I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 35

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:29 AM

Chapter 35: The competition begins

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Although everyone's challenge to Lin Hang caused a lot of disturbance in the capital, everyone's focus was still on the competition a few days later. Therefore, after Lin Hang repelled everyone, the capital became calm.

After Lin Hang tested the strength of this generation of young people, he was already determined to win the championship. He was not proud and complacent, nor did his daily practice fall. In his free time, apart from visiting the major attractions in the capital he had been yearning for, he exchanged his cultivation experience with Ye Guangyuan, Dayong and Dayong.

Soon, the time came to the day of the competition.

Tian Dayong has already settled Lin Hang’s registration for him, and it is worth mentioning that Lin Hang is representing the military in the competition this time, so although Lin Hang is not welcomed by most geniuses in the military, the military Fang is still the best backer behind him. In other words, Lin Hang could only be defeated head-on, and many secret methods would not be used against Lin Hang.

Lin Hang took Ye Guangyuan's car to the competition venue, and of course Tian Dayong also followed. This time the venue is set in a forest outside the capital city. Basically, every game will choose to be in such an inaccessible place. After all, this world is still mostly ordinary people. For the sake of concealment and to protect them, it will not be very difficult every time. Held with great fanfare.

After the three arrived, Tian Dayong introduced the rules to the two. This competition is different from the past. There are as many as 300 participants, so this competition is divided into three rounds. First of all, all the participants will enter a secret realm. The first 100 people who complete the task can enter the next round, and then start the trial. The 100 people are randomly divided into eight groups, and the eight players will play against each other. The best record The two qualified and entered the finals.

Lin Hang and Ye Guangyuan came earlier, they looked for a place to close their eyes and rest their minds, adjusted their state to the best, and waited for the start of the competition.

After a while, Tian Dayong said in a low voice, "Here, it's about to begin." Lin Hang opened his eyes immediately.

Lin Hang followed Tian Dayong's eyes, and a helicopter slowly fell into the forest. Many contestants in the forest also noticed and gathered around.

After the helicopter stopped, three men in military uniforms walked out of it. One of them stepped forward and took out a stone the size of a ping pong ball from his arms, glowing with silver luster. He crushed the stone and turned the stone into powder. The energy in it burst out, opening a hole.

After watching the formation of the portal, the officer took out something similar to a tablet computer and said loudly, "This time the secret realm assessment task requires you to find the'Secret Realm Stones' scattered in the secret realm. It looks just like the one I just used. After you get it, you can leave the secret realm alone for ten minutes. To remind you, there are only 120 secret realm stones in the whole secret realm, and only the first 100 people who get the secret realm stones and come out can get into the next round. Qualifications. Also, I don’t want any casualties in the whole process of the secret realm, so you can fight, but don’t deliberately kill people. Those who violate this rule will be eliminated directly! Passing through this gate is your first place in this competition. The venues of a round of secret realms, now, come up one by one and enter by name."

After saying this, many people stepped forward one by one. Whenever a person came to the officer to report his name, the instrument in his hand would scan and detect the identity of the person, and the officer would send him a bracelet. This bracelet will record everyone's performance, which is to warn and protect the players. Another function of this bracelet is to warn the secret stone within 20 meters.

Lin Hang and Ye Guangyuan also stepped forward to receive the bracelet, and then went to the secret realm respectively.

After passing through this gate, Lin Hang regained his senses after a trance. After experiencing the feeling just now, Lin Hang knew that the light gate just now was just a teleportation array. It should be a portal made by a strong person in the space system, and the secret realm he was currently in should be elsewhere. And this is a random teleportation array, he and Ye Guangyuan entered at the same time, and they are not teleported together now.

"I don't know how big this secret realm is, and it can accommodate more than 300 people for the assessment. I think it should not be small." Lin Hang thought as he walked, he was going to get a secret realm stone first before thinking about other things.

After walking like this for about half an hour, although Lin Hang didn't go forward with all his strength, his speed was not too slow, and he didn't encounter a single figure. Lin Hang found out that this secret realm was bigger than he thought. If he finds more than a hundred ping-pong **** in such a large space, it is almost like finding a needle in a haystack. Lin Hang then understood why the bracelet had the function of warning the secret stone around him. If it didn't, the trip to the secret realm might last a long time, and everyone was busy looking for the secret stone.

Suddenly, Lin Hang felt a psionic wave from the "Watcher Guard" in the northeast, and it was obvious that someone had just entered the surveillance range of the guard arranged by Lin Hang. Lin Yi calculated the trajectory of the fluctuation, adjusted the direction, and walked towards the target.

After a while, Lin Hang's enhanced perception discovered the figure approaching fast in front of him, and he quickly climbed up the tree beside him, waiting for this person to arrive. Soon, when the figure passed by the big tree where Lin Yi was located, it was suddenly caught in a large net of vines rising from the ground, and it was instantly **** to be strong. When the person was about to break free, Lin Hang lifted from the tree. Jumping off, a punch stopped this person from struggling.

"Big brother, don't hit me, don't hit me!"

Lin Hang looked at the'big zongzi' who was begging for mercy in front of him with interest, and asked, "Why don't you beat you, do you have anything worth letting you go?"

That person obviously recognized Lin Hang, the secret path was unlucky, how could he be touched by this monster, now it seems that Lin Hang is obviously more difficult to deal with in such an environment, and there are so many abilities.

"Of course! Brother, I have the information you want, exclusive!" This person hurriedly said.

After some understanding, Lin Hang released the restraints. This person was named Lu Sanjin, the young master of the Binhai Lu family. His abilities were very strange. He did not inherit the abilities of the family, and mutated into a very unique "Shunfeng Ears" ability, this ability. According to the wind, you can hear the news from far away. The distance increases with the increase of strength, but now it is not a problem within fifty miles. He just followed the wind and heard the sound of fighting from the west. According to the analysis of the intensity, the number of people was at least ten. On such a scale, the secret stone must have been discovered. He was about to rush to fish in troubled waters, but was caught by Lin Hang.

Lin Hang kindly helped Lu Sanjin up, and ‘stole’ this strange power with ease, and then said to Lu Sanjin, “I’m going to fight for the secret stone, will you come with me?”

Lu Sanjin thought of Lin Hang's strong strength, naturally wanted to hug this thick leg, and said quickly, "Of course! Brother Lin, I will do my best to help you this time! I just hope you can take care of me too! "

Lin Hang nodded and led Lu Sanjin to the west quickly.

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