I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 363

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:59 AM

Chapter 363: Home

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Although the two did not know where the core of the sect of "Western Gate" was located, they could accurately locate the location of "Western Gate" as long as they used their divine consciousness to scan out the place where the monks gathered most in the inner city.

Lin Hang let go of his consciousness, and after scanning it, his face was a little weird and said, "Yan'er, do you perceive it? Now almost all the cultivators of the **** transformation stage in West Polar City are in the same place. Judging from their appearance, they seem to be discussing something, let's go straight over!"

Having said that, Lin Hang took Liu Ruyan to initiate a spatial teleportation. The next moment the two went directly to a closed underground chamber. After entering, Liu Ruyan directly waved a huge golden lotus. All the people in the secret room were covered, and then Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan swaggered to find a chair and sat down, looking at the people in the secret room with interest.

The space of the entire secret room is not very large, only about twenty square meters. At the center of the secret room is a long horizontal table, and a dozen figures are sitting sparsely on the chairs around it. These figures are male and female, old and young, but similarly, everyone exudes strong spiritual power fluctuations, and all the people in the house are all high-level monks in the transformation stage!

And these people were discussing a major secret. The sudden appearance of Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan caught them all off guard, especially the cold and cold woman, who trapped them all in this golden lotus in an understatement. Among. Therefore, everyone in the field looked dignified and watched the young men and women who appeared suddenly. Among them, there was a middle-aged man and even the spirit treasure in his hand was ready to go. They only needed to wait for Lin Hang and two of them to move. Offering it directly.

"If I were you, I would put down the things in my hands!" Lin Hang naturally noticed the middle-aged man's movements, with a slight smile on the corners of his mouth, and said softly, "You don't need to be so nervous. Come here next time. What is embarrassing for you is that there is one thing I want to discuss with you!"

The middle-aged man still wanted to speak, but suddenly received a voice transmission from other people, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly collected the spirit treasure he was going to sacrifice.

In the crowd, an old man with white hair slowly walked out. Although he looked old, the look in his eyes was still something that people couldn't take lightly. The old man stroked his long white beard and said, " I don’t know what the two seniors are doing if they visit us at XJCity late at night? If the young man remembers correctly, we should not have sinned in "Western Gate". I don’t know what you said to discuss with us. what exactly is it?"

After Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan entered this secret room, they did not conceal their cultivation level. Therefore, the spiritual power is now oppressing them. The monks in the transformation stage have already noticed that he and Liu Ruyan are both crossing the catastrophe. The monks of the period, the monks of the Tribulation Period who can destroy them with their gestures, naturally no one dares to act rashly.

Lin Hang felt the spiritual power cultivation base of the old man in front of him, and he was also a little surprised. This old man is obviously not young anymore, but he still maintains his cultivation base at the peak of the God Transformation Period, and he has not moved towards the Tribulation Period. I know why.

Recalling the information Liu Ruyan had said, Lin Hang smiled and said, "This old gentleman is Mr. Yao, the current head of "Xijimen", right? I have already said that, I am not malicious, but I want to bring a good fortune to you "Western Gate"! You can also see that my wife and I are both monks who cross the catastrophe, and I have a way to increase your success rate in the catastrophe, but you only need you Do something for me. I don’t know if such a transaction can get your approval?"

After Lin Hangdao’s identity was broken, the head of the "Western Gate" Yao did not have the slightest surprise. The other party came to the door like this. They must have known a lot of their "Western Gate" and knew his image. And identity is very simple.

The current head of "Western Gate" is named Yao Xing'an. Like his appearance, he is indeed a very old monk. When he became the head of "Western Gate", at that time The ancestors of the "Gate" still exist, and he himself can be regarded as a character who has experienced the rise and fall of "Western Gate".

After hearing Lin Hang's shocking speech, Yao Xingan's expression on his face did not change in the slightest, and he smiled and said, "Senior, you have said and laughed. I have never heard of the possibility of improving the success of the triumph for so many years. The way. Although the two seniors are genuine cultivators during the Tribulation period, there is no need to make such a joke with us, right?"

Lin Hang knew that just by speaking like this, there was no way to directly gain the trust of people like "Xijimen". He didn't get annoyed when he heard these words. He smiled and said, "Generally speaking, it is true! But the least in this world What is missing are accidents and miracles. What do you think these are?"

As he said, a small yellow flower suddenly appeared in Lin Hang's hand. The small flower had only three petals, which looked very strange.

"Soul spirit flower?" Yao Xing'an no longer had the calmness he had before, and said in surprise, "Really it is a spirit flower? Such a powerful spirit power fluctuation can't be wrong! Senior, are you willing to take this spirit Give us "Western Gate" in exchange for flowers?"

Lin Hang immediately said the name of the soul flower when he saw Yao Xing'an, and he was also satisfied. He didn't need to bother to introduce the preciousness of the soul flower. This "Western Gate" deserves to have been a few masters of the tribulation period The power of the country, these visions are still not lacking. Lin Hang smiled and said, "You are very good, you can actually recognize this soul flower! Yes, as long as you can do what I said, why don't you give this soul flower to you? With the help of Soul Linghua, the hope of success in crossing the Tribulation has greatly increased. Am I joking with you?"

Yao Xing'an has suppressed his excitement at this time, and said calmly, "Senior, this soul flower, our "Western Gate" has also found a flower in this West Polar Sea, so the young man will not admit it. It’s just that you should know better than us about the value of this soul flower. If it is given to us as a condition of exchange, with all due respect, what you want us to do should be very difficult, right?"

Yao Xing'an was not dazzled by the soul flower in front of him. He knew that if they wanted to obtain this precious soul flower, they would definitely have to pay something equivalent in "Western Gate".

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