I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 376

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:32 AM

Chapter 376: schedule

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Regarding the arrangement of filigree, not only did he set up a mansion for filigree in the imperial Ziwei imperial city, but also arranged many people for him to be responsible for filigree's daily needs, so that filigree could start to practice steadily. In the vicinity of Filigree Mansion, there are also many monks of the transformation stage who belong to the Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion. They are similar in nature to Filigree, and they can be regarded as the kind of Keqing of the Ziwei Emperor City Lord Mansion, and the forces of the City Lord Mansion These guest officials are arranged together so that they can communicate more and exchange their experience in normal times, so that they can be better promoted.

The Mansion of the Two Immortals of the Dragon and Snake is naturally also in this area, and it is not very far from the location of the Filigree Mansion, but the Longxian among the Two Immortals of the Dragon and the Snake is the existence of the late stage of transformation, and has just joined the Ziwei Imperial City. After the City Lord's Mansion, they focused more on their own cultivation and improvement, but they had no communication with Fancy Silk.

In this way, even if Lin Hang's four clones entered the four inland areas, it would not be possible to find the clues Lin Hang needed in a day or two, so Lin Hang is not very good at the moment. impatient. Anyway, now my four major clones have successfully entered this inland. After that, as long as you carefully explore it, it is not difficult to have a chance to find the clues of "The Gate of the Fairy Road". The current situation still has to behave normally. Urgent, this will increase the risk of exposure. And Lin Hang’s clone is actually an extension of Lin Hang’s own consciousness. That is to say, if any clone such as Jin Yi can find clues about "The Gate of the Immortal Road", Lin Hang will respond instantly, and then Afterwards, you only need to act on each goal, which will reduce a lot of uncertainty and increase the chance of success.

At this time, it has been nearly two months since Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan left the Earth Star. Although Lin Hang estimated the development of the entire Earth Star situation before setting off, the plans of those ancient ten thousand races would definitely be used. In a year's time, but this is just the budget before Lin Hang's departure. No one knows whether there will be any changes in the future, and whether these ten thousand races will suddenly accelerate the speed of the war. Lin Hang is now above this Ziwei Emperor Star, and he still misses Lao Wang and the others on Earth Star. Without his own support, it is indeed a bit too much pressure by Wang Lao alone. Lin Hang also I want to complete my plans and goals earlier, and then return to Earth Star to help Wang Lao share his worries. So although there is still a lot of time before Lin Hang’s estimate of one year, Lin Hang still feels that the progress is a bit slow, but there is no way now. After all, the four major areas in the inland area all have the existence of the immortal monks, and they Looking at the situation, Lin Hang had no way to act unscrupulously. He could only explore slowly by his current four avatars, which would definitely consume more time. However, as long as one of the clones has some clues, Lin Hang can roughly determine the specific clues of his "Gate of the Immortal Road". In this way, the other three clones can quickly find the target, and only need to find the target. , Lin Hang was able to leave the Ziwei Emperor Star and return to his earth star.

Time is passing day by day. In a blink of an eye, the four major clones of Lin Hang have been inland for two months. In these two months, Lin Hang, in order to get more attention, let his four major points The bodies showed their potential, and all achieved breakthroughs within two months. Jin Yi in the later period of the Jin Dan broke through to the Nascent Soul Stage, and finally received some attention from the human forces. Now he has slowly entered the middle-level forces of the human forces, and he can also have access to more things, but he At present, Yuan Ying’s early cultivation is still not paid much attention, but the Human Race also arranged for him a teacher to guide him in his usual practice. Some things that are too secret are still not easily accessible, Jin Yi is here. There should be no breakthrough progress in a short time.

The Yuanhui in the Eastern Plains is even more different. As soon as he joined Ziwei Palace, the former force of Emperor Ziwei, he was arranged by a teacher, and this teacher was not someone else, and went to Fen on that day. The fairy in purple clothes of Tiandao select staff. After Yuanhui entered the door of Ziyi Fairy, he received the Ziwei Emperor’s unique top-level exercises from Ziyi Fairy. Yuanhui also checked the exercises and found that this exercise was very magical and could be suitable for it. All races practice, after practicing, a kind of purple gas can be produced in the body. This purple gas can not only help the monks to improve the speed of cultivation, but also can be used as a means of offensive and defensive. It is absolutely infinite. Of exercises.

And Yuanhui also cultivated this ancient exercise called "Ziqi Haoran Jue". Under the guidance of the deity Lin Hang, Yuanhui quickly cultivated the purple energy, and the speed was even consistent. Fairy Ziyi who was not interested in things was also shocked. She also obeyed the above arrangement and accepted Yuanhui as a disciple. The "Ziqi Haoran Jue" handed over to Yuanhui was just a matter of business, and she never thought about this Yuanhui. Can give her such a surprise. The shock that Yuanhui brought to Ziyi Fairy was much more than that. After getting a new exercise, Yuanhui jumped two levels in a two-month period in order to reflect the effect of this exercise and his natural talent. Reached the level of the late Yuan Ying!

Yuanhui’s breakthrough not only caused the Ziyi Fairy’s shock, but the entire "Ziwei Palace" executives also noticed Yuanhui’s news, although they also knew that Yuanhui could rely on casual repairs from a dilapidated place like the West Polar Sea. He defeated the disciples carefully cultivated by several of their major forces, and got a place in his own realm that led to the inland. His talent strength must be excellent, but they never thought that Yuanhui's talent could reach This level now! After learning that Yuanhui reached the late stage of Yuanying, the senior management of "Ziweigong" immediately promoted Yuanhui's welfare, and some wanted to reclaim Yuan as a core disciple of "Ziweigong". However, all this is based on Yuanhui's ability to break through all the way and successfully enter the Tribulation Period. In their opinion, the talents in the early stage do not have much effect, but it will shorten the time of the cultivator. Only experience The monks who can still advance under the test of the catastrophe are the elites that they feel are valuable and truly cultivated.

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