I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 367

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:55 AM

Chapter 367: ready

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Speaking of Lin Hang, he took Liu Ruyan and disappeared into the secret room, as if he had never appeared before. And the only sober Yao Xingan in the secret room rubbed the soul flower in his hand, knowing that everything just now was not a dream, he really got the benefits of heaven! With the help of the Soul Flower this time, his spiritual consciousness is likely to be able to successfully break through the threshold of the tribulation period, so that the next tribulation will be passed with greater confidence. Regarding the matter of seeing Lin Hang and the two of them today, Yao Xing'an was also prepared to rot in his stomach, unless Lin Hang came to the door again, otherwise he would not reveal the slightest news about Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan to anyone.

When Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan returned to Dengxian Island, three powerful thoughts quietly appeared over the "Ziwei Emperor City" in the center of the inland, and they exchanged news silently.

"You also found the unfamiliar monk during the Tribulation Period?"

"Well, but it seems to be a special technique. After killing the monk, it was directly transformed into spiritual power and dissipated. The person behind the scenes did not show up."

"Could it be that we, Ziwei Emperor Star, shouldn't be quiet anymore? Is this final tribulation really so terrifying?"

After the three powerful minds exchanged information, they all left and returned to their respective territories, as if it had never happened before.

Lin Hang naturally didn't know what happened. After he and Liu Ruyan rushed back to Dengxian Island, the consciousness in the clone immediately returned to the deity, and then the two clones disappeared directly. Liu Ruyan opened his eyes and saw Lin Hang on one side looked in pain. It was obvious that the damage to the deity's consciousness was really extremely serious.

Lin Hang covered his head with his left hand, then took out a bottle from the portable space, and then introduced all the liquid in the bottle into his mouth. After meditating for a long time, Lin Hang slowly opened his eyes, although his expression remained the same. It's bleak, but not as sluggish as it was at the beginning.

Just as Lin Hang opened his eyes, Liu Ruyan's concerned voice came over, "Xiao Hang, how do you feel?"

Lin Hang said with a wry smile, "Yan'er, don't worry too much! After taking the spiritual liquid, I already feel much better. After a few days of rest, I should be able to fully recover. But, this It is really the most serious injury in my life. It seems that I am still a little too arrogant. Fortunately, it is not the deity who directly entered the inland area, otherwise it may be directly robbed in the first place!"

Liu Ruyan was also greatly relieved at this time. Lin Hang's appearance at that time was a bit scary. I can't see it now. Lin Hang must have suffered a major blow at that time. Fortunately, there is no big deal at this time. Otherwise, Liu Ruyan would really be worried to death.

After a while, Liu Ruyan asked, "Xiao Hang, after you asked the news this time, you directly erased all the memories of "Western Gate" except Yao Xing'an. You have changed your mind and are not going to "Western Gate" started?"

Lin Hang rubbed his head, nodded and said, "Yan'er, there are still some differences between the actual investigation news and our expectations. I found that even if we support "Western Gate" enough to rival "Burning Heaven" There is no way to enter the inland directly. The relationship between "Burning the Heavens" and the three inland forces is even closer than we guessed. "Western Gate" will not receive the attention it deserves. , There is also a chance of being attacked by puns. So I dispelled this idea, but later Yao Xing’an provided this method, which I think is very feasible.

Liu Ruyan said, "Xiaohang, how are you going to deal with this trial? With our strength, we can easily get a small spot, but we only have two people. Regionally, there is still not enough!"

Lin Hang regained some energy and said with a smile, "Yan'er, we don't need to play in person! I am going to send out four clones to compete for places in four small realms, so that I can be assigned to one of the four major areas. It won’t cause much reaction. You know, if I try my best, I can make all the nine spots occupied by nine clones of different realms, but this will inevitably cause a big reaction. This trial The essence of "Burning the Heavens" is actually prepared for forces such as "Burning the Heavens". If all nine places are occupied by unfamiliar unknown masters, it would be too suspicious, so only four places are occupied, although it would be surprising. But it is also within an acceptable range. After that, let’s wait for these clones of mine to enter the interior.”

Liu Ruyan nodded and agreed with Lin Hang's statement, but still asked worriedly, "Xiao Hang, you just lost your mind so much. Now you have to use the technique of distraction to create four free-moving clones. No Will there be a lot of pressure?"

Lin Hang waved his hand and said with a smile, "Yan'er, it's okay! I won't act right away. Isn't there still half a month before the registration? This time is enough time for me to recover and re-use "Distraction "Zhishu" has created a clone, you don't have to worry about me too much!"

Just half a month later, at the place where the three major inland forces on the West Pole Island set up the trial registration site, Lin Hang successively sent four clones to register for the late Jindan and Yuanying In the early stage, the late Yuanying stage, and the early stage of Huashen selection, they each got their own number plates. The reason why I did not choose the clone of the late transformation of the gods is because the cultivators of the late transformation of the gods are also very rare in the entire West Inner Sea, except for the top powers, it is basically difficult to produce the gods. Monk's. If it wasn't for the attention of the three major powers, so that the clone can access more advanced things, Lin Hang would not even send the clone in the early stage of the transformation, after all, the higher the cultivation level, the easier it is to attract attention.

However, the deities of Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan did not appear directly, so they stayed at Dengxian Island with peace of mind, silently waiting for the official start of the trial.

Although the West Pole Island is also where the trials are registered and held, most of the final trials and competition sites are set up on the three islands where the three major forces such as "Burning Heaven" are located. Only the early trials of Jindan are On the West Pole Island. As for the four clones of Lin Hang, the two clones of the late Jindan stage and the God-transforming stage, they were assigned to Burning Island. The clone of Yuanying's early stage was on Zidian Island, and the clone of Yuanying's later stage went to Shifang Island. .

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