at the core of the big formation is different from what we had previously imagined. I think in fact his mission to Earth Star is Guarding this large formation may not have a deep relationship with the monks of the ten thousand races outside. If you go to the large formation and steal some spring water from the spring of spirit power, he may be a little angry, but it should be Did not notify the forces of the ten thousand races on the earth and stars."

Lin Hang understood what Wang Lao meant, and said, "Then our disciples can return to the Earth and Stars to experience again? This time, the disciples will take care of them more closely, and there will be nothing we don't want to see. What happened."

Elder Wang nodded and said, "Hang'er, for our Huaxia disciples, you have invested too much energy! As a teacher, you can clearly feel that your progress in cultivation has become too slow these days! Although some of this is the girl Liu Ruyan's business, which has allocated most of your energy, but for your sake, I don't think you should stay here on the stars and do things to take care of these children! Before coming, I have discussed with Zhuo Sheng and the others, and then I will be stationed on Qingtian Island. I believe that with my cultivation base, I can easily take care of the entire planet. You will return to " "Candle World", let’s practice well! These days, whether it’s for these ten thousand people’s plans or Liu Ruyan’s business, you’ve been busy for too long. It’s time to stay and sort out your own. Cultivating the road. I listened to your rhetoric, to surpass Liu Ruyan's girl in a short time, don't forget it!"

Lin Hang wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wang Lao waved his hand, Wang Lao continued, "Wait later, you can go straight back and take away all your clones. You only need to leave one on Qingtian Island. Gu, it’s good for me to contact you. In this way, you don’t need to distract yourself from these clones. After you return to "Candle World", Zhuo Sheng and the others should have assembled the second batch Disciple, you only need to release them from "Candle World". You don't need to bring them to Qingtian Island. The journey from Diancheng to Qingtian Island will be regarded as their first experience. As for them You don’t have to worry about the safety of your teacher, you will be watching the whole process!

Lin Hang opened his mouth, wanted to speak but never said it. He knew that Wang always took the task of staying behind Earth Star for his sake. Lao Wang is also at a critical moment in his cultivation, so he doesn't need the energy to cultivate well? However, looking at what Wang Lao meant, Lin Hang had no way to change, so he nodded and agreed to Wang Lao's arrangement.

Lin Hang beckoned. The major avatars distributed on Earth and Stars, except for one of the late Yuan Ying avatars, sat next to Lao Wang, and all the others returned to Lin Hang’s body, and those two hard-made avatars The avatar of the transforming **** stage also came behind Lin Hang.

Lin Hang respectfully bowed to Mr. Wang, and said, "Teacher, this disciple is going back, teacher, take care!"

Lao Wang waved his hand, and Lin Hang left Qingtian Island and returned to "Candle World" together with the two avatars of the Great Transformation Stage.

In fact, Lin Hang really wants to take advantage of this period of time to sort out his cultivation path, and by the way, see if he can break through his spiritual cultivation with the help of soul grass, soul flower, and the spring of soul power. Shackle, reach the level of the Tribulation Period, if he can break through to the Tribulation Period, then the spiritual power cultivation base will become a lot easier, and he can also approach the level of Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan faster. .

Returning to "Candle World", when Lin Hang returned to China, Zhuo Sheng and the others had already arranged the second batch of disciples. Lin Hang looked at the more than a hundred eager and energetic Jin Danji disciples, and couldn't help but shook his head secretly. These disciples certainly didn't know what they were going to face next, that would be such a performance. After they got to Earth Star, they knew how cruel it was.

Lin Hang took out a map, distributed it to everyone, and said, "Everyone, when you go to Earth Star this time, the place where you appeared is in the original location of China Diancheng. Your first mission is from This Diancheng safely arrived at a small island near Austria, which is the location marked on the map in your hands. After reading it, remember the route and destroy the map. Because you are the first mission, so we will No time is stipulated. For this mission, we only ask you to arrive safely without any casualties. Do you understand?"

Hearing the neat echoes of everyone off the court, Lin Hang nodded in satisfaction. After everyone remembered the route, Lin Hang waved his hand to open the light gate and sent the more than one hundred Jindan stage Chinese disciples to Earth Star.

Above the Earth and Stars, Mr. Wang looked after him, so Lin Hang, Zhuo Sheng and others were not worried about the safety of these young disciples. However, this road to Qingtian Island will definitely make these disciples unforgettable forever.

After arranging these disciples, Lin Hang bid farewell to Zhuo Sheng and others, and begged to see the high priest, while Liu Ruyan was retreating in a secret room deep in the hall. Not only was he digesting the gains of these days, but he also had a good relationship with him. I am familiar with my newly acquired natal Jinlian, and I also sort out the practice memories in my mind.

In the high priest’s jokes, Lin Hang coughed a few times, looked straight, and said, "High priest, don’t make fun of the kid! I came to you this time because I want to ask you something. ."

The high priest knew that Lin Hang must have something serious and said, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore! Let's talk, what's the matter this time?"

Lin Hang said, "The high priest, it's just that the kid encountered some doubts. I would like to ask the high priest to help you solve them. When the kid was in the big formation deep in the stars, he was going to steal the spring water of the soul power. The cultivators of the ancient tens of thousands of tribes had met and met. What made me very strange was that after seeing me, after confirming my cultivation level, he was quite sure that I came from some kind of human race of the Ziwei Emperor. Monk! I have never heard of this Ziwei Emperor Star. Listen to what he said, is there still many high-ranking monks of the human race on this Ziwei Emperor star that fail? I just don’t know about you, the high priest. Will Ziwei Emperor Star in the mouth of Wan Clan know some news?"

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