I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 337

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:25 AM

Chapter 337: Double robbery

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After a long time, Lin Hang only felt that the shackles on the soul had been broken, and then he felt a sense of relief, and he could fly directly into the sky with a move of his mind. However, in the next moment, Lin Hang stopped his thoughts. He knew the temptation of the'external demon' during the tribulation period. He currently does not have the ability to leap into the sky. If the'external demon' succeeds in bewitching him, his The soul will fly directly away from his body and travel beyond the sky, and this'external demon' will take the opportunity to occupy his body, absorb his memory, and transform into a new Lin Hang exactly the same.

This'external demon' is the tribulation that every monk who crosses the catastrophe period must go through, so Lin Hang has already been vigilant in his heart. At this time, he held his mind tightly. After a while, the'external demon' faded, Lin Hang I also felt the real world. Although the power of the soul has indeed been greatly enhanced, it is far inferior to what was just shown by the "Outer Demon". This'external demon' will not fade away forever during the Tribulation Period, but will accompany each monk's entire Tribulation Period. Once there is a little slack, it is very likely to be replaced, so the Tribulation Period is except for the Heavenly Tribulation Besides, it is really a crisis step by step. It is definitely the realm with the most fallen monks.

After resisting this wave of ‘external demon’ bewitching, Lin Hang breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to sit up, but felt a strong wave in his dantian, which was a wave of spiritual power. After carefully distinguishing it, Lin Hang determined that this was not the agitation of the ‘external demon’, but a precursor to a breakthrough soon!

Lin Hang quickly stabilized his mind, preparing for the next breakthrough.

This time the spiritual breakthrough happened after Lin Hang’s spiritual breakthrough, which drove the spiritual response. After all, Lin Hang has been practicing his own unique method of "fusion" since the Jin Dan period. A force can communicate with each other. This time the spirit breakthrough caused a spiritual reaction, which couldn't be more normal. It's just that Lin Hang has just gone through the test of the ‘External Demon’. If he doesn’t deal with it well, it is very likely that happy events will turn into sad things.

After half an hour, the spiritual power in Lin Hang's dantian fluctuated. After reaching the peak, it slowly approached a plateau, and finally all fell silent. At this time, Lin Hang opened his eyes and let out a long breath. After that, a hint of joy appeared on Lin Hang's face, and after careful inspection again, Lin Hang dared to be sure that he had really broken through the middle stage of the transformation.

In this way, Lin Hang entered a rare quiet time of cultivation again. As time passed, ten years passed in "Candle World".

On this day, in the China Summer region of "Candle World", all the high-level Chinese military officers gathered together. The patriarchs of many families and many disciples above the Jindan stage, all of them stayed on the open field, like It is waiting for something big to happen.

In the crowd, there was a cold and cold woman standing in front of the crowd, without the intention of talking to anyone, waiting quietly.

After a while, everyone's eyes were cast into the air, and the sky in the sky had gradually darkened. Looking at this situation, it was clear that someone was trying to overcome the tribulation!

Among the crowd, Zhuo Sheng looked into the air with some worry, and said to Si Meng on one side, "I thought that at the speed of Lin Hang, I could try to cross the sky a few years ago. After all, he was already I don’t know what Lin Hang is planning after waiting for so many years for the cultivation in the later stage of the transformation?"

Si Meng shook his head and said, "We can't keep up with Lin Hang's ideas now, but Lin Hang has always had ideas and will not do anything against him, and we can't help at all. What are you busy, so we just watch!"

Listening to what they said, the figure in the sky preparing to cross the catastrophe was Lin Hang who had been practicing silently for ten years.

In these ten years, Lin Hang relied on the improvement of the power of the soul at the beginning to reach the middle stage of the transformation. After a few years of cultivation, he successfully broke through to the latter stage. Everyone thought that Lin Hang would soon Going to cross the tribulation, but Lin Hang has been dragging it until now, and he doesn't know why.

The look of Liu Ruyan in the crowd was obviously different from the others. As Lin Hang's closest person, Liu Ruyan clearly understood Lin Hang's plan. Although Liu Ruyan's expression was very indifferent at this time, there was a trace of worry between his eyebrows. Obviously, Lin Hang's plan was a bit risky in Liu Ruyan's eyes.

When everyone was thinking about it, the upper half of this area was completely dark, and everyone knew that the next moment of the catastrophe was coming, and they all converged their minds, holding their breath and staring at the figures in the sky.

At this time, Lin Hang was full of milky white light in the air. Looking at the richness of the light, it was obvious that he had a higher level of comprehension of that air transport secret than Wang Lao, who had just crossed the catastrophe at that time. Under the shining of this light, everyone could see Lin Hang's face clearly. Facing the imminent catastrophe, Lin Hang didn't have any fear on his face, on the contrary, there was a sense of calmness and lightness.

At this moment, the black air began to roll, and everyone knew that the dark clouds of Thunder Tribulation were about to condense. Gradually, two huge dark clouds slowly formed on Lin Hang's head.

"What? How could it be two?" Si Meng, who had been watching mid-air, suddenly exclaimed.

At this time, everyone present discovered this strange phenomenon, and they all showed a puzzled look. Even if they had never seen the Nine Heavens Tribulation before, Mr. Wang had personally experienced it a few years ago. Those of them who were present had also witnessed it with their own eyes. It was just a dark cloud, resulting in nine thunder tribulations. Just shock. Lin Hang's two dark clouds converged at the same time this time, what happened?

And Liu Ruyan's expression remained the same, but the worry in his eyes became more. Lin Hang briefly talked to her about his plan before crossing the catastrophe. This time, Lin Hang deliberately prepared for several years before starting to cross the catastrophe, which was the result of deliberate suppression. Lin Hang felt that his cultivation was a bit too slow to improve. If he continued to practice in this way, he might never catch up with Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan. Therefore, Lin Hang deliberately suppressed his own cultivation base when he reached the peak of the later stage of transforming gods, and then when he crossed the sky this time, Lin Hang chose to cross the two calamities together! In other words, this time the tribulation is a combination of the two tribulations in the late stage of the transformation and the early stage of the tribulation. If it can be successfully passed, then Lin Hang will directly become a monk in the middle of the tribulation!

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