I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 346

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:17 AM

Chapter 346: Xu Li's potential

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After Wang Lao had confessed everything, he didn't say anything, he directly teleported away from Qingtian Island, and then quietly opened a door at the entrance of "Candle World" in Dian City, and the deity of Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan walked away together. After coming out, and after meeting Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang walked into the light gate, and Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan directly teleported to Qingtian Island.

This time Lin Hang came out with Liu Ruyan because of Liu Ruyan's request. Now that Liu Ruyan’s cultivation base has reached the mid-stage of the Tribulation Transition, it’s no longer the time to make a smooth breakthrough through hard cultivation, so Liu Ruyan actively asked to come to Earth Star with Lin Hang to guard Qingtian. island.

Liu Ruyan came to Qingtian Island for the first time, and after experiencing it for the first time, he couldn't help but sigh the magic of Qingtian Island. In this way, the two began to be stationed on Qingtian Island, and a few days later, a team that had been practicing outside returned to Qingtian Island.

The moment this team came back, Lin Hang felt it, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and walked out of his lounge quickly.

Lin Hang did not hide his aura, quickly approached the team, and said from a distance, "Brother Tian, ​​don't come here without problems!"

The leader in the crowd heard this sound and turned around suddenly. After seeing the person, he ran over with some surprise and said, "Lin Hang! Have you ended your retreat? Have you come to garrison on Qingtian Island again? "

With that said, Tian Dayong waved to his team members and asked them to arrange their rest. Lin Hang also waved to Xu Li and other familiar faces in the team, and took Tian Dayong back to his lounge. .

In the lounge, Lin Hang and Tian Dayong sat separately, Tian Dayong smiled and said, "Lin Hang, looking at the meaning now, old man Wang went back to "Candle World"? You should be here after that, right? ?"

Lin Hang nodded and replied, "Well, after I ended the retreat this time, I took the initiative to propose to take over as a teacher, so I will accompany you in the coming days!"

Tian Dayong's face began to glow at this time, and he smiled and said, "Haha, then I feel a lot easier! I am not saying that Mr. Wang is not good for him, but Mr. Wang is our elder after all. We all seemed very cautious during the teleportation by Mr. Wang. Now that you are here, we can return to our previous state again, which is great! But, brother, you have been in retreat for ten years this time, did you get it too? A good improvement?"

Lin Hang said, "Big Brother Tian, ​​I know you so well, and I don’t want to hide it from you. This time I did get a great improvement in the retreat, but I also encountered great risks. So here, I also I would like to remind you from the bottom of my heart that this matter of cultivation still needs to be done step by step, don't rush, otherwise, it is very likely to encounter great danger!"

With that, Lin Hang took out a soulweed and introduced, "Brother Tian, ​​this is a soulweed. It is an excellent natural treasure that can enhance the power of the soul. I know you are now in the golden core. At the critical moment when you break through the Nascent Soul Stage, after taking this soulweed, your Soul Power will grow steadily for a period of time, and after the Soul Power increases, you will break through the Nascent Soul Stage even more. Simple!"

Tian Dayong knew about Lin Hang. He did not be polite with Lin Hang at this time. He took the soulweed directly and put it away. He smiled and said, "Thank you, brother! I am not polite with you, Lao Tian, ​​although my current strength I can't help you anymore, but as long as you say something, I won't have a word of nonsense in Lao Tian!"

Lin Hang waved his hand and said, "Big Brother Tian, ​​I wish you a successful breakthrough here! I remember that the members of your team are all disciples of the Golden Core Stage. How is their cultivation situation now? What a good seed?"

Lin Hang’s current strategy is not to distribute the soulweed to all the disciples, but to select some disciples who have performed more prominently at this stage, and give the soulweed first, so that they can directly use the help of the soulweed. Break through. As for the other disciples, they still have to practice for a while, and without much insight, there will be no chance of breakthrough.

Tian Dayong thought for a while, thought about it for a while, and said, "Lin Hang, do you want to give this soul grass to some outstanding disciples? Um..., according to the current situation, our team is now Apart from me, there is only one late Jindan, which should meet your requirements 100%. As for the other disciples, there are so many cultivation bases in the Jindan mid-term. I can't tell you the specific list. You need to check it out yourself, and then make sure!"

On such matters, Tian Dayong feels that he is not good at expressing opinions directly. Among such a team of twenty people, Tian Dayong must have a few players who get along better, but Tian Dayong knows that as the captain, he also It's not easy to favor these disciples directly, so except for the elite genius who has reached the late stage of Jin Dan, the other people Tian Dayong did not directly name them, and wanted Lin Hang to judge for himself.

After thinking about it, Lin Hang understood what Tian Dayong meant, and asked in surprise, "Brother Tian, ​​in this short period of three years, besides you, there are actually disciples who can cultivate to the later stage of Golden Core? Who is he, do I know him?"

Tian Dayong laughed and said, "Of course you know! This genius is Xu Li! In fact, I was quite shocked. When he first came to Earth Star, Xu Li was just like the other team members, just Jin Dan. No one thought that the initial cultivation base was nothing more than three years. Xu Liqu had grown tremendously in just over three years. He just broke through to the late Jindan stage a few days ago! Such a speed is no less than that of you at the time. So, I also think that you can pay close attention to Xu Li, his potential may not be fully explored! In my view, a real strong person, although the cultivation level is also a very important aspect , But his character is even more important. Xu Li is very calm and can think of correct solutions without panic. These days, Xu Li can be regarded as slowly blooming his light, and now he has become firmly established The second person in our team!"

When Lin Hang heard that it was Xu Li, there was a faint feeling like this in his heart. Lin Hang got to know Xu Li quite early. It was before the Beijing New Type Tournament, the two of them had already met each other, and it was considered that they did not know each other.

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