I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 34

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:29 AM

Chapter 34: Beat Chuxiong

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With Liu Tianqi's defeat, everyone in the audience was silent. Liu Tianqi's reputation is still relatively large, and his strength has been recognized by many people, but that's how Liu Tianqi was still defeated by Lin Hang, and everyone's heart was a little bit hopeless. In addition, Lin Hang actually used the two abilities of wood and water in the two competitions, and those who were originally certain were a little confused about Lin Hang. At this time, everyone looked at Lin Hang who was smiling, but no one answered, and the scene became a little strange.

After the court was quiet for half a minute, one of them walked out and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, don't be too arrogant, everyone is just seeing you consume too much and want you to recover. Since you want to lose so much , I will fulfill you now!" After speaking, this person jumped onto the stage.

Lin Hang looked at him, it was Chu Xiong who provoked him that day. Ye Guangyuan couldn't help but said, "The surname is Chu! You know that my brother just finished fighting? Are you ashamed to challenge now?"

Lin Hang waved his hand and said, "Brother Ye, it's okay, my current state is enough to deal with him."

Chu Xiong did not refute. For him, defeating Lin Hang is the most important thing. Although he did use small means this time, as long as he defeated Lin Hang in the end, others' criticisms would only be held in his heart.

The two stood apart. After seeing the ceremony, Chu Xiong launched a fierce attack on Lin Hang. He wanted Lin Hang and himself to enter a situation of confrontation. He was in full condition now, and Lin Yi would definitely not last longer than himself. Although it's a bit despicable, his life credo is that he only values ​​the results, and the process doesn't matter.

Lin Hang did not dodge like the previous two times. Instead, he fought head-on with Chu Xiong, as if he was irritated by Chu Xiong. Losing his calmness, he wanted to teach Chu Xiong severely. Chu Xiong was proud of his heart and thought that his previous actions had had an effect. He wanted to be 100% sure of the victory of this competition. It was not enough to take action when Lin Hangling could consume a lot of spirits. He also angered Lin Hang with words and made Lin Hang. Fight with yourself, so that your victory will be easier.

But after a few rounds of fighting, Chu Xiong felt something was wrong. Lin Hang did not fall into the wind. On the contrary, when his fist hit Lin Hang, he actually felt a faint pain, but Lin Yi hit him with a trace. The feeling of power and weight. Chu Xiong felt it carefully, and was surprised to find that Lin Hang had actually used Xu Li's first tactics, wrapping himself with rich earth elements, forming a layer of protective armor, both offensively and defensively.

Lin Hang finally smiled at this time. He knocked Chu Xiong into the air with a punch. While Chu Xiong was in the air, his hands were joined together, and he mobilized his psychic energy to form a huge rock ball. He couldn't control himself in mid-air. Chu Xiong wrapped it in. After completing this move, Lin Hang did not stop. He counted in his mind and waited for a while. Pushing forward with both hands, a dull explosion sounded in the rock ball, and then the rock ball turned into pieces of dry and cracked soil. , Shattered, and Chu Xiong in it was already unconscious, his whole body fainted in darkness.

Everyone was a little unclear, so they didn't know what happened. Suddenly Chu Xiong, who was aggressive, was defeated. In fact, Lin Hang had already figured out the countermeasures before the competition, pretending to be affected by Chu Xiong's radical strategy, gave up his own advantages, and went head-to-head with Chu Xiong. But when he shook hands with Xu Li, he had already copied Xu Li's ability, and Xu Li had done a good demonstration to Lin Hang before. Therefore, learning now and selling now, while Chu Xiong was not paying attention, restricted his actions and wrapped him in a rock ball. Originally, this was just a trick to trap the enemy, but Lin Hang injected water and fire elements into the rock ball. The water was evaporated by the flame, and the air pressure in the closed ball was greatly increased. Among them, Chuxiong was not only exposed to water and fire. It was roasted, and was fainted by the air pressure.

In these few matches, Lin Hang had already understood that he was invincible in the competition of the same level, without any exaggeration. Just like the combo that just defeated Chu Xiong, this was originally an operation that needed the cooperation of the team to complete, but it could be done easily by himself. Oneself is equivalent to a team. As long as one's own psychic energy is sufficient, it is very terrifying. This is why Wang Lao said that the more he is in the later stage, the stronger he is.

Such a clean solution to Chu Xiong was undoubtedly another blow to everyone in the audience. How to fight this! Hang it up! No matter who you are, I can restrain you, which is very boring. This is also the effect that Lin Hang wants. Since he has become a disciple of Wang Lao, he naturally can't lose his name to Lao Wang. Since Master can suppress this era, he can't be a cringing disciple. Such a spirited spirit is in line with his current identity.

Seeing the current situation, Lin Hang also knew that no one would want to deal with him again. In fact, they have not yet shown all their strengths. Some people are sure to have the confidence to defeat them, but they will also expose all their strengths. This is obviously not in line with their plan. Their goal is this time. In the competition for hegemony, showing one's strength now will miss the opportunity.

Sure enough, everyone in the audience said at this time, "Lin Hang, you fought three consecutive games today. You are already very tired. We are not going to take advantage of others. Let's see the truth in the competition!"

Lin Hang had expected it, and naturally had no opinion, and he said, "Then you guys don't send it! Let's fight for the winner in the hegemony in a few days!" Today's effect has been played out, at least he is now in the younger generation Zhong has a firm foothold, there will be no such thing as questioning oneself as soon as it comes out.

After everyone left the field one by one, Lin Hang was obviously in a very good mood. He turned to Ye Guangyuan and said, "Big Brother Ye, Brother Tian! I have a treat today, let's go have a big meal!" The two naturally had no objection, and the three of them joked and went straight to the hotel.

After seeing Lin Hang's performance today, Tian Dayong couldn't help being amazed. Lin Hang had already revealed his external abilities to Tian Dayong, so Tian Dayong knew that Lin Hang was not doing his best today, and even Lin Hang was just playing, the most important space-time ability was not played at all. What shocked Tian Dayong the most was not Lin Hang's combat power, but the combat IQ demonstrated by Lin Hang, which really made Tian Dayong look at Lin Hang squarely. No matter how strong a person is, if he can't keep up with his combat IQ, it's just a machine gun with inaccurate aiming. It can't hit people at all. Lin Hang's current trend seems to have the appearance of a master.

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