I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 360

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:02 AM

Chapter 360: Entry point

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Liu Ruyan nodded and replied, "This is not a secret thing. I can easily find out all of this. Although the West Antarctic Inland Sea is said to be intricate and disorderly, it is clear that, There are still some of the most powerful forces. These forces occupy the largest and most prosperous large islands in the West Antarctic Inland Sea. They are called the'Three Hegemony of the West' in the West Antarctic Inland Sea.' The Three Western Overlords represented the three most powerful forces. Each force was suppressed by the monks during the Tribulation Period, and because of this, they were able to have such a reputation in this chaotic West Antarctic Inland Sea. Xiaohang, you said that we directly approached these three powers and asked about the way to enter the inland, or should we raise the flag and re-establish a power that belongs to us alone?"

Lin Hang frowned, and said after a moment, "We only have one year, so how easy is it to build a force from nothing? It's just that these three forces can appear as cultivators who can survive the catastrophe. It is really hard not to make me suspect that they are behind the three top forces in the inland sea! If we rush to the door, it is likely to directly attract their attention. So combine From two points of view, I have a compromise!"

Liu Ruyan knew that Lin Hang had always had a lot of ideas, and this problem had troubled her for a few days. At this time, Lin Hang had a solution, Liu Ruyan hurriedly said, "Xiao Hang, what can you do? My thoughts are too. Just like you, the first method takes too long, and the second method is just like what you said. I have also heard a lot of rumors about their "Three Western Hegemons", their history of development and rise in the West Polar Sea It is indeed inseparable from the three major forces in the inland. Under such circumstances, what good idea did you think of Xiaohang?"

Lin Hang laughed and said, "Yan'er, I have said it, it is a compromise. With your ingenuity, can't think of the key? We don't build power from scratch, and we don't directly look for this.' The West Pole Three Tyrants', but we can start from a slightly weaker force! Not only do they have no monks who cross the catastrophe, which is convenient for us to control, but they have been based in this West Pole Sea for many years, and there are many things we don’t know Secret news. We give them a little support, or send a clone to join them, and become a fourth force that can threaten the'Three Western Hegemons'. In this case, although we are a threat to the'Three Western Hegemons' Our position in the West Polar Sea, but we are promoted by normal means, and the three major inland forces behind them can’t tell what’s wrong. Under such circumstances, I guess there is a great possibility. Of the three major forces, there will definitely be those who contact us on the initiative. In this way, we will have the opportunity to directly obtain our identities!

Liu Ruyan had originally guessed in his mind. After listening to Lin Hang's words, he also confirmed the thoughts in his mind. After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Well, Xiaohang, your idea is really good!" 'If we can't touch it for the time being, then the major forces under them don't have this concern. However, regarding this idea, we have to plan carefully. It is best to choose a force that has been developing in the West Polar Sea. If they do, they should have nothing to do with the three major inland forces. Otherwise, if we find a force at random, it is very likely to cause unnecessary trouble!"

Liu Ruyan took out a newly drawn map and said, "Xiaohang, you see, this is the map of the inland sea that I have drawn by myself in the West Antarctic Sea these days, collecting information. Because of the West Antarctic Sea mentioned before. Therefore, the closer you are to the inland, the more prosperous the place, and the farther away from the inland, the more remote and desolate. Therefore, the three most prosperous islands occupied by the'Three West Pole' are all within a distance Not far from the land, they can form a trade exchange with the inland. It is precisely because of this that they can continue to run rampant in the western inland sea, no one can match. Under them, there are dozens of powers. According to their strength, these forces occupy the prosperous islands under the'Three Western Hegemons'. Many of these dozens of forces should be more or less related to the'Three Western Hegemons' , There are even a few that are simply affiliated forces of the'Three Western Overlords'. Naturally we cannot choose such forces, so I just considered it carefully and felt that one might meet our requirements."

Lin Hang was very satisfied with Liu Ruyan’s detailed news. He was just making a clone of his head these days, and didn’t take care of things outside. He didn’t expect Liu Ruyan to take the West to the Sea without saying a word. The situation and general situation of the country are clearly understood.

Lin Hang looked at Liu Ruyan with some tired eyes. Obviously, there was no free time in the past few days. He pulled Liu Ruyan into his arms with some distress, and said softly, "Yan'er, you really have been working hard these days! For my business, it really cost you a lot of energy. Leave the rest to me, otherwise I will feel distressed when I see you like this!"

Liu Ruyan struggled lightly, trying to get out of Lin Hang's embrace, but Lin Hang refused. Liu Ruyan struggled for a while and stopped moving, and whispered softly, "Xiao Hang, okay, stop making trouble! We are talking about business!"

Lin Hang chuckled, let go of Liu Ruyan, and asked softly, "Well, Yan'er, what do you think is the right force for us to start?"

Liu Ruyan sorted out a description, and Lin Hang glanced in vain, and said, "This force has a very old history in the West Antarctic Sea. It is longer than almost all the forces in the West Antarctic Sea. The three tyrants of the West Pole did not dominate the inland waters of the West Antarctica. This power has always controlled most of the resources and territories in the inland waters of the West Pole. The catastrophe failed and fell into the heavenly catastrophe. With the support of the three major inland forces, the'Three Western Hegemons' rose rapidly. Because of the suppression of the monks who crossed the catastrophe period, the original overlord did not have any resistance. There is room, but they are also more aware of current affairs, and voluntarily withdrew from the most prosperous island, and retreated to a more remote second-tier position, in order to avoid the disaster of extinction. After so many years, they have become the status of the'three hegemony of the West'. They are becoming more and more stable, but their glory has been forgotten by the world!"

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