I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 375

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:33 AM

Chapter 375: Go inland

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The Snake Immortal did not speak. Obviously, the Dragon Immortal is in charge of everything for the two of them. The Dragon Immortal held a fist on the high platform and said Hong Sheng, "We, husband and wife, after thinking for a long time, want to join Ziwei Imperial City’s City Lord’s Mansion !"

Although Guanshi Wei had already guessed in his mind, was he still very surprised when he heard the Dragon Immortal personally say it? As if he was hit by a huge pie, he hurriedly said, "The name of the two immortals Dragon and Snake? Head, Wei has been admired for a long time! This time the two of us can choose to join our Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion, and Wei Mou is also honored! Two rest assured, our Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion will definitely not treat them badly, Dragon Immortal We will do our best to help the snake fairy in the next day of the catastrophe, and the two will not regret it!"

The Dragon and Snake Two Immortals have also existed in the West Antarctic Inner Sea for a long time, and as the most famous Taoist priests of the Transcendental Period, several people who have been in charge of affairs in the West Antarctica have naturally heard of their names. The cultivation path of these two people can be regarded as a legend. The two met when they were young and got an ancient heritage. They have encountered countless adventures and opportunities along the way. When encountering dangers, they can almost turn into good fortune. Stumbled all the way to the level of spiritual transformation. And it is said that the two of them also have a unique joint secret method, which can even be challenged in a short period of time to withstand the attack of the cultivator during the Tribulation! Although these two had never fought against the cultivators during the Tribulation Period, in the entire West Antarctic Inland Sea, the two of them could almost be regarded as masters before the Tribulation Period.

It stands to reason that when they reach this level, they should not choose to join any forces. However, the Dragon Immortal seems to be about to cross the catastrophe and urgently need the support of a family of forces. Otherwise, with their background in casual cultivation, it should be more difficult to get through this. It's a catastrophe. And their husband and wife are accustomed to being free and loose, and they must be unable to accept the strict organization of the Ten Thousand Race Alliance and Human Race forces. Joining the Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion is indeed what everyone expected. Although Ziwei Imperial City’s City Lord’s Mansion has some limitations, it is much better than the other three. Moreover, Ziwei Imperial City is well-ordered. Normally, the guests who join the Ziwei Imperial City just practice peace of mind and don’t need to worry about it. Things, this is also more in line with the idea of ​​the Dragon and Snake Two Immortals, so the two will directly join the forces of the Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion when they get the quota this time.

Although in addition to Guanshi Wei, Elder Zhao and others are also regretful, but the ending has been set, and there is no way to change it. Everyone can only accept the current results and prepare to return with the elites who have harvested this time. But fortunately this time, although the Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion took the most part, they were not without gains. They were divided into two places, which was enough for them to go back to work.

The first one among the few people to leave was the harvest of Guanshi Wei, the three masters of the transformation of the gods. This time there was such a gain, Guanshi Wei was naturally anxious to go back and report this time. After greeted several others, they took the filigree and the two immortals Dragon and Snake through the formation and left immediately. After Guanshi Wei left, Elder Zhao, Fairy Ziyi and others also took the elite disciples harvested this time back to their lives, and the entire high platform suddenly became deserted.

Fen Juecheng stared at the formation that lost its light, and said with a little emotion, "I don't know if these people who have left the West Polar Sea can successfully overcome the catastrophe. If they can, they are also us. Some credit for it!"

Shifang Zhenren smiled and said, "We can all predict that they can make progress. As for the success of the triumph, that is really hard to say! We also know that the two immortals, dragon and snake, are indeed talented and rich in luck. , But where is it so easy to get through the robbery? Do you think everyone is Zhao Kangping and Lin Jingtian? So, if we are sent to this place by them, we can do our best with peace of mind! This time from The number of disciples produced among our tripartite forces is really too few, and we should also catch it! Our disciples’ enthusiasm and quality have indeed stagnated over the years, and they can’t compare to these casual cultivators desperately. , If this continues, the proportion of our disciples will decrease in the future, but it is really difficult to explain to the above!"

While the people in Fen Juecheng were still sighing, the big clones of Lin Hang followed the four forces and returned to their respective areas. And Lin Hang also felt the difference in treatment brought about by different cultivation bases. Jin Yi was the cultivation base of the later Jindan period. After being brought back to the southern human race by elder Zhao, he was arranged an independent residence, and then he was given a top-level cultivation technique of his race, plus some cultivation techniques. Resources, there is no other disposal.

To say that this is actually nothing, for the casual cultivator who just joined, it is already a very good treatment. I'm just not afraid of anything, I'm afraid of comparison! Yuanhui was brought back to the eastern plain by the Ziyi Fairy, and an independent residence was also arranged. The casual repairman named Yun Bing was also arranged near Yuanhui and became neighbors with Yuanhui. In addition to the support of some inherent cultivation resources, Yuanhui was also told that in the near future, a high-ranking monk would accept him as a disciple to prepare him.

As for Yingchuan in the late Yuan Ying period, it was naturally different. After returning to the area of ​​the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, his identity in "The Ethereal Tribe" was no longer concealed, and therefore he gained greater trust. And because Yingchuan is the cultivation base of the late Yuan Ying, the next step will be to attack the **** of transformation, which makes the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races also pay more attention to it. After all, the cultivation of the gods of the gods is also very rare among their forces. The monks who sent one million to Earth and Star only had dozens of leaders of the Deity Transformation Stage, and they knew how rare it was. Therefore, Yingchuan received a very good treatment in the Ten Thousand Races Alliance. Not only did high-ranking monks arrange to answer his questions at any time, but also provided him with sufficient training resources. All I hope is that Yingchuan can successfully break through to Huashen. Period, to add another combat power for their Wanzu Alliance.

And finally, the filigree that joined Ziwei Emperor City’s City Lord’s Mansion. Although he has received less attention because of the Dragon and Snake Two Immortals, he is still a monk in the transformation stage, and the potential for free cultivation is very great. It's huge, so the city lord's mansion of Ziwei Emperor also values ​​it very much.

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