I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 373

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:35 AM

Chapter 373: select

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Guan Shi Wei also said in a deep voice, "Everyone, on behalf of the Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion, I extend an invitation to you, I hope you can join our Ziwei Emperor City and work for our Ziwei Emperor City! Our Ziwei Emperor City is the largest inland city. Moreover, here is a large population and very tolerant. There are members of all races in our City Lord’s Mansion. So no matter which force or race you are, you can find yourself in our City Lord’s Mansion. In fact, our City Lord’s Mansion does not have much restriction on who can join, as long as you can maintain the stability of our Ziwei Emperor City when necessary. Our City Lord’s Mansion grants every member who joins, it cannot be said that the treatment is necessarily better than The others are better, but you can definitely get more attention here!"

After saying these necessary words, Guanshi Wei also fixed his gaze on the monk in the transformation stage, and said with a smile, "Of course, if the three gentlemen can join our city lord mansion, then Wei will be honored! And For the three, our City Lord’s Mansion will inevitably provide full support and training, and strive to directly give birth to three monks in the Tribulation Period soon!"

After speaking, Guan Shi Wei also retreated, and the next fairy Ziyi and Fairy Kaning were slightly simpler. The two together were not as good as Guan Wei alone, let alone compare with Elder Zhao. These two people just said a few more words to the three monks in the transformation stage and ended their speeches.

After reaching here, Fen Juecheng stepped forward to preside over the scene and said, "Well, everyone, you have a lot of understanding about the four forces. I believe you already have the answer in your heart, so I will proceed directly. Choose the inland force you want to join!"

As he said, Fen Juecheng looked at the disciple who had attained the small realm of the golden core early stage. This disciple looked ordinary, but his temperament was very good, and he looked extremely energetic. He faced everyone on stage. He saluted, and said respectfully, "I want to follow Elder Zhao and join the inland southern human race!"

When Elder Zhao heard this, he smiled and patted his fat hand, and then whispered, "Okay! That's right? You're pretty good!" With that, Elder Zhao's right hand gently moved, and Yan Ming was directly killed by Zhao. The elder received the high platform and stood behind Elder Zhao.

As for Yanming’s choice, those present were not surprised. This statement was originally Human Race, and coupled with the strong flame aura, he was obviously a disciple cultivated by the "Burning Heaven Society" of the West Polar Sea. He would choose to join Human Race forces. There is no suspense.

At this time, the winner of the golden core mid-term was a young woman dressed in white, but she was able to win in the small realm of the golden core mid-term, and it was definitely not to be underestimated. After Yanming came to power, she also bowed and said, "In Xia Yunbing, I want to join the Eastern Region!"

Fairy Ziyi nodded, and a little bit towards Yun Bing, a burst of purple light flashed, Yun Bing came directly to Fairy Ziyi's side.

Yun Bing was not a disciple cultivated by the three major forces such as "Burning the Heavens". Although she was a little confused about why she chose Fairy Ziyi, she didn't say it clearly, and everyone did not ask.

Then it was the turn of Lin Hang’s late Jindan avatar, Jin Yi, who also learned from the previous two, bowed to everyone on the high platform, and said, “Under Jin Yi, I also want to follow Elder Zhao. , Join the forces of the inland southern human race! I also hope that Elder Zhao will help me more in the future!"

Elder Zhao was also smiling at this time, and likewise stretched out his hand to pull Jin Yi behind him, he was already extremely satisfied. This time, he has already harvested two elite disciples, which is already before he came. The worst result was expected, and regardless of the result, even if no one chooses himself later, after he returned to the clan, he would be able to make a difference.

Lin Hang also had his own considerations for making Jin Yi choose to join the southern tribe. When he created the clone of Jin Yi, although he also used the disguise ability, there is no change in general. The appearance of Jin Yi is also a human man, so in this case, join Terran forces are the best choice. Although Elder Zhao and others said before that they would treat all disciples of the race equally, they should be treated better if they were the same human race. In this way, after Jin Yi entered the territories of the human race, he could better explore the news of "The Gate of Immortal Road" for Lin Hang.

Jin Yi's choice did not cause much fluctuation. Just as Lin Hang considered, these people can also see that Jin Yi himself is a human race. In this case, choosing a more familiar force is a matter of course. .

After Jin Yi, Lin Hang’s Yuan Ying’s early avatar, Yuanhui, was a middle-aged monk with a cold appearance and long hair behind him. At this moment, he said directly, “In the next Yuanhui, I want to join the Eastern region. !"

When creating Yuanhui, Lin Hang did not directly disguise him as another race, but added a bit of innate aura from Xiantian Lingyun, which made Yuanhui a bit elusive, a bit similar. In the existence of the innate spirit. Therefore, although the many monks present were all cultivation bases during the Tribulation Period, they did not know the Yuanhui thoroughly. This is also in line with the image that Lin Hang wants to express: mysterious and cold!

The Ziyi Fairy, who represents the old forces of Ziwei Emperor in the Eastern Region, also had some accidents at this time. I didn’t expect this mysterious Yuanhui would actually choose his side, but after a while, the Ziyi Fairy was also a purple light. Brought this Yuanhui to his side. At this time, in this area of ​​Ziyi Fairy, a unique scene formed. Ziyi Fairy was all wrapped in purple robes, and the whole person had nothing to say, but Yun Bing and Yuanhui who joined later were all one He looked cold, and the scene was very strange.

However, this does not affect the choice of the monk in the middle of the Nascent Soul. The monk in the middle of the Nascent Soul is also a woman, but this woman has some silver lights flashing across her body from time to time. Lin Hang guessed that she should have recently practiced a spell. As a result, her aura can't be well controlled, but this woman is a member of the "Silver Spirit Race" among the ten thousand races, and everyone present has no opinion.

Sure enough, the woman Yinshuang from "Silver Spirit Race" directly chose Fairy Kaning and was led to the high platform.

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