I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 368

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:54 AM

Chapter 368: Hou Yong

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Just after half a month passed, the four clones of Lin Hang rushed to their respective islands to prepare for this trial trip.

Burning Heaven Island is an extremely hot island. According to legend, this island was transformed after an active volcano was extinguished. After being occupied by the "Burning Heaven Society", it happened to follow their sect name and changed its name to Burning Heaven Island. Although the legend about this island has not been confirmed, but on this Burning Sky Island, the fire attribute power and spells can indeed be further strengthened, and "Burning Heaven Society" was originally based on the fire attribute. The sect of Fen Tian has been developed on this Burning Sky Island over the years, and due to mutual promotion, this Burning Sky Island has faintly become the most powerful of the three islands. Therefore, this time the trials held by the three major inland forces, the final stage of the Jindan, the early stage of the transformation, the second stage of the transformation, and the late stage of the transformation, are all set up on this Burning Sky Island.

Lin Hang's Jin Dan stage clone alias Jin Yi, and Lin Hang's Divine Transformation stage clone alias Filigree, have rushed to this Burning Sky Island early, and when they first arrived here, they felt that they were far different from West Pole Island. situation. West Pole Island gives people the feeling of being organized and orderly, but Burning Heaven Island is enthusiastic and full of popularity. Because of the holding of the trials, the flow of people on Burning Sky Island has increased a lot more than normal. However, the selection field of the late Jindan and the early days of Huashen is not in the same place. Lin Hang’s two major clones, Jin Yihe After getting on the island, Filigree immediately separated and entered their respective competition venues with the number plates they received.

Before the start of the trial, Lin Hang had some understanding of the rules of the trial. In fact, the rules of the trial are very simple. All the contestants should compete in pairs, and the winner will advance and then compete with other winners. , If you lose a game, you will be eliminated directly, until a real winner is finally produced. The reason is so simple, because in fact, in every small realm, the final winner has almost been determined, and they are all elite disciples of the three major forces including the "Burning Heaven". And since this certain candidate can directly win as long as they can survive to the end, they will naturally not make too complicated rules if they have confidence in their disciples. It's just that this time they didn't know that the scene of the nine big places that had been set for many years was about to be broken today. There will be four small places that will be occupied by people they don't know at all.

Lin Hang’s Jin Danqi clone Jin Yi looked at his number plate. There was a prominent white number '131' on it, indicating that he was the one-hundred and thirty-first of the contestants in the late Jin Dan group. . And this time, according to Lin Hang's investigation, there are about 1,000 people in the late Jindan competition, and the number is quite large. For Lin Hang's "131" card, the first opponent he faced does not need to be drawn. It is the "132" behind him. He only needs to defeat the "132" and he can enter the next round and continue. An opponent. As I said before, this kind of trial only requires one final winner, so even the draw is so random. Anyway, they only need the internally determined elite disciple to be able to win all the way. There is no problem with what kind of rules. .

Jin Yi’s current location is a relatively empty square. Hundreds of small venues have been divided into detail here. As a venue for trials and competitions, each small venue is about 100 square meters. Many of the staff are responsible for scheduling the use and rotation of each venue. Because the number plate was slightly forward, Lin Hang quickly found his first game field, a blank field marked with ‘131VS132’.

After taking the number plate and showing it to the caretaker, Jin Yi entered the field. After waiting for a while, Jin Yi saw his opponent in the first match, the ‘132’.

Jin Yi looked at his opponent and suddenly showed shock. This '132' is actually a player of the Witch race, and different from the branches of the Witch race that Lin Hang had contacted before, they all intermarried with the Human race. After that, this witch was a pure-blooded witch. The whole person was extremely tall, more than two meters tall, and the explosive muscles all over his body filled with a sense of power.

After the big Wu clan entered the venue, a thin transparent light curtain rose up the entire outer circle of the venue, and Jin Yi knew that this meant that this battle could already begin.

Jin Yi held a fist at the big man and said, "Under Jin Yi, please advise!"

For the members of the Wu clan, Jin Yi still maintained a trace of respect, and this big man has not directly acted since he entered the venue. After watching Jin Yi's movements, the big man muttered, "Wu clan heroes, please enlighten me!"

Having said that, Hou Yong summoned a strong earth-moving power and attached it to his body, and then rushed towards Jin Yi. At the same time, Jin Yi felt that his body became heavier. , Obviously, Hou Yong put the power of local travel on Jin Yi's body in order to restrict Jin Yi's actions and facilitate his own attack.

Jin Yi chuckled lightly, moved his shoulders a little, and directly relieved the pressure that Hou Yong had placed on him, then instantly jumped high, avoiding Hou Yong's attack, and a spear glowing with golden light in his hand Suddenly, he shot directly at Houyong. This fast flying spear, Hou Yong’s speed could not evade, but Hou Yong did not mean to evade, I saw the flying spear landed on Hou Yong’s chest, unexpectedly made a'ding' sound, and then It turned into energy and dissipated in the air. Then Yong touched his chest, and didn't suffer any decent harm.

This shocked Jin Yi in mid-air. His flying spear was not an ordinary flying spear, but the inner wood elements were condensed and the arrow position was attached to the strong golden power. According to law, the penetrating power should be It is very strong. After this, you don’t know how to practice. The strength of the physical body and the protection of the power of the earth, the defensive power is basically invincible in the late Jindan!

Didn’t Jin Yi expect to encounter such a strong opponent in his first match? According to the scale of the houyong, it was completely aimed at the small realm of the late Jindan stage, how many big ones? The elite disciples of the late Jindan who are determined by the forces will definitely not be the opponent of this brave!

On the distant Dengxian Island, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan were also watching this battle. Seeing the brave heroes, Lin Hang frowned.

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