I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 350

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:15 AM

Chapter 350: The secret of Ziwei Emperor

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It's just that, although Ka Rong opened his eyes, there was no trace of expression in his eyes, only a rich golden light wrapped in the entire eyeball.

Seeing this scene, Liu Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, Xiaohang, now this Ka Rong has been controlled by me. No matter what questions you ask him, he will tell you the truth. There will be no concealment."

Lin Hang looked at Liu Ruyan's movements, nodded, and exclaimed, "Yan'er, your ability is too perverted! Is it that simple to control his mind?"

In fact, Lin Hang also has the means to control the minds of others, that is the ability of "Fantasy" from the Yu Family, but this ability is not only slow to perform, it may not be successful, and it is easy to correct if you are not careful. The sea of ​​consciousness of the caster caused irreversible damage, and then it was not worth the gain.

Liu Ruyan is different. The golden light that just shot through the golden lotus is not Liu Ruyan’s talent secret method, but a unique ability of this golden lotus. Liu Ruyan named it "Controlling God "Once this technique is cast, you can completely control the mind of the caster. As long as the caster's mental strength does not exceed Liu Ruyan, the chance of success is very high. And the most important thing is that after such "controlling the gods" is finished, the victim will not leave any hidden dangers and memories, so don't worry about what will be left behind. It is definitely the best auxiliary technique for secret exploration. Up.

Since Liu Ruyan failed to cross the catastrophe, but after Lin Hang came back again, Liu Ruyan's body has an extra golden lotus like the former golden lotus fairy. This golden lotus has become Liu Ruyan's life spirit. treasure. It's just that the appearance of this golden lotus was very abrupt, and Liu Ruyan didn't have the slightest sacrifice. He was born with many special functions. There are three main functions currently developed by Ruyan Liu. The "Controlling God Technique" just now is only one of them. In fact, the main ability of the Golden Lotus is protection. If the Golden Lotus is placed under the feet, it will automatically release Defensive golden light can protect every place of the whole body in all directions, without the slightest blind spot. Lin Hang had also tried this ability, and found that even if he attacked with all his strength, it would take a lot of time before he could completely break the golden light defense. The protective ability was really good.

And this golden lotus still has an ability, but now it does not show its power. Liu Ruyan found that where the golden light of this golden lotus passed, all the spirit treasures would temporarily lose their efficacy, and then be brushed off by the golden light, and Liu Ruyan take away. Originally, this ability similar to the legendary demon great power Kong Xuan's "Five Colors of Light" should be very powerful, but because for now, this ability can only brush off the spirit level far lower than Liu Ruyan. Bao, in a very similar battle, it didn't play a big role. Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan are not in a hurry for the time being, they want to see if there is any possibility of improvement in this ability as their cultivation level increases.

Lin Hang came to the golden-eyed Ka Rong, thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Ka Rong, do you know Ziwei Emperor Star?"

Ka Rong opened his mouth at this time and uttered a very mechanical voice, "The Ziwei Emperor Star was originally a very famous piece of cosmic light in ancient times. It was the dojo of the inborn **** Ziwei Emperor. Ziwei Emperor had a lot of friends in his life, so this It also caused the Ziwei Emperor Star to be very prosperous. In the ancient times, it accommodated countless monks of the ten thousand races. Coupled with the suppression of the Ziwei Emperor, no matter how big the contradictions of these races are, they will converge a lot by the Ziwei Emperor. It can go on forever, but at the end of the ancient period, Emperor Ziwei was involved in the great catastrophe at that time, and he himself disappeared at the time of the catastrophe. I don't know what the situation is now. And the prosperous Ziwei Emperor star I also slowly fell lonely, because of Emperor Ziwei, Emperor Ziwei star was finally destroyed in the catastrophe."

What Ka Rong said was something that Lin Hang had already understood. Just when Lin Hang thought he was wrong in his guess, Ka Rong continued to speak, "And at the end of this catastrophe, our ancient tribes also suffered. A lot of losses were incurred, so a part of the ten thousand races stayed on the prehistoric continent and slowly died away, while another part came to an unfamiliar piece of Zhouguang. The location of this piece of Zhouguang is very hidden. The remaining ten thousand races used it as our place of refuge, and they have been living on it for many years. Only after we lived for a while, we discovered that this piece of cosmic light was a fragment of the broken Ziwei Emperor star at that time. Also found in it were the descendants of Emperor Ziwei at that time, and some of the human forces. It may be that they are adhering to the will of Emperor Ziwei. They did not reject our arrival. For many years, we have still coexisted on this fragment. And this fragment, we continue to call it Ziwei Emperor Star, but although the name is the same, both its strength and deterrence are far inferior to the ancient times."

After listening to Ka Rong’s introduction, Lin Hang finally understood. As they guessed, the ancient Ziwei Emperor Star was indeed destroyed in the Great Tribulation. The current Ziwei Emperor The star turned out to be just a fragment of the Purple Emperor Star in ancient times. Even such fragments can accommodate such a powerful force as the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance, which is enough to show how powerful the Ziwei Emperor Star and Ziwei Emperor in ancient times are.

After knowing this, Lin Hang could be regarded as getting the information he wanted, and after thinking about it, he continued, "Then how did you come to Earth Star, and what is the real purpose of coming to Earth Star?"

Ka Rong was still expressionless, except for the golden light in his eyes, and continued to replied, "We have been planning for the Ten Thousand Races Alliance for many years, and we have been preparing for this final catastrophe for many years. And this Earth Star was also discovered by us accidentally The location of the Earth Star is very remote, but the strange thing is that it happens to be near the Ziwei Emperor Star. We have deployed dozens of long-distance teleportation arrays and successfully reached the Earth Star. As for the purpose of coming to Earth and Star, we are going to use the big formation to collect the souls of hundreds of thousands of cultivators and turn them into a huge fountain of soul power, and then follow the secret method of the clan..."

Having said this, Ka Rong's voice, which was still calm, stopped abruptly, and the next moment he fell uncontrollably on the ground, with an expression of pain on his face. Seeing this, Liu Ruyan on the side hurried forward. With a flash of Jinlian in his hand, he retracted the golden light that controlled Ka Rong.

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