I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 351

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:14 AM

Chapter 351: Spell protection

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After Liu Ruyan's movements were completed, the golden light in Ka Rong's eyes disappeared after a flash, Ka Rong also lost his look, closed his eyes again, and just fell to the ground.

Lin Hang still didn't know what was going on, and asked questioningly, "Yan'er, what's the matter? Why is there such a reaction? There is no problem, right?"

Liu Ruyan shook his head and said, "There is no big problem. The reaction just now is because before this ten thousand race cultivator came to Earth Star, a high-level cultivator used a spell in the sea of ​​knowledge. The Fa can guarantee that monks like them will not easily reveal the specific plans and secrets of this operation. Of course, he still has no way to escape my control, but if I continue to control his mind, he will bear it. If the backlash of this technique is not possible, it is very likely that it will directly explode the sea of ​​consciousness, and then be killed on the spot! So I can only remove the control of him and let him return to his original state, or he will suddenly die of a god-transformation stage. , May cause their reaction."

Lin Hang nodded, he also knew something about such a technique. Especially in ancient times, the use of such spells was very common. The fighting between the various races at that time was much crueler than it is now imagined. In order to prevent the hostile forces from getting information about their own tribe through some of the less powerful juniors in their own tribe, they usually give it to their own tribe. The clansmen cast such spells so that they would not be easily informed by hostile forces. Moreover, the condition for the success of such a spell is that every person being cast cannot resist a little bit, otherwise it will lead to the failure of the spell.

Lin Hang glanced at Liu Ruyan and said, “From the current situation, we don’t have to look for other monks of the ten thousand races anymore. They should all be given such spells in the sea of ​​knowledge. The battle between the planets and the stars, and the large formations set up in the depths of the planets, coupled with the fact that everyone is willing to be casted by such a spell now, it is not difficult to guess that this time the Ten Thousand Races Alliance must have prepared a lot of things. Complete! These monks who came to Earth Star are all ready to sacrifice! What we will face later is certainly not what we see now. For their plan, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance will definitely continue With strong preparations, we must not take it lightly in the future!"

Liu Ruyan nodded and said, "Although we didn't get the ultimate goal of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance this time, we still have the information about the Ziwei Emperor Star that you want to know about Xiaohang. It seems like this. , Ziwei Emperor Star has nothing to do with their plan. Xiaohang, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Hang thought for a while and replied, "Yan'er, as Ka Rong said just now, these tens of thousands of people who came to Earth Star successfully came to our Earth Star through dozens of long-distance teleportation formations. So now I have a bold idea, I want to go to this Ziwei Emperor Star!"

Although Liu Ruyan could vaguely guess Lin Hang’s plan, when Lin Hang said it, Liu Ruyan was still a little shocked, and said with some worry, “Xiao Hang, at such a critical moment, you still plan to go. Do you want to explore the Ziwei Emperor? What should you do if the arrangement of their ten thousand races is completed before you come back? Moreover, despite the information provided by these ten thousand races, we are still very unhappy with the Ziwei Emperor star Familiar, after getting there, can you really get the clues you want in a short time?"

Lin Hang laughed and explained, "Yan'er, listen to me first! Of course I know that the current situation of the earth and the stars is about to reach a peak, but this situation will continue for at least a year. .I’m not saying that I must rush to Ziwei Emperor Star at the present time, but I’m going to find them after understanding their route, and after careful discussion with the teacher and the high priest, and then decide whether to do it or not. I rush to Ziwei Emperor Star at the present time. If conditions do not permit, I will not act rashly. The reason why I want to go to Ziwei Emperor Star at this time is because it is above the Ziwei Emperor Star. There may be important clues to my "The Gate of the Fairy Road". If I can successfully open my own "The Gate of the Fairy Road", then we will be more confident in the future confrontation with the ten thousand races!"

Liu Ruyan heard Lin Hang’s explanation and understood Lin Hang’s thoughts. He nodded and said, "Okay! Xiaohang, I know you are not such a reckless person. Wait until we will fully understand the route to Ziwei Emperor. After we are clear, we will go back to discuss with the teachers and others to see if there is a possibility of passing now."

With that said, Liu Ruyan turned his head and glanced between the two "Kashgar" monks. After thinking about it, he decided to change another person. Ka Rong was only stimulated by that ruthless technique, although this Ziwei The situation information of Emperor Star should not be within the scope of the operation, but for the sake of insurance, it is better to ask another person.

Liu Ruyan took out the golden lotus and pointed lightly at the monk of "Kashgar Tribe". When the familiar golden light flashed, the monk opened his eyes glowing with golden light.

Lin Hang took a step forward and asked directly, "These cultivators of your Ten Thousand Races Alliance came to Earth Star through dozens of teleportation formations. Where are all the specific teleportation formations? In the last time, what should you do? How to leave this planet?"

The monk opened his mouth and said without emotion, "We set off from Ziwei Emperor Star, and then through the "Long Distance Jumping Talisman", we passed a total of 58 teleportation formations, tossed and turned countless distances, and finally reached Earth Star A nearby desolate planet brought the monks of all races to the earth star one after another. These fifty-eight teleportation formations were set up in..."

As the monk said, Lin Hang took out a jade slip and began to record the information the monk said in it. At the end, in the blank jade slip, he directly drew a star map. On the star map, Lin Hang marked fifty-eight spots of light, representing fifty-eight teleportation arrays. These teleportation arrays were the key to his journey to Ziwei Emperor.

Through the description of this monk, Lin Hang finally understood the means of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance. The high-ranking cultivators among them had detected the location of the earth star from afar, and found that the earth star met the requirements of their realization plan, and began to prepare. They first let the high-ranking monks reach a foothold through the "Long Distance Jumping Talisman", and then set up a teleportation formation here, and the monks of all races can come here through the first teleportation formation on Ziwei Emperor Star Place.

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