I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 377

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:31 AM

Chapter 377: Focus Shadow River

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Although the current Yuanhui is amazing enough, if it fails to reach the tribulation period, it will still be a peripheral member of their "Ziweigong", unable to get the core truth. But even in this case, Yuanhui was able to cultivate the purple qi with such a basic incomplete "Ziqi Haoran Jue", and it has reached a certain level, which shows that Yuanhui and their "Ziweigong" It is a genius who is very suitable for practicing this practice because of the destiny of inheriting the practice. I believe that if Yuanhui really reaches the late Yuanying stage under their training, then "Ziweigong" will not be stingy with resource tilt, and will choose to create a younger elite who is suitable for practicing "Ziqi Haoran Jue".

And the reason why this happens is that in the current "Ziwei Palace", except for a few high-level disciples and a few elite disciples of the younger generation, the other disciples basically do not practice this. A large part of them can’t cultivate purple qi. Even if there is no purple qi, this "Ziqi Haoran Jue" is still a good technique, but it doesn’t. Ways to cultivate some of the most core things in the inheritance of the Ziwei Emperor, so most of them will later modify other top-level exercises, which will be better than ordinary disciples who practice "Ziqi Haoran Jue" without the purple qi.

During this step by step practice, Yuan Hui gradually gained more and more attention from "Ziweigong". He believed that as his cultivation level improved again, he would have a greater chance to be able to get in touch with My own clues to "The Gate of Fairy Road".

As for the "return" Yingchuan of the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance, his life is considered to be the best. After some checks by the Ten Thousand Clan, after confirming that his identity is correct, Yingchuan directly returned because of his relationship with the "Empathy Tribe". Arrived in the area where "Ethereal Race" is located in the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races. He told the senior management of "The Ethereal Tribe" to a set of well-established rhetoric, explained how he had been left out and returned, and was recognized and accepted by "The Ethereal Tribe". Because of his breakthrough in the early stage of the transformation of God, Chuan also joined the high-level meeting of "The Ethereal Tribe", and also got acquainted with many high-level forces of other races of the Ten Thousand Races. He also knew about the entire northern ice field. less. The deity of Lin Hang also felt that if Yingchuan was given some time, he should be able to make some breakthroughs first.

And Lin Hang’s last avatar filament who joined the forces of the Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion has not been going well recently. At first, he felt that his cultivation in the transformation stage should be relatively free, but he moved in. When she arranged the mansion, Fancy realized that there was some deviation from his imagination. This Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion can't say that they don't pay attention to these monks in the transformation stage. It is a little too important. The City Lord's Mansion has prepared all the resources they need to cultivate, and they don't need to worry about everything.

Originally, these are the best conditions for normal cultivators in the transformation stage. You don’t need to worry about all the training resources, just practice and improve yourself, but for the filigree who is not thinking about it, These arrangements have become an obstacle! Fancy didn't even think about cultivating well, but wanted to have a lot of time and energy to explore the Ziwei Imperial City, so as to find some clues about her "Gate of the Fairy Road". But in the current situation, Fancy has no excuse to explore Ziwei Imperial City. After all, he joined the Ziwei Imperial City Lord’s Mansion, saying that he can have more room for improvement. Now others give you enough resources and a suitable cultivation environment. , If you don't practice well, you go out and run around. It's really a bit too abnormal, and it's bound to arouse the vigilance and suspicion of the City Lord's Mansion.

So now the filament is also very distressed and entangled. After Lin Hang knew this situation, he felt that he was greatly miscalculated. Originally, he wanted to arrange a filament with the highest cultivation level among the forces that restrained the monks the least. Inquire about the news you need. But I didn’t expect that cleverness would be mistaken for cleverness. On the contrary, Filigree received too much attention because of its high cultivation base, and there was no way to move freely. Here, if Jin Yi chooses to join, there should be a space for free movement. More!

Before the four clones entered the interior, Lin Hang really had the greatest expectations for the filigree that had decided to join the Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion. One is because the initial cultivation base of the silk goddess is the highest among the four avatars. The advantage of a high cultivation base is that it can use more methods. Some spells and secret techniques, although low-level such as Jin Yi The clone also understands, but because of the limitation of cultivation base, there is no way to display it. Second, it’s because the area of ​​the entire Ziwei Emperor City is very inconspicuous compared to the other three areas. If the filigree in the early stage of the transformation is to explore with all its strength, one month will be enough for him. All exploration is over. It can be said that Lin Hang was originally full of confidence, thinking that the filigree journey would definitely be the first to bring good news to himself, but there is no way in the world to develop exactly as Lin Hang thought. Accidents and changes are sometimes just said. Here, the idea of ​​such a smooth flow has been shattered in advance.

Now that Filigree’s path has encountered great obstacles, Lin Hang has devoted more energy to one of the lines of Shadow River. Shadow River is now also a monk in the Deity stage, disguised as a member of "The Ethereal Race". He also received a lot of trust and attention, and gradually began to occupy the field of vision among the high-level forces. Coupled with the efforts of Yingchuan itself, I believe that Yingchuan will have the opportunity to use a suitable excuse to explore the entire northern ice field clearly, and then it is very likely to find itself in "Xianlu The clue of "The Gate".

As long as Yingchuan can find some news about the clues of "The Gate of the Fairy Road", then for the three avatars such as Jin Yi, the matter will become much easier. As long as the approximate range is determined, then you can search There will be a lot less things, even if these three avatars have their own inconveniences, then they have a goal and route that they can explore, and they will not be as confused as they are now.

So these two months passed, Lin Hang's deity was eager in his heart, and still silently waiting on Dengxian Island, waiting for the good news from Yingchuan.

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