I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 36

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:28 AM

Chapter 36: Rescue Xu Li

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After walking for a while, Lin Hang calculated the distance and found that he was still far away. If he ran over, it would be too late. He glanced at Lu Sanjin beside him, grabbed Lu Sanjin's shoulders with both hands, and said in a deep voice, "Stay your mind!" Hearing these words, Lu Sanjin instinctively converged his mind, and then Lin Hang used the space shuttle, and the two figures appeared instantly. In the west more than 800 meters. After Lin Airline's abilities gradually became proficient, the limit distance of the shuttle has also been greatly increased, reaching one kilometer, and the consumption has also been reduced a lot. After stopping for a while, Lin Hang continued to shuttle towards the west.

Before Lu Sanjin recovered from the shuttle, he was taken by Lin Hang to move on. Only then did he finally understand the military Wang Lao’s true intention of accepting Lin Hang as a disciple. Lin Hang is simply Wang Lao’s excellent heir. ! Not only has Wang Lao's abilities, but also his talent is more terrifying than Wang Lao. If he grows up like this, he will inevitably become a top master like Wang Lao.

After traveling eight times in a row, Lin Hang and Lu Sanjin had already come to the vicinity of the battlefield. He took out a rejuvenating pill and took it out and quietly touched Lu Sanjin towards the destination.

Crossing a small hill, the two saw the battle ahead. There are about a dozen people besieging two people. The two being besieged are a man and a woman. Although their faces are calm and resisting the attacks of the surrounding people, they are obviously stronger than those around them, but after all, they are outnumbered. It will inevitably show up in the long run.

"Xu Li, you don't have to be strong, give me the stone of the secret realm, don't I let you go? Why bother with us? You can go find another stone of the secret realm. !" said one of the besieging crowd.

Xu Li showed disdain and said, "Shu Wen, don't think that Xu Li is the soft-footed shrimp you faced before! Even if you take away my secret stone today, I will let you lose two pieces of meat! "

Shu Wen was obviously irritated by Xu Li, and clamored for everyone to launch a more violent offensive against Xu Li.

Looking at this scene, Lin Hang was a little strange, and asked, "Sanjin, these people seem to be on the same side, who is the middle person?"

Lu Sanjin recognized it and said, "Brother Lin, I happen to know the man in the middle. He is from the Shu family in Binhai. I have also dealt with him a lot in Binhai. He is not very good, but his father is very fond of him. He, no matter where he goes or what he does, he will arrange a bunch of people to protect him. Unexpectedly, this is such an important competition, the Shu family will come to this one. He is still very famous among our younger generation, but they are just some of them. It's just notorious." Lu Sanjin's eyes were also a little disdainful, and he obviously didn't like Shu Wen.

Lin Hang probably understood the situation, and he was going to save Xu Li. That day against Xu Li, although he lost to himself, but he also lost magnanimously, Lin Hang still appreciates Xu Li. Although this is bound to offend the Shu family, to Lin Hang, he doesn't care about the hostility of the Shu family. If he can reap a true friend, it would be worthwhile.

After analyzing it, Lin Hang had a plan in mind. Lin Hang took out dozens of "Fire Talisman" and gave it to Lu Sanjin, and said to him, "Sanjin, you don't have to go out to confront the enemy in a while. Please pay attention to my gestures and throw these "Fire Talisman" with psychic energy. It's okay in the crowd." Although Lu Sanjin was curious about what Lin Hang wanted to do, he nodded and accepted the fire talisman.

After the explanation, Lin Hang appeared in the eyes of everyone fighting. As soon as Lin Hang appeared, both parties were very vigilant, but they did not stop. Shu Wen, who led him, recognized Lin Hang, fearing that Lin Hang would be wrong, and said quickly, "I know your name is Lin Hang. Don’t be nosy today. , Leave here quickly, or don’t blame me for being rude to you!"

Lin Hang couldn't help but smiled, "You are such a arrogant young master! I didn't say anything, didn't do anything, you just let me leave like this? Then I will tell you, what happened to me today Lin Hangguan is set!"

The people who had always been arrogant Shu Wen definitely couldn't stand Lin Hang in this posture, so he immediately gave the order and a few people divided into forces and attacked Lin Hang.

Lin Hang smiled and stretched out his right hand to indicate that Lu Sanjin in the distance was aware, and inspired the "Fire Talisman" in his hand to fling towards the sky. According to Lin Hang's instructions, Lu Sanjin simply ignited and did not aim, so although the dozen or so fireballs ignited in this way seemed powerful, they did not hit an enemy.

Shu Wen and others couldn't help but laugh, "Lin Hang, is this your secret preparation? It's just that your accuracy is too bad, you can't hit a single person in a sneak attack, haha!"

Faced with the laughter of everyone and the puzzled expressions of Xu Li and others, Lin Hang was still calm. He stretched out his hands towards the sky in one move. The big fireballs that burst all shrank together, forming a huge fire cloud. . Then more than a dozen fire dragons flew out of the fire cloud and attacked Shu Wen and others.

Seeing this scene, Xu Li couldn't help being shocked. This was already Lin Hang's third ability, but was this Lin Hang's full strength? Xu Li put a big question mark in his heart.

Lin Hang was manipulating the fire dragon and attacked everyone. These fire dragons are not ordinary fire dragons. Each contains a lot of psionic power. Lin Hang knows that if he wants to deal with so many people, it is not easy to rely on himself. After all, his psionic energy is not particularly sufficient. He used himself to attract the enemy’s attention and allowed Lu Sanjin to take the opportunity to release "Fire Talisman", and he could use the fire talisman's psionic energy to perform attacks, because he did not need to provide psionic energy himself, just control the fire. , So it seems very comfortable now. Regardless of Lin Hang’s operation, it seems that it can be easily copied, but in fact, the one-time spirit weapon like "Fire Talisman" does not have a lot of inventory even if it is the maker Liu's family. Refining is very troublesome and consumes psychic energy, so generally It's just to keep a few cards for the juniors to defend themselves, and I would never even dare to think of using Liu's family so extravagantly as Lin Hang.

Because these people wanted to win Xu Li in a short period of time, their previous offenses were completely ignorable, and Xu Li was very good at defense, which caused this group of people to be somewhat unsupported by their psychic energy. Soon, the energetic Lin Hang knocked down these people one by one and tied them up with vines.

At this time, Xu Li, who was relieved of the crisis, stepped forward and held a fist to Lin Hang, and solemnly said, "Brother Lin, thank you this time!"

Although Xu Li didn’t say much, Lin Hang knew that Xu Li had already recognized his friend in his heart, and immediately said, “Brother Xu, no matter how hard you are, why don’t you hang your teeth! This Shu Wen is not pleasing to my eyes, so he solved it easily. "After that, she pointed to the woman behind Xu Li and said with a smile, "Brother Xu, is this this?"

Xu Li was a little embarrassed, but he still introduced, "She is my fiancee Ding Lan, Lan Lan, this is brother Lin Hanglin."

At this time, Lu Sanjin from the rear came over and said, "Let's leave here first and then talk. I have heard that no less than three groups of people are coming towards us. Leave first!"

Lin Hang also felt it carefully, nodded, leaving a dozen big dumplings tied in place, and beckoning the three of them to retreat to the north.

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