I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 361

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:01 AM

Chapter 361: "Western Gate"

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After listening to Liu Ruyan’s description, Lin Hang also nodded and said, “Well, Yan’er, according to you, this original West Antarctic Sea hegemony power should be extremely in line with our requirements. It’s just that, Have you confirmed one thing, do they still want to return to their dominance as we guessed? If they don’t have this idea, then we are not attractive to them, and it is very It is possible to expose yourself because of them. This issue is now more critical, but you must not be sloppy!"

Liu Ruyan smiled and said, "Xiao Hang, I don’t dare to assure you about this. The news of mine is also some well-known news from Dafang City. For deeper things, we will just have a few days. Time, how can we find out all the specific conditions clearly! So I mean, this force can be our first choice, accept our investigation and exploration, if it can perfectly meet our requirements, of course it’s best, if it’s true If it doesn’t work, I have some other power alternatives here. Although it is comparable to this power in all aspects, I should be able to use it!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Okay, then we will begin to conduct an all-round investigation of this force, and when we learn some information we want to know, we will start our plan!"

After all, Lin Hang used the eight avatars made these days to transform them into different appearances and races one by one, and began to enter the four major regions of the inland southeast, north, and middle schools for Lin. Hang explores the clues of his "The Gate of the Fairy Road". This process of exploration certainly cannot produce results in a day or two, so now Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan’s focus is on the former overlord of the West Polar Sea that Liu Ruyan said-"West Polar The body of the door.

After the extremely glorious Ziwei Emperor Star in the ancient times was shattered, this fragment remained intact, and some living creatures on it survived the catastrophe. Among these creatures, in addition to an old tribe of Emperor Ziwei and a large force of the human race, the others are some casual cultivation of various races, including the human race, the monster race, the witch race, and so on. After the pattern of this fragment was established, Emperor Ziwei’s old forces and human forces occupied the eastern and southern regions respectively, and developed steadily to this day. At that time, there was no "Ziwei Imperial City" in the middle, and the environment in the north appeared again. Too bad, some of these casual practitioners stayed in the northern ice sheet to live alone, while the other part entered the West Polar Sea that was undeveloped at that time.

After years of development, the West Antarctic Inland Sea was developed by these casual cultivators in this way, and then the first power in the West Antarctic Sea-"Western Gate", which exists on the Ziwei Emperor Star, was born. The time is much longer than that of the Wanzu Alliance. The "Western Gate" at that time was no better than it is now, and the strongest monks who crossed the tribulation period in the loose repairs were unified, and the sect that they jointly established was much more brilliant than it is now. And this "Western Gate" because of its own concept, is only for the better survival of the West Polar Sea monks, and does not pose any threat to the three major forces above the inland, so it has not received any restrictions on its development. While this "Western Gate" was powerful, it did not do anything to suppress other small forces in the West Polar Sea, but instead allowed them to develop, so its reputation in the entire West Polar Sea is also surprising. The place is good, basically no bad reviews.

If according to this development, there is no obstacle, the ancestors of the "Western Gate" have successfully ascended to immortals and turned into immortals, then it is not impossible that the future of "Western Gate" will become the Ziwei Emperor. The fourth force above the stars. It’s just that things in the world have never been so smooth. The ancestors of "Western Gate" who passed through the catastrophe period, in the later development, all failed to cross the most important hurdle in the life of the monk, and all fell. In the tribulation. With the fall of the last ancestor of the "Western Gate" and the failure to produce another monk among the following generations of disciples, the decline of "Western Gate" is already It is predictable. There is no way to say clearly about the practice. After all, "Western Gate" is still lacking in its foundation. Several casual practitioners are already talented to survive the catastrophe, but they are casual practitioners after all, unlike those who have a long history. Forces, such as the old forces of the Ziwei Emperor and the forces of the human race on the Ziwei Emperor star. They have a lot of experience about crossing the catastrophe and climbing the immortal, so there is always no shortage of monks who cross the catastrophe period in the clan. Although the generation of Monk Dengxian was extremely difficult, but the family background for so many years, there was still such suppression by such monks.

When "Western Gate" was gradually declining, three other forces quietly rose up. Behind these three forces are the secret support of the three major inland forces, so the speed of development can be said to be rapid, in a short period of time. It has developed to a level that rivals "Western Gate". The gatekeeper of "Western Gate" at the time had a far-reaching vision, foreseeing the future situation in the West Polar Sea, and resolutely gave up the most prosperous'West Pole Three Islands' that was the closest to the inland under his control, and took second place The earth moved toward the depths, giving up the'Three West Pole Islands' to the three powers that suddenly emerged.

Sure enough, after a short while, all three of these three powers emerged as unfamiliar monks during the Tribulation Period. They did not take any actions to suppress the "Western Gate" that took the initiative to evade. The three powers seemed to have agreed upon each other. One of the "Three West Pole Islands" did not interfere with each other, and has developed to the present, forming a situation under the control of the West Pole Inland Sea by the "Three West Pole".

Here, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan are discussing the details of the action. Liu Ruyan pointed to a red dot on the map and said, "Xiao Hang, the red dot marked here is the rename of "Western Gate". The established West Pole Island is also where they are now. Although the "Western Gate" is now in decline and loses its prestige, it is still the West Pole Sea when there is no shortage of monks in the stage of the gods. The fourth largest power among them is second only to the "Burning Heaven Society", "Zidian Sect" and "Shifang Pavilion" which have been suppressed by masters of the tribulation period. Therefore, the West Polar Island where the "Western Gate" is located is also It is relatively prosperous, with the momentum and background of the former overlord, and the current "Western Gate" is not something everyone can deceive."

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