I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 362

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:00 AM

Chapter 362: Explore West Pole at Night

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After that, Liu Ruyan paused and continued, "And Xiaohang, we must first make sure that this "Western Gate" is still in such a stable situation now that it is still competing with forces such as "Burning Heaven". Determination. Only under such circumstances will they accept our help, and we can also use their years of experience in the development of Ziwei Emperor to make it more possible to complete our plan."

Lin Hang nodded. Under Liu Ruyan’s analysis, Lin Hang also understood the key to this action. That is to determine the attitude of the entire "Western Gate" and see if they want to settle for the status quo, or Has always been determined to return to the first force in the West Polar Sea.

Lin Hang said, "I understand, Yan'er, I will let the clone take a trip to "Western Gate" in the evening!"

Liu Ruyan nodded, and then waited for the night with Lin Hang.

When the night fell completely, on the island, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan had two more avatars in front of them. The strength of the avatars were both in the early stage of the tragedy. At this time, Lin Hang and Liu sitting on the ground. The deity Ruyan closed his eyes and turned his attention to the clone. Then the two avatars quickly left Dengxian Island and swiftly headed towards West Pole Island on the map.

Because they are not very familiar with the terrain of the West Polar Sea, after several long-distance teleports, the clones of Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan saw the brightly lit islands in the distance. The core headquarters of "Geek Gate" is where West Pole Island is located.

Looking at the West Pole Island, which is also like daylight at night, Lin Hang couldn't help but sigh, "Yan'er, this West Pole Island is so prosperous now, and the "West Pole Gate" gave way to the'West Pole Three Islands' because of the previous knowledge and interest. For this reason, the current "Burning Heaven" and other three powers have not taken any actions to suppress the "Xijimen". The development of "Xijimen" is actually very good. At least the first position under the three powers is still Unshakable. Under such a stable development environment, this "Xijimen" will really agree to our proposal and then do it against the three major forces?"

When Lin Hang saw the prosperous West Pole Island, he really had such doubts in his heart. Although the West Pole Island is not as huge and rich as their previous "West Pole Three Islands", it is still very good. The size of the island can be equivalent to ten thousand times as much as Dengxian Island. In addition to the monks of "Xijimen" itself, there are many casual cultivators on the island. In addition, it has a good relationship with the three major forces of "Burning Heaven". , The square market on the West Pole Island is also very prosperous, which further promoted the development of "Western Gate". Following this model, the future "Western Gate" may not be able to rely on its own strength to generate new monks in the tribulation period. How could they be willing to believe the two Lin Hang who suddenly appeared and follow them to fight against the three major forces?

Although Liu Ruyan was also very puzzled, she still said, "Xiao Hang, we are not sure about this. This action tonight is also to confirm this matter. Since we are all here, it is naturally To get the answer! With our current strength, even if they do not agree, we can still retreat with our whole body. After failure, we can find other alternative forces. But we are not without the possibility of success. , I heard a gossip that the fall of the ancestors of the "Western Gate" at the time was not accidental or accidental, but the result of the secret actions of the three major forces in the interior. That is to say, although this "Western Gate" did not show it clearly, but deep in their hearts, they should not be in harmony with these three forces. They only chose to forbearance because of the situation! Although these news were not received They are confirmed by the major forces, but if it is true, now we give them a chance to rise again, I believe they should not give up!"

Lin Hang nodded. He just complained a little bit. He has already been here this time. How could he leave without asking? He is still relatively confident in his own strength. After entering the West Pole Island, even if he can't get the answers he wants in "Western Gate", he can still do it easily. Then I went to find several alternative forces, and I and Liu Ruyan had more snacks, and they could still develop. In other words, today’s trip is the best to succeed, and if it fails, it won’t have any substantial impact on your true goals in the future.

Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan converged their figures and breath, and slowly approached the West Pole Island. When it was almost there, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan stopped their figures and began to slowly transport their spiritual consciousness towards Scanning the entire West Pole Island, after a while, Lin Hang nodded to Liu Ruyan and said, "Yan'er, I have already determined that, on the entire West Pole Island, among the three major cities, Xiu For the highest monk, it is just the existence of the peak of the **** of transformation. If there is no better situation where the monk hides, our current strength will not be in great danger here. However, we still need to be careful and wait to find After the core character of "Western Gate", then act again!"

Liu Ruyan naturally didn’t have any opinion, and said, “Xiaohang, although the layout of this West Pole Island is planned for three cities of the same size, and the current development situation is similar, but the core of “Western Gate” The place is still in Xiji City, the westernmost part of the island. "Xiji Gate" is the real owner of this Xiji Island, but they are not too dictatorial to the development of the entire island, but they are regarded as the management land in Xiji City. It's relatively strict. In the other two cities, the majority are casual cultivators. Therefore, we only need to go to XJC. All the core members of their "XJM" will generally be here if they don't go out."

Lin Hang nodded, held Liu Ruyan's hand, and appeared directly in West Polar City the next moment. When the two of them used spells to hide their body and breath, although they were on a brightly lit street, none of them was able to discover their existence. It is relatively late now, but there are still many people walking on the street, and the shops on both sides of the street are all open, greeting the passing business, looking at this orderly street and slightly crowded With the flow of people, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan couldn't help but sigh with emotion that "Western Gate"'s management of XJCheng was really organized.

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