I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 343

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:20 AM

Chapter 343: Warning

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Feeling the strong self-confidence in Lin Hang’s words, Liu Ruyan has time to investigate Lin Hang’s cultivation status. If you don’t check it, you don’t know. After this investigation, Liu Ruyan found that he couldn’t see through it at all. Lin Hang's repair! Liu Ruyan covered her mouth and said uncertainly, "Xiao Hang, your cultivation base...? Could it be that you have broken through to the late stage of the Tribulation?"

It is impossible for Liu Ruyan to say that he is not shocked. Lin Hang’s cultivation base before crossing the Tribulation was the late stage of God Transformation. Although this was the result of Lin Hang’s own suppression of the cultivation base, it was only the initial stage of God Transforming. That's it. When Lin Hang was preparing to cross the double catastrophe, he also wanted to rely on the self-suppression of this tribulation and cultivation base to stimulate himself, so that he could break through two realms in a short time, reaching the level of the middle of the catastrophe. . But in the current situation, Liu Ruyan realized that he could no longer understand Lin Hang’s cultivation base. There is only one possibility in this situation, that is, Lin Hang’s cultivation base has reached the late stage of the tribulation, which is the tribulation above her. Late! Such a breakthrough is an incredible thing in any era, no wonder Liu Ruyan reacted like this at this time.

Lin Hang laughed, rubbed Liu Ruyan's hair, and said, "Yan'er, yes, my current spiritual power cultivation base, under the baptism of the tribulation, has reached the level of the late stage of the tribulation. The most important thing is that what I have improved is not only my spiritual strength cultivation base, but my soul and physical body have also been strengthened simultaneously, and now they are all at the level of the late stage of the catastrophe! That is to say, wait until I complete the improvement this time. After digestion, you can start preparing for the matter of ascension!"

Feeling Lin Hang’s joy, Liu Ruyan was also pleasantly surprised that Lin Hang was able to achieve such a big breakthrough, but still said, "Xiao Hang, I know that this time the improvement is really huge, and I am also very happy for you. , But, I hope you don’t fall in love with this feeling because of this! You know that not every time you have such good luck! I would rather you improve slowly than you always put yourself in danger , Xiaohang, can you understand?"

After hearing this, Lin Hang nodded solemnly. He knew what Liu Ruyan meant. This time the breakthrough was so great. Liu Ruyan was afraid that he would be addicted to this feeling and would use this method to pursue the ultimate breakthrough. road. This method may be no problem once or twice, but it is impossible to be foolproof forever. As long as one mistake is made, it will be an abyss!

Lin Hang said in a deep voice, "Well, Yan'er, don't worry! This time is indeed a relief! In the days to come, I will practice steadily, and take every step to the best, never let you do this again. Worried!"

After the two chatted for a while, they each returned to their own practice place. Lin Hang naturally did not forget Wang Lao, who was still worried about him when he was on Qingtian Island. After explaining to Liu Ruyan, Lin Hang hurriedly diverted his mind and connected to the man who was on standby on Qingtian Island. Avatar.

On Qingtian Island, after Lin Hang's clone opened his eyes, he noticed Wang Lao's concerned gaze. Seeing that the clone had reacted, the big rock in his heart fell to the ground at this time, and he vomited a long time. He sighed and said, "Hang'er, seeing the current situation, I can finally relax my mind as a teacher! You should have successfully survived the catastrophe and entered the catastrophe period, right? According to your plan, the middle of the catastrophe should be Isn't it far?"

Lin Hang's clone laughed, and said, "Teacher, you are worried! The disciple has indeed successfully overcome the catastrophe, but this time the accident of the catastrophe of Yinhuo has appeared, and the improvement of the disciple's cultivation level is indeed beyond. The disciple's estimate!"

Mr. Wang nodded. There was no surprise to Lin Hang's statement. Although Mr. Wang had not been exposed to the catastrophe of the fire, he also knew that he would be able to successfully survive such a calamity, and he would definitely get some unexpected benefits.

Old Wang smiled and said, "Hang'er, then, you have now broken through to the middle of the catastrophe? That is really a blessing in disguise, but you can't do this often in the future. This kind of cultivation level raises the risk too much. , It’s not a suitable method, but it’s better to practice step by step. After all, your current strength may not even be your opponent as a teacher. For the sake of Huaxia’s human race, you must also ensure your own safety. You can't take such a big risk like this!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Teacher, the disciple understands! This time it was indeed that the disciple was not thoughtful, and it was not considered the final catastrophe of fire. This incident also made the disciple a great vigilance, disciple The journey is indeed a bit too smooth, and I haven't encountered any major setbacks. After this time, the disciples will face themselves more squarely, not being too conceited!

As he said, Lin Hang's voice changed, and he said with a smile, "But, teacher, you didn't guess right this time! The disciple's current cultivation base is not the middle stage of the catastrophe that you said, but has reached the catastrophe. The level of the later stage! Whether it is spiritual power, physical body or spirit, the disciples finally completed the balance this time, and all reached the level of the later stage of the catastrophe! This also allowed me to face the future realm more freely. After all, the process of ascending to the immortal has been since ancient times. Since then, there is no one. Only when you are fully prepared, can you increase your chances of climbing!"

Lao Wang was also shocked by Lin Hang's words, and even after showing ecstasy again, Lin Hang was able to reach the current state, Wang Lao was indeed happy for Lin Hang from the bottom of his heart. Mr. Wang would not feel awkward because Lin Hang was his apprentice and his cultivation level surpassed himself. On the contrary, Mr. Wang very much hoped that Lin Hang could surpass himself. In this way, Mr. Wang would not have to worry about Lin Hang’s safety all the time. Lin Hang can already take care of himself.

"Good! Good! Good!" Wang Laolian said three times, expressing his joy and gratification, and then said with emotion, "Hang'er, you are finally surpassing being a teacher! Being a teacher really is I’m very happy. It’s just the way forward. The teacher can no longer provide you with any support. Your parents can only rely on you to pursue it. However, the teacher believes in you, you have come along this way, although you say No setbacks have been encountered, but the hard work and sweat you have put in are all in your eyes as a teacher! You can reach the point where you are today, and you will not feel anything wrong as a teacher, Hang'er, the next path Go well, for yourself and for the Huaxia people, go on well!"

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