I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 37

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:26 AM

Chapter 37: Pass the secret

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Just five minutes after the four people left, the four groups of people arrived one after another, but all they were left with were ‘Zongzi’ all over the floor. After releasing the shackles of Shu Wen and the others, they learned what happened. The more they listened, the more solemn they became, and they secretly raised the threat level of Lin Hang in his heart by another level.

After the four of Lin Hang left, they found a hidden place and took a rest temporarily.

After Lin Hang introduced Lu Sanjin to Xu Li, he asked what happened.

It turned out that Xu Li and Ding Lan were not far away from each other, and the two quickly got together through contact. In the process of marching, they were lucky to find two secret realm stones. They didn't want to grow out of branches, and prepared to inspire the secret realm stones to leave the secret realm. But they did not expect that the officer did not explain that the Stone of Inspiring the Secret Realm would burst with powerful light and fluctuations. It happened that Shu Wen and others not far from them found them in the direction of this light, and they had not had time to hold on for ten minutes. , Was drawn into the battle, and developed into the scene Lin Hang just saw.

After understanding, Lin Hang said to Xu Li, "In this case, Brother Xu, you and sister-in-law should leave the secret realm first, and I will help you protect the law."

Xu Li shook his head. He said, "Brother Lin joked, am Xu Li an ungrateful person? Next I will help you find the secret stone and leave together. There is one more thing you don't know." Xu Li took out the silver secret stone, handed it to Lin Hang, and said, "Brother Lin, when Lan Lan and I got the secret stone, we found that the secret stone can interact with each other within a certain range. Yes, I will stay to help you, and I can find the secret stone faster, right?"

After Lin Hang took it, he really sensed the fluctuations from Ding Lan next to him. He weighed it up and said, "Okay! Then thank you, Brother Xu, but the sister-in-law should leave the secret realm first, otherwise, if I miss the opportunity, I will feel uneasy." Xu Li and Ding Lan discussed for a while and agreed to Lin Hang Requirements. Ding Lan took out his secret stone, and was inspired by Xu Li's guard. After having an experience, Xu Li was ready to wrap Ding Lan in the rock. Ten minutes later, Xu Li dispersed. Among the rocks, Ding Lan has teleported out of the secret realm.

After sending Ding Lan away, Xu Li seemed a lot more relaxed. He wanted to worry about Ding Lan's safety all the time, but now he can finally let go of his hands and feet and have a big fight. Lin Hang did not return the secret stone to Xu Li for the time being. He raised the secret stone in his hand, dispersed his spirit, silently sensed, and then led the two of them to a sensing location.

After walking for about ten minutes, the two rushed to their destination. The silver light from the secret stone in Lin Hang's hand became more shining. Soon, Lin Hang found the secret stone on a big tree.

After gaining experience, the next journey was smoother, and soon Lin Hang helped Lu Sanjin also find a secret stone. Lu Sanjin was very touched. He didn't report any hope for this competition. After all, he is not a good fighter. Now that he has obtained the key to the next level so easily, he can't help but sigh that he didn't see the wrong person.

After completing the goal, Lin Hang and the three didn't want to drag it anymore, and now they should finish the task first. Finding a cave, blocking the entrance of the cave, all three of them inspired the secret stone.

After stimulating the secret stone for about five or six minutes, Lin Hang sensed that many people were coming outside the cave. He thought about it, and stopped the excitement of the secret stone, and said to the two people puzzled, "Sanjin, Xu Brother, you go out of the secret realm first, and I feel a lot of people are coming. I'll get them out first, and then I'll talk later." Then, before the two of them refuted, a flash disappeared in the cave. Xu Li wanted to stop arousing, but seeing Lin Hang show space shuttle in front of him, most of his hanging heart was let go, and he continued to sink his heart to inspire the secret stone.

Not long after Lin Hang left the cave, he was surrounded by many people, among them, besides Shu Wen and others, there were many new faces.

Lin Hang smiled and asked, "I'm curious, how did you track me down?"

A masked figure in the crowd stood up with piercing eyes and said, "Lin Hang, you are too arrogant! You didn't pay attention to hiding your whereabouts while running, and my ability "Eagle Eye", as long as you are locked in Once, you will never escape my stalking! Now that we have so many people, I see how arrogant you are!"

Lin Hang said nonchalantly, "Why should I hide my whereabouts? What if you track me down, can you still leave me behind?"

When everyone heard Lin Hang's words, they all laughed, just thinking that he was a beast. Shu Wen even said, "Lin Hang, we'll beat you up until my mother doesn't recognize you later, and see you come out smiling."

Lin Yi hooked everyone, still smiling.

Everyone couldn't stand it anymore. No matter what unknown preparations Lin Hang had, they all attacked Lin Hang. Some people even lost their composure because of Lin Hang's provocation, forgot the officer's warning, and used a killer move.

Just when they thought that Lin Hang was going to be overthrown by their attack, Lin Hang suddenly disappeared. When everyone was stunned, Lin Hang appeared next to the man with the "Eagle Eye" ability, and reached out and touched it. A handful of his smiling face, when everyone was stunned, disappeared again. This time, everyone found that Lin Hang's figure had reached a few hundred meters away, running forward and waving back, looking very leisurely.

The reason why Lin Hang left and did not continue to play with these people was because Lu Sanjin and Xu Li in the cave had disappeared from his perception, indicating that they had left this secret realm perfectly, and there was nothing left to stay here. Meaning, simply use the space shuttle to leave, and copy other people's "Eagle Eye" ability before leaving.

After several consecutive shuttles and constant running, Lin Hang has completely escaped the interception of those people. He did not stay anymore, found a dense jungle place, quietly inspiring the secret stone, ten minutes later, his body The shape flashed and disappeared in place.

After a brief loss of consciousness, Lin Hang opened his eyes and he had already returned to the forest he entered. It seemed that this forest was the teleportation point set by the teleportation. He looked around, and more than 30 people had successfully come out. Xu Li and Lu Sanjin ran over excitedly seeing Lin Hang coming out safely.

"Haha, Brother Lin, I knew you were so strong a long time ago, so I wouldn't challenge you like a fool! Look at your appearance, the people who came afterwards must have been tricked by you, right?" Xu Li said when they met. Asked.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "I played with them and then came out. It seems that there are a lot of strong players this time, so many people have come out before us."

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