I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 365

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:57 AM

Chapter 365: fall from the sky

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Lin Hang is also very confused about this. In his own view, there is nothing exposed. How did Yao Xing'an directly guess his identity?

Because he was facing the people of "Western Gate", Lin Hang did not deny it, and said, "I asked myself if there was nothing inappropriate. I don't know how Yao Zhangmen guessed our identity? "

Seeing that Lin Hang hadn’t denied it, Yao Xing’an’s vigilance in his heart instantly disappeared. He smiled and replied, “I heard you asked me if I had access to the inland areas. I was still very confused. The masters of the period, even if they do not belong to the three major forces, but the masters of casual repairs who have passed through the catastrophe period will not lack access to those places! Later, the little old man's brain flashed and thought of a possibility, if it was Everything about the aliens can be explained. I don’t know why you came to this Ziwei Emperor star, but if you just want to enter the inland area, I have some ways!"

After Yao Xing'an answered, he went on to say, "You know, in such a vast area as the West Polar Sea, when the Ziwei Emperor Star just took shape, a large number of casual cultivators of various races have already gathered. In this West Polar Sea, there is no racial distinction for a long time. In such a chaotic situation here, the three inland forces will not only refuse to accept us in order to ensure absolute stability in the area under their rule. The people of the extreme seas enter their area, and they will also exile some wicked people into our West Antarctic Sea, letting them fend for themselves. Now the three major forces, such as the "Burning Heaven", which dominates the West Antarctic Inland Sea, are adhering to The will of the three major inland forces can be regarded as the custodians of our current West Antarctic Inland Sea. As the eyes and ears of the three major inland forces, they prevent all people in the West Antarctic sea from entering the inland privately. Before we ruled by "Western Polar Gate" At the time of the West Polar Sea, there were no such rules. We still had a lot of exchanges with the three major forces. With our decline and the rise of the "Burning Heaven" and other forces, the three inland forces His will has also been better carried forward. The entire West Antarctic Inland Sea has developed much slower in such a closed situation. We even suspect that the practice world here will regress after many years. Just imagine, it has been isolated. How can we develop well where we are excluded?"

Lin Hang frowned, analyzed Yao Xing'an's words, and asked, "Then the head of Yao, what do you mean is that it is impossible to enter the inland privately? The three major inland forces treat themselves There is such a strong sense of xenophobia in the territory you control?"

Yao Xing'an nodded and said, "Senior, even if you are a monk who crosses the catastrophe period, this is not possible! We had several ancestors of the "Western Gate" who wanted to enter the inland. After a long time of application, it was not possible to enter until the three major forces agreed, and sometimes it was impossible to pass the application at all! And when you, unfollowed monks, rushed into the territory of the three major forces, the biggest Possibly, it is directly killed, there will be no other possibility!"

Lin Hang felt that he was a bit exaggerated about Yao Xing'an's words, but at this moment, Lin Hang suddenly felt a sharp pain in his brain, and then he couldn't help covering his head.

Everyone in the field was shocked by Lin Hang's selection, but Liu Ruyan hurried forward, helped Lin Hang up, and asked with concern, "Xiao Hang, what's wrong? What happened?"

Lin Hang recovered a little at this time and spoke to Liu Ruyan, "Yan'er, I'm fine. It's just that my eight clones of the late stage of the tragedy were all killed in an instant, and none of them succeeded. Escape! Because I am also a clone now, the feeling is not particularly obvious. The feeling of my deity at this time is a thousand times more painful than what I just showed!"

Lin Hang painstakingly produced the eight clones of the late stage of the Tribulation, each of which is not only a condensate of super-many spiritual power, but also contains a lot of spiritual consciousness that Lin Hang has separated. In this way, when it is directly destroyed, It would also cause a lot of damage to Lin Hang's deity. The most direct damage was that his spiritual consciousness was greatly damaged. Without a long period of recuperation or the nourishment of the nourishing treasure, he would not be able to return to his peak state. It is strange to say that Lin Hang has always known about the damage after the clone was destroyed, but this time it was the first time Lin Hang felt the damage. His clone had never been destroyed before. However, this was the first time this was such a huge blow, which caused Lin Hang's vitality to be severely injured in an instant. It was already the biggest blow he had received in these years.

Liu Ruyan was also very shocked in his heart. Transmission said, "The eight clones in the four major areas were destroyed at the same time? How could they be so unified in time? Logically speaking, your eight clones should be in different positions. , They are bound by the three major forces, how could they hit your clone at the same time? Xiaohang, how do you feel now? Or let’s go back to Dengxian Island and take a rest for a while and then think about it. Thing!"

Lin Hang Chuanyin replied, "I am not particularly clear about this, and my feelings as a clone are not very clear. Let's go back and talk about it. Let's arrange the things in front of you! It seems that the clone will go directly to the four areas to explore clues. The idea is that there is no way to continue to implement it. Our hope still falls on this "Western Gate"!"

The sound transmission of Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan was just a short moment. At this time, Lin Hang had stabilized his knowledge of the sea with the help of Liu Ruyan, and then Liu Ruyan retreated to Lin. Behind Hang, Lin Hang raised his head again, no more painful expression, and said softly to Yao Xing'an, "Head Yao, I am now convinced that what you just said is the truth. It is indeed difficult for foreign monks. Go directly into the scope of these three forces. It seems, I can only turn to you "Western Gate"! To tell you the truth, Yao, I have a reason to go to the inland area, I don’t know. What is the method you just mentioned? If it is really successful, the soul flower I just mentioned can be given to you two more!"

Yao Xing'an didn’t know what was going on with Lin Hang’s sudden painful reaction just now. How could he suddenly say that he was convinced of what he said, but Yao Xing’an was not someone who had no vision. Lin Hang didn’t take the initiative to speak out. Didn't ask uninterestingly.

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