I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 372

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:36 AM

Chapter 372: City Lord Mansion Force

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Sure enough, after Fairy Ziyi and Fairy Kaning arrived, the people in Fen Juecheng who had been talking hotly also calmed down. They all looked in the direction of the teleportation formation. They were indeed waiting for the arrival of the last one.

However, it didn't take long for the teleportation array to light up again, and with a burst of hearty laughter, a rather stalwart figure walked out of the teleportation array.

"Elder Zhao, you guys are all here so early? We have kept you waiting for a long time. It is because there are too many affairs in the city, which delayed the formation. Here we are paying you a compensation!", the man saw everyone He directly clasped his fists and apologized, and then slowly walked towards the crowd.

Elder Zhao obviously knew the new stalwart man who claimed to be Wei, and said jokingly on the spot, "No! You, the boss of the Ziwei Emperor Wei, has everything to do with everything. Obviously, this West Jihai affairs is not for you. It is especially important, or else you should not fight with us for the good seedlings of Ziwei Imperial City this time? I believe you do not need these fresh blood to fill the strength of your Ziwei Imperial City."

The last Wei Guanshi was the selection staff sent by the Ziwei Imperial City in the last area. Although the Ziwei Imperial City was initially established with the tacit approval of the three major inland forces, But each family refused to accept each family. Under the management of Ziwei Emperor City at the beginning, they did not find a good way. After all, in such a region, the three major forces naturally wanted their own family to control more. Until later, the three major forces knew that there was no way to reach an agreement, so Ziwei Emperor City set up its own city lord mansion power, but this city lord mansion was not under the control of any one of the three powers. Every city lord was Ziwei The innate existence of Emperor Xing is similar to the innate gods bred from Ziwei Emperor Xing. These innate gods were directly bred from the Ziwei Emperor Star, and would not be biased towards any power, and letting them control the most central Ziwei Emperor City was also the best result for the three powers.

In this way, the power of Ziwei Imperial City’s City Lord’s Mansion is also constantly developing, but they never participate in the struggle of the three powers. Under such circumstances, their status has become a little detached. The forces are naturally unwilling to offend such a force, and every time a decision is made on the West Polar Sea, the Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion is naturally able to participate. Not to mention the former dominance of the West Jihai "Western Gate", this Ziwei Emperor City's city lord mansion is the fourth largest force of the Ziwei Emperor.

Guan Shi laughed and said, "If it weren't for the city lord's order, Wei would naturally not want to fight with you! It's just that every Xjihai trial will indeed produce a lot of elite talents, and these talents will help us in Ziwei Imperial City. As far as the City Lord’s Mansion is concerned, it is quite willing to accept it. Wei can only say something embarrassing about this kind of thing!"

Everyone present understands what Wei Guanshi meant. The talented disciples produced in the West Polar Sea, except those originally cultivated by the three major forces, can pass the selection competition. If you get the quota, it will undoubtedly be more favored by these four major regions. Especially the Ziwei Emperor City's City Lord's Mansion, because although they are managed by the innate gods of Ziwei Emperor Star, but the number is too small after all, there are still many people from the three major powers in the City Lord's Mansion. In order to strengthen their independence, for these local elite disciples born in the West Polar Sea, the demand for the City Lord’s Mansion of Ziwei Imperial City is more urgent than that of the other three forces.

At this time, after everyone chatted for a while, Fen Juecheng coughed slightly, and then said, "Everyone, since everyone is here, let's start the next choice? I don't know this time, who is there? The first start?"

After I asked this question, no one spoke, but everyone looked at the smiling Elder Zhao. Elder Zhao chuckled and said, "Okay, we have discussed this, so let me grow old. Zhao first come!"

Having said that, Elder Zhao took the lead to walk to the edge of the high platform and watched the nine long-awaited elite disciples who had been able to get the quotas below. Elder Zhao couldn't help but smile. He coughed slightly and attracted the attention of everyone below, and then said, the voice was lightly but clearly transmitted to the ears of every disciple, "Elites who passed the trials, first of all congratulations to you for successfully getting into the inland practice. Quota! I know that through this selection, you are all top talents at the same stage. Therefore, on behalf of the inland and southern human race forces, I sincerely invite you to choose to join our human race forces! I know everyone Many of them are not members of our human race, but it doesn’t matter. I believe you also know that our human race is the most tolerant race among the ancient races. Even if you are not a human race, after joining us sincerely, we will treat you All people are treated equally, and there is no prejudice. And as long as you choose to join our human forces, we will give you a top-level exercise at the beginning. After you transfer to this exercise, the speed of your cultivation and the follow-up path The length of the people have made great progress, and our clan will provide you with guidance and answers to difficult questions in cultivation, your future will definitely be brighter!"

After finishing this paragraph, Elder Zhao also paused for a while, then turned his gaze to the three monks in the transformation stage, including the filigree standing in the front, and then said, "And you three transformation stage. The monk, if you join our human race, then we will make the most comprehensive preparations for the calamity that you are about to face next. We will definitely make the most of your chances of success than you can do it alone! It is definitely a generation of geniuses to cultivate to the stage of transforming gods. After joining us, we will not bury your geniuses, and will definitely allow you to develop better!"

Elder Zhao’s speech obviously emphasized the three monks in the transformation stage. Of course, the other disciples were not dissatisfied. They also knew the difficulty of cultivating to the transformation stage and could rely on it. Everyone who has cultivated to the stage of transforming gods is a real talent selected from ten thousand, so he can understand how Elder Zhao treats them differently.

Before everyone could respond, Elder Zhao finished his speech and then stepped back, while Guan Shi went up.

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