I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 369

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:53 AM

Chapter 369: schedule

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Lin Hang said strangely, "Yan'er, this Houyong feels very strange to me. His development and use of the power of the earth and the exercise of his own physical body are not like a casual cultivator who has lost his inheritance. I believe that he has the support of the Witch clan behind him. If he hadn't met me, then it is very likely that he would have taken away the spot in this second stage of the Golden Core Realm!"

Liu Ruyan gave Lin Hang a white look and said with a smile, "Xiao Hang, you are still boasting yourself in the end! But what you said is also reasonable. It can't be that simple behind this Hou Yong. We can pay attention to it later, maybe There can be some unexpected gains! However, this time, whether he wants to or not, he will swallow this defeat obediently!"

In the eyes of Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan, although the fighting power of this brave is far superior to the ordinary late Jindan monk, but in the hands of Lin Hang's clone Jin Yi, it is still the result of failure.

At this time in the field, Hou Yong grinned open his mouth, revealed white teeth, twisted his neck, and continued to attack Jin Yi, and Jin Yi also laughed. This time he thought it would be extremely boring. Jin Yi felt a little tired from the journey of fighting, and this time he was aroused by the sudden appearance of Hou Yong.

Jin Yi’s current cultivation level is only an ordinary Jindan late-stage cultivator, so the pure attack power cannot cause any special damage to the Houyou in this state, but the average person cannot hurt the Houyou. Jin Yi was different. After a while, Jin Yi had an idea in his mind.

Because of Houyong’s previous actions, the entire field is now full of strong soil travel power. Jin Yi opened his hands and slammed to the middle to see the earth elemental power in the air. The ground condensed and directly trapped Houyong on the ground, turning it into a huge earthy yellow ball. After that, Jin Yi's movements did not stop, and he pinched different seals with both hands, and after a while, the huge khaki ball on the ground burst directly, revealing the courage in it, but At this time, Houyong no longer had the original domineering, and the whole person was covered with a thick black smoke, and at this time he was unconscious.

Jin Yi spread his hands against the referee outside the field, and then walked out of the field. The referee took a look at the situation of Hou Yong, then took Jin Yi's number plate, and gave it back to Jin Yi after a while. Jin Yi knew that he had won the first match, and the information on the number plate had been updated, so he waited for the start of his second match.

Thinking of his trick earlier, Jin Yi couldn’t help but curl his mouth. He first wrapped Hou Yong with the power of the earth element. Before Hou Yong hadn’t reacted, he detonated the water and fire elements in it. In the enclosed space, such a mixture of water and fire exploded, and the power was increased by more than one level, and with strong pressure, Hou Yong was stunned by Jin Yi's trick on the spot. This trick cannot be used at all when other people are singled out. This is the charm of element coordination.

Jin Yi didn't stay here much after winning. Although he also wanted to know what kind of power was behind this Hou Yong, his task now is to pass the selection safely and successfully get this late Jin Dan. The quota of small realm is not suitable for outbursts. And this Houyong naturally has the deity Lin Hang to pay attention to, and he doesn't need to pay much attention to it.

In fact, there is another possibility. This Houyou is a small-level selection in the late Jindan stage. For the elite disciple appointed by the three powers, Lin Hang does not know what the specific arrangements of the three powers are, so this It might not be possible to deny it directly, and all the results will have to wait for Lin Hang's investigation to confirm. But now, Jin Yi didn't care too much about this. His current goal is to win a streak all the way, just get the spot in the late stage of Jindan directly, and he won't care about the others.

At the same time, the other three small-level venues, Lin Hang’s other three clones have not yet started. Obviously, the higher the cultivation level, the slower the battle will be, because there are still players in the late Jindan stage. There were about 1,000 people, but the number began to drop sharply in the Yuanying period. There were only about 300 contestants in the early Yuanying period, 200 in the middle Yuanying period, and 150 in the late Yuanying period. As for the final stage of transformation, the number of participants this time has increased compared to the previous ones, but there are only 50 participants in the early stage of transformation, and 30 in the middle stage of transformation, and the latter is even more limited. Ten people participated! If you don’t make different rules for the comparisons of the various realms, the selection of the **** transformation stage will be much faster than that of the Jindan stage, which is not convenient for their final unified selection, so the different realms will be compared according to the number of people. The speed of the bucket is also different.

And as the trials progressed slowly, on the Jindan late stage, after Jin Yi was defeated by Houyong, there was no player he encountered next that could make him take it seriously. They were all tricks. The winner is directly divided. At this point, Jin Yi also fully felt it. All the opponents he encountered, except for the bravery at the beginning, were all genuine casual cultivation, whether it was the degree of spiritual cohesion or the inheritance of various spells. All are not at the same level as oneself, and coupled with the peak vision of one's own deity during the Tribulation Period, there is really no pressure to deal with these casual cultivators.

Just after the trials on the Golden Core Period had been going on for a while, several other venues also slowly started to compete. Let’s not talk about the two places in the Yuan Ying Period, and the degree of casual cultivation is the same as on the Golden Core Period. There was not much difference either. In the first few matches, Lin Hang's two clones did not encounter any pressure, and easily entered the latter stage. It’s just that Lin Hang’s avatar filament in the initial stage of the transformation of gods feels completely different from the other avatars. The monks here are all at the level of the initial stage of transformation. Cultivation is different. They either have been advised by a high-level cultivator, or they have been given a different opportunity. Otherwise, unless they are talented, they will definitely not be able to cultivate to the stage of transforming gods. Therefore, as the filigree of the initial stage of transformation, I felt a lot of pressure. Each of the fifty monks in the initial stage of transformation had their own cultivation experience and experience, so they were not particularly easy to deal with, but in such a comparison During the fight, Lin Hang himself felt that he had benefited a lot.

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