I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 336

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:28 AM

Chapter 336: Purple Star

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"Ziwei Emperor Star?" The high priest also showed doubts. After thinking carefully, the high priest remembered something and said, "Oh, yes, I think of it. This purple Emperor star is a long-standing legend. The rumored Ziwei Emperor Star, but a place full of thousands of races, is very prosperous, not only the territory but also the humanities, and all aspects are far away from the earth star. But at the end of ancient times, this Ziwei Isn’t the Emperor Star supposed to have been destroyed with the demise of the Ten Thousand Clan? I have never heard of the news that there is also the Ziwei Emperor. What's the reason."

Lin Hang said, "Could it be that Ziwei Emperor Star did not die, but still exists, and these ancient tens of thousands of races have always lived on it. Moreover, on this Ziwei Emperor star, except for their alliance of all races? , There are still human races, so they just insisted that I was from the human race of Ziwei Emperor?"

The high priest shook his head decisively, and said, "Lin Hang, the destruction of the Ziwei Emperor Star is a fact confirmed by the great powers of all the big clans, and nothing can go wrong. In my opinion, these ten thousand clans The purple emperor star in the mouth may have inherited the name of the true emperor star in the ancient times, it should be just a special piece of cosmic light. Their ancient ten thousand clan disappeared at the end of the ancient era, and it is very likely that they have been found A place like this, then named Ziwei Emperor Star, has been living for generations to this day. There may have been other races living here, such as human races. The strength of these races should be very strong, not weaker than their Ten Thousand Race Alliance, so He only behaves like this when he sees you. He only thinks that you are a master of the human race from Ziwei Emperor Star to Earth Star, in order to destroy them. However, these are also my guesses, specific I can’t give you a definite answer as to what the facts look like. I can only ask them if I have a chance in the future, and maybe we can get the answer we want.”

Lin Hang knew that the high priest had already given all her judgments, and now that the information was missing, it was indeed impossible to get too many results.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, the high priest, I understand! We can't get any more news about the situation of this Ziwei Emperor star. So the next focus is on their ten thousand races. The plan on the stars! If we successfully capture their plan and finally get the benefits they want, it will be easier to learn more about the other news behind them.",

The high priest nodded and said, "Well, in fact, the most important thing is strength! We can't leave the sky and go to the earth to help you, so if you want to completely control the scene, you must rely on your own strength. I feel that their ten thousand races will definitely not be the only monks who are guarding the tribulation period in the great formation, and it is very likely that there will be a lot of higher-level monks hiding. Moreover, the current spring of spirit power is produced, It is certainly not their ultimate goal. If the ultimate goal is to appear, it is very likely that more monks of the ten thousand races will appear. Since they have prepared for this purpose for such a long time, they will definitely not relax at the last moment. So, in this critical period, your Huaxia's strength must be improved! And the progress of your other people's cultivation is a bit too slow, even if those old people can get a few more gods, it will not be possible in a short time. Those who have reached the tribulation period. They can’t help you, so the most critical point is that you, your master, and Yan'er! The three of you are Huaxia’s hope, so during this time you should stop running around. , Stay at ease in "Candle World" and improve your strength!"

Having said this, the high priest continued, "As for the Ziwei Emperor Star, I will discuss it with Zhou Shu and Big Brother Hou Lin. There may be some information about this in the library of "Hou Jie". News, don't worry about it!"

Lin Hang nodded, agreed to the high priest's arrangement, and then left directly.

Lin Hang returned to his room in "Candle World", and after a good night's rest, he was ready to use soul grass and other treasures to increase his power of spirit and soul, and see if he could rush to the tribulation period in one fell swoop.

Lin Hang first took out the soul grass, which has only three leaves, and these three leaves are the place where it contains soul power. Lin Hang put the soulweed in his hand and slowly urged it, and this soulweed also slowly changed. The three leaves slowly melted, and finally merged into a pure dark liquid together.

Lin Hang knew that this group of liquid was the purest spirit energy, and it was an elevating medicine that could directly act on the monk's spirit. Lin Hang didn't hesitate when he saw this, he directly pressed this group of spirit energy into his mind, and as soon as he entered his mind, Lin Hang felt that his spirit was greatly stimulated and started to go crazy. Absorbing this group of spirit energy, it didn't take long to be directly absorbed.

After the absorption, Lin Hang also began the refining process. After about half an hour, Lin Hang completed the absorption and digestion of the spirit energy, and after experiencing the strength of his current spirit, Lin Hang silently He sighed, this soul grass is indeed the lowest level of the gods and souls of heaven and earth treasures, and the effect of improving the souls is indeed too little for him in the later stage of the gods.

Lin Hang was not discouraged, and continued to take out a soul flower. The soul flower was yellow all over with only three petals. Lin Hang gently rubbed the three petals, and it quickly turned into a pure soul energy. Although it contained more than the soul grass, it didn't make much difference. Lin Hang put the spirit energy into his mind again, and started the process of digestion again.

After digesting another mass of divine soul energy, Lin Hang finally felt the change in the intensity of his divine soul. He could feel that, as long as he had some more stimulation, his divine soul should be able to complete the breakthrough.

Since Lin Hang felt in his heart, Lin Hang did not delay, took out a bottle of spring water from the fountain of spirit power, and poured it directly into his mouth. After the entrance, it turned into pure spirit energy and was directly absorbed by Lin Hang's spirit. A little bit of Divine Soul energy seemed to be the last shock. Lin Hang felt the imminent transformation of Divine Soul, slowly closed his eyes, and began the process of Divine Soul breakthrough towards the Tribulation Period.

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