I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 374

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:34 AM

Chapter 374: Dragon and Snake

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There is no accident in Yinshuang's choice. She is also a key disciple cultivated by "Shifang Pavilion", which is also a well-known thing. Of course, she will choose the Northern Ten Thousand Clan Alliance, the force behind "Shifang Pavilion". But it’s also very strange to say that in this trial, among the nine places, only the words from the early days of the Golden Core and the Yinshuang from the second stage of the Yuan Ying were cultivated by forces such as "Burning Heaven". All others are unknown. The origin of Sanxiu. Such results are not very common in the past years. We must know that in every trial in previous years, except for the three places in the transformation period, most of the other six places were used by these three forces. The disciples take care of it. Sometimes it’s not unusual that none of the six quotas appeared for casual cultivators. This time, it happened. I believe that the three major forces such as the "Burning Heaven" will be even better in every subsequent trial. After all, there was a situation like this, besides the strength of casual repairs, there must be some reasons for their lax treatment.

After Yin Shuang's selection was completed, she came to the monk selection in the late Yuan Ying period. This monk in the late Yuan Ying period is also a clone of Lin Hang, aliased as Yingchuan, and his appearance is a short and thin man in black. The fighting style that Lin Hang gave him is also biased towards space concealment and teleportation, and then kills with one blow. type. Different from Yuanhui's external mysterious high coldness, this Yingchuan felt a bit cold, as if his hands were stained with blood and murderous aura.

The people on the high platform also value Lin Hang's shadow Chuan clone. After all, he is the cultivation base of Yuan Ying's later stage, and if he trains hard, he may not be able to create a brand-new monk in the transformation stage. Therefore, these people are more concerned about Yingchuan's next choice.

In order for Lin Hang to successfully join the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance forces without arousing suspicion, he also spent a lot of effort on Yingchuan, a clone of the late Yuan Ying. Lin Hang used the camouflage ability to disguise this Yingchuan as a member of the "Ethereal Tribe" among the ten thousand races, but the sharp horns on his head were introverted. Lin Hang believed that no one besides Kaning could find out. Yingchuan's identity as "The Ethereal Race". And Kaning was able to recognize Yingchuan’s identity, which was also specially arranged by Lin Hang. Under such circumstances, Yingchuan’s spatial capabilities would not be doubted. After joining the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, he was originally a Clan, then will be more cultivated, so that the chance of contacting the clues of "The Gate of the Fairy Road" will be greatly improved.

At this time, Yingchuan said coldly, "Yingchuan, choose the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races in the Northern Ice Field!"

As soon as Yingchuan said this, except for Kaning, who flickered in the eyes of the stage, the others were more or less surprised, but now that they had made a decision, they couldn't say much. With a flash of green light in Kaning's eyes, Yingchuan steadily fell behind her, standing with Yinshuang before.

At this time, in addition to the following three monks in the transformation stage, the first six places have been determined to belong. The southern human tribe forces, the old forces of the Eastern Ziwei Emperor, and the northern ten thousand alliances have each gained two places, and one At the beginning, Guan Shi of the City Lord's Mansion of Ziwei Emperor City was still full of confidence. Although his smile was undiminished at this time, there was still such a trace of anxiety in his expression.

At this time, Elder Zhao, who was in a good mood, said again, "Brother Wei, I'm sorry! This time it seems that if you want a disciple from the Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion, you can't take it home!"

Guan Shi said that he was anxious, but he still smiled and replied, "It doesn't matter, it's their choice, and we won't interfere more! This time it doesn't matter if we don't have a disciple to choose us. After all, this is every three years, after three years. We may not end this way!"

During the conversation between the two, it was already the turn of the last three cultivators, which was also the highlight of this selection conference. The three cultivators in the Sanctuary Transformation Stage are all rare existences. If they find a top-level exercise that suits them, they may not be able to break the barrier all the way and directly enter the Tribulation Stage. Seeing Elder Zhao Guan Guan, they knew that the monks who crossed the Tribulation Period were in their power? They were all relatively high-level existences. One of these three cultivators of the Transcendent God Stage can successfully enter the Tribulation Transition Stage, and it is also said that the strength of the joining forces has also increased greatly.

Lin Hang’s initial avatar of the god-changing filigree first stated that the filigree was created by Lin Hang the longest time. It used a lot of innate aura, plus the disguise of the camouflage ability. It was just the initial situation of the god-changing. The Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion will not receive much attention afterwards, and the management of the Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion is much looser than the other three forces, and there should still be a lot of opportunities for him.

Filigree is the image of an old man with a white beard. At this time, she said, "Old Filigree, I want to join the Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion this time! I hope to go further with the help of the City Lord's Mansion!"

After hearing Fancy's words, Guan Wei, who was quite discouraged, was shocked and was overjoyed. He hurriedly said, "Haha, Mr. Hua doesn't need to be like this! Joining our City Lord's Mansion, that's naturally one of us, believe you It is also possible to achieve the wish in the heart, to go further, and even to reach the catastrophe period is not impossible!"

With that, Guanshi Wei pointed slightly, and the filigree appeared directly beside him. After finishing the arrangement, Guanshi Wei glanced at Elder Zhao intentionally or unconsciously. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning in his eyes was already obvious. , It was a sense of exuberance.

After the selection of Filigree was over, it was the turn of the last two monks in the transformation stage. These two monks were also magical. They turned out to be a pair of monks and monks, and they were called the dragon and snake two immortals. Under the mutual support of the two, they finally reached the stage of transforming their gods. The two of them didn’t want Fancy to be like this. As a casual cultivator in the transformation stage, they were also more famous in the entire West Antarctic Inland Sea. They just didn’t know why they participated in this tryout this time. In the end, both succeeded and got two places.

However, Lin Hang could also guess the reason for their choice this time. Although the two immortals of Dragon and Snake relied on adventures and chances, they broke through to the current stage of **** transformation, and the dragon immortal is in the stage of stage transformation, and the next realm will face the tribulation. It is precisely because of this that the two of them now need to join one party's power and improve their background in order to deal with the next catastrophe.

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