I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 342

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:21 AM

Chapter 342: Complete the robbery

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At this time, the "Emperor Arrow" that Lin Hang sat down also extinguished the pink flame on the surface of the body at the same time. After being tempered by the flame, the whole body began to emit a silver light, and the grade was obviously very high. Big improvement.

Liu Ruyan and others in the audience also saw Lin Hang's state at this time. All the pink fireworks on the whole body, including the sitting down "Emperor Jiang Arrow", disappeared. If you look closely, Lin Hang's current state. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but depending on the situation, it seems that you have successfully survived the disaster?

Before Lin Hang opened his eyes, everyone did not move rashly. They were afraid that they would accidentally disturb Lin Hang and cause some bad things. So they all waited quietly below. It was just the worry in everyone's heart. Dissipated a lot.

In this way, an hour's time passed, Lin Hang finally opened his eyes, and what followed was the powerful aura fluctuations emanating from all over his body. Lin Hang was very satisfied at this time. He had experienced the baptism of nine times and eighteen thunder tribulations, and then refined all the yin fire of the yin-fire tribulation. This time, the harvest after the tribulation was greater than he thought many. Divine Soul cultivation first easily broke through to the late stage of the Tribulation, which is already very close to the distance of the immortal, and the physical cultivation base also reached the late stage of the Tribulation, the last spiritual power cultivation base benefited the most from this time. In the later stage, it jumped directly to the later stage of the robbery! Finally, it was the first time to catch up in the footsteps of Divine Soul. Before that, Lin Hang’s three-way practitioners, but because the progress was very different, there were always some dissatisfaction when practicing "Fusion Chapter", and now the three-way repair In order to finally reach agreement, practicing "Fusion Chapter" under such circumstances will be extremely smooth.

Lin Hang checked the "Emperor Arrow" sitting down again, and also showed a satisfied look. Although "Emperor Arrow" has been able to follow his cultivation level and continuously improve its grade, it is because of Lin Hang's own cultivation level. Some are too fast, "Emperor Arrow" can't get enough time to improve, so before this time, the grade has been lagging behind his own cultivation base, and he can't help Lin Hang much in normal times. Up. Under the baptism of the yin and fire disaster this time, "Emperor Jiang Arrow" can be regarded as a metamorphosis, and it is now a very good grade of Congenital Lingbao, although like Lin Hang himself, it has not been able to break through the limit of immortality. , But the rank below Dengxian can already be regarded as a top-level existence.

Lin Hang took a picture of the seated "Emperor River Arrow", and then "Emperor River Arrow" quickly shrunk to its original size. He walked around Lin Hang spiritually, and then was taken back by Lin Hang with great reluctance. In the pubic area.

After finishing all this, Lin Hang glanced down, and then quickly came to the ground.

The high priest saw that Lin Hang had successfully overcome the catastrophe, so he didn't stay anymore. He already left first. After Lin Hang gave Liu Ruyan a relieved look, he fisted Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng and said , "Brother Zhuo, Sister Si Meng, bother you are waiting here! I have successfully overcome the catastrophe now, so don't worry!"

Zhuo Sheng waved his hand and said with a smile, "What's wrong with us, now that we see you successfully overcome the catastrophe, all the worries in our hearts are gone! If something really happened to you, how can we tell Mr. Wang? Explain! Since you have no problems, we will go back first!"

Lin Hang nodded and watched Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng leave, then walked a few steps quickly and came to Liu Ruyan's side.

Originally, Liu Ruyan was very pleased to see Lin Hang successfully overcoming the catastrophe, but then he thought of something. When Lin Hang came over, he turned his back, showing that he didn't want to deal with Lin Hang.

Lin Hang naturally knew why Liu Ruyan would behave like this. This time he chose to cross the two catastrophes together, and indeed faced a huge danger in the end. Originally, if the tribulation was carried out step by step, the cultivator’s faint perception of the tribulation in Lin Hang’s heart did not have the catastrophe of the fire. Nine layers of eighteen thunder tribulations have been attracted, and only after the thunder tribulation will continue to fall on the Yin and Fire Tribulation, to destroy Lin Hang. If it wasn't for the great elder's secret technique that was really against the sky, the result this time was really hard to say. In fact, what Lin Hang didn’t know was that the world thought that the soul-thirsty who had slaughtered countless countless tribulations attracted the test of the Nine Heavenly Tribulation. The Calamity of Yinhuo and the Calamity of Yinfeng have been brought! Under such circumstances, the Venerable Spiritualist still relied on the secret technique of Qi Luck created by himself to forcibly survive the two calamities. Although the strength of the spiritualist is the key to survive the catastrophe, there is still no denying that this secret technique has also provided great help.

Lin Hang came to Liu Ruyan's back, stretched out his hands and slowly turned Liu Ruyan around. Looking at Liu Ruyan's serious face with a hint of anger, Lin Hang said softly, "I'm sorry, Yan'er , This time I was really reckless! I was too confident in my own judgment, thinking that my strength was no problem, but because of this it almost caused a catastrophe! Fortunately, I listened to you and delved into the secret of luck developed by the great elder. Only then can I survive this way. Yan'er, don't worry, this time I made a mistake in my estimation, and I promise I will never worry you like this again!"

Liu Ruyan snorted softly, beat Lin Hang's chest lightly, and scolded, "I don't want to care about you in the future! You can do whatever you want from now on, and I won't care about it anymore. Otherwise, you will come out. What happened, I was still worried in the end!"

Lin Hang knew that Liu Ruyan was behaving like this because he cared about himself. He was only irritating his own recklessness. He smiled and embraced Liu Ruyan who was wrong in his mouth, and said softly, "Yan'er, I am not and Have you ever said that I must stand in front of you, shield you from wind and rain, and block all hardships and hardships! But the past few years have passed, and you have temporarily slowed down your cultivation speed, but it has already I have reached the cultivation goal in the middle of the catastrophe. If I don't work hard and practice step by step, I don't know when I will be able to catch up with you! That's why I want to take the risk to improve my strength and shorten the distance between you. The catastrophe this time is indeed very dangerous, but I also got enough benefits. Now, Yan'er, you can stand behind me with peace of mind, and I will protect you from now on!"

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