I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 347

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:16 AM

Chapter 347: Lin Hang's plan

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Later in the competition, the two gradually became good friends, so Lin Hang knew Xu Li better. It may be because of the family history of Xu's family. The first time I met Xu Li, he felt very calm, not panic in the face of things, and had a clear understanding and judgment of himself. Once Xu Li is recognized as a friend, he will get all of Xu Li’s friendship. Although Xu Li’s realization was not so good at the time of the competition, his later development was not as fast as Lin Hang and Ye Guangyuan, but Xu The performance of Li is like his own abilities, very thick, and now maybe it is the display of Xu Li's later strength.

Lin Hang nodded and said with a smile, "Sure enough, it is Xu Li! In fact, I have always felt that he has this potential, and Xu Li has always felt that he can be trusted and relied on. He was able to reach the current state, he must have made a lot of effort, so I am not surprised at all. Then this time the soulweed must have his share, I believe other people will have nothing. As for the other people in your team, I will make my own decision after I check it out! In the next time, Brother Tian and your team will stay on the Sky Island for the time being, after I have confirmed the personnel , You use this soul grass to enhance your own soul power, and strive to be able to rise to the next level!"

Tian Dayong nodded, and did not ask Lin Hang how to determine the candidate. After seeing that there was nothing wrong, Tian Dayong left directly.

Lin Hang still has his own judgment on the selection of candidates. In addition to Tian Dayong and Xu Li, the other members of the entire team are also in the middle stage of Jin Dan. From this aspect, there is really no way to select suitable candidates. However, every outstanding talent is certainly not only outstanding in one aspect. Under careful observation, you can definitely find it. And Lin Hang didn't decide in advance the number of people to give soul grass. After all, he didn't know much about the members of this team. If all the members met Lin Hang's standards, Lin Hang would not be unable to distribute them together.

After Tian Dayong's team took a rest for one night, Tian Dayong was directly summoned to a clearing in the center of Sky Island early the next morning, and here, Lin Hang had already been waiting here early.

Tian Dayong didn't tell the players the purpose of getting here, so there was a trace of doubt on the faces of many players, and they didn't know what was waiting for them.

Tian Dayong’s team is the strongest among all Huaxia teams, so Lin Hang saw many familiar faces in the crowd. In addition to Tian Dayong Xu Li, Lin Hang’s brother Lin Chengye, Jingcheng Liu Ruyan, Liu Ruyan's younger brother, were all geniuses who had emerged during Lin Hang's Beijing Rising Star Competition. In fact, this is also very normal. What is a genius? That is, they can become top elites in any field, and they can be called geniuses. These disciples are outstanding in the original cultivation system. Now after they have modified the new spiritual power cultivation, the middle of the big Some of them can still walk ahead of others. This is not only a manifestation of their respective talents, but more of the fine traditions and inheritance of their respective families.

Lin Hang looked at these familiar faces, clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention, and said, "Brothers, I have brought you here today. There is an important thing to tell you. I see you all recently. I have worked very hard in my cultivation, so I want to give you some help."

As he said, Lin Hang took out a soulweed, slowly floated it over the palm of his hand, and then introduced, "Brothers, this grass is called the soulweed. As the name suggests, its effect is It can greatly enhance the user’s spirit power. As for the spirits, you don’t have much feelings about them. I can only say that the spirits are very important in your later cultivation! Therefore, the spirits can become stronger, and it is also very important for your cultivation. Great benefit. And this is what I said to help you!"

Even if Lin Hang said so, it is still difficult for these disciples off the court to truly understand how precious this soulweed is. In the great races of ancient times, they would not give it to gold. Dan Qi disciples use such extravagant things, because even the lowest-level soul grass can be met and unquestionable. Generally, it is given priority to the clan cultivation base closest to Dengxian, and it is rarely directly delegated.

However, after Lin Hang said this, Xu Li in the crowd stood up, his face was steady, and he said in a deep voice, "Lin Hang, although you said that understatement, I can feel the soul grass in your hand. Precious. And for those of us who can grow to the present point, China has given us too much support! I don’t know if the soul grass you mentioned is such a rare resource, I just want to say, We have received enough support. You can also let other Huaxia disciples enjoy more of these new resources, so that our overall Huaxia can develop better!"

Lin Hang was shocked as soon as Xu Li said this. He didn't expect Xu Li to say such a thing, but it also made Lin Hang appreciate Xu Li even more. Although these disciples are all enjoying Huaxia's long-standing training, but being able to read Huaxia's goodness is not necessarily what all disciples can do. Xu Li's performance now shows that in Xu Li's heart, he knows Huaxia's devotion, and he is also a grateful person. Only when the future Huaxia is handed over to Xu Li, can Lin Hang and the others be assured.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Xu Li, and the many brothers present, don’t have too much psychological pressure on this soul grass. This is not a resource of the Chinese military, but a gift from me personally. I, Lin Hang, can also understand your current cultivation situation, so I just want to give you a boost at this critical moment, so that your cultivation path can go further! You must know that you, as the Huaxia Die A group of experienced disciples who have their own talents are the top ones among all of our current disciples in China. Therefore, if you can quickly become stronger, we can be regarded as the backbone of China and continue to develop. You can also provide help to the subsequent disciples. Only by passing on from generation to generation, our Huaxia can continue to grow and grow stronger!"

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