I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 383

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:24 AM

Chapter 383: Carlo Ancestor

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Regarding the actions of Kahlo ancestors, Yingchuan guessed that he should have some private words to say to himself alone. Otherwise, he would openly oppress the elite disciples of "The Ethereal Tribe", then this "Kashgar Tribe" is in the League of Ten Thousand Nations The position of leadership can be regarded as the top, so Yingchuan is not very worried.

Looking at Yingchuan, which is still very calm, an expression of surprise and appreciation also appeared on the face of the ancestor of Karo, and he smiled and said, "Kingyingchuan, you are better than I thought! I will not be against you. , I’m not particularly interested in such tricks when I’m in my current state. But, do you know that such a mysterious open space is not only found in the area of ​​our Ten Thousand Races Alliance, but also in the eastern plains and southern mountainous areas. There is an empty space in the Ziwei Emperor City in the center!"

Although he had already guessed in his mind, Kage Chuan was shocked when he really heard the words from Ancestor Carlo. He did not conceal the shock in his heart. He directly asked, "Ancestor Carlo, you said this. Geographically, the same piece of existence exists in the other three major areas? Then you are telling me this now, is there any order?"

The ancestor Carlo was very satisfied with Yingchuan’s current shock, chuckled lightly, and then began to introduce, “When we first entered this northern ice sheet and discovered this mysterious and unchangeable open space, we old guys were very happy. Interested, I wanted to find out why, but there were no results in the past hundreds of years, and at this time we also accidentally learned that the other two powerful human races and the "Ziwei Palace" also have the same After all, they lived on this Ziwei Emperor star longer, and naturally discovered earlier, but after some exchanges with them, we knew that they had studied for longer than us. There was still no way to find a clue. At that time, we were on the verge of giving up. It’s just that we discovered a little late after all. At that time, we encouraged the two forces to study the mystery of this open space with us, but in the end there was no result. .Until the later establishment of Ziwei Emperor City, we were surprised to find that there was actually this fourth open space here! Such a discovery made us ecstatic, as if it was the feeling of finding the last piece of the puzzle, we thought it was because before. There are only three open spaces. Of course, nothing can be learned. If you study the four open spaces together, you can definitely make some breakthroughs."

As he said, a trace of self-deprecating appeared on the face of the ancestor Carlo, and continued, "But the reality once again poured a large pot of ice water on the enthusiastic us! Even the many immortal cultivators of the three major forces came out together, together I have studied these four open spaces for a whole hundred years, but in the end there is still no clue! Our time is all wasted on this! Today, seeing you successfully elicited a reaction in this open space, it made me more realistic. On the ground, I felt a constant rumor in the cultivating world: Predation is really important. Without predation, no matter how strong the cultivation base is, you can’t force it! The reason why I told you so much is because I remembered this passage. Experience, it’s just a moment of insight! As a guest of our "Kashgar", you can get what you said in this open space, then this is your predestined method, we won’t be right What is your goal. So, don't worry, just go back with this tactic with peace of mind, and hope that you can catch up with me in the future and become one of the great cultivators of your "Ethereal Tribe"!"

Yingchuan also felt the sincerity and thoughts of the Karo ancestors at this time, and he was relieved a lot, nodded and said, "Yingchuan is here to thank the Karo ancestors and the gift of the "Kash Tribe"! And you have treated me. Hopefully, Yingchuan can only do his best, but it is still unknown whether it can be achieved! When Yingchuan heard you talk about the mysterious open spaces in the other three regions, he thought you wanted me to try those places. !"

Ancestor Carlo laughed and said, "Who told you that I don't have this idea anymore? It's just that you have just obtained what is contained in this open space in our territory after all, and it will take you some time to digest it. And, take advantage of this. Time, I also need to know if there are any changes in the other three areas after you get the things in this open space. If there is really no change at that time, I will take you to this place quietly. , For you to cover, let you get what is in it! But, I have a requirement, that is, if the things you get can be shared, then we "Kashgar" want a copy, if it is an opportunity that cannot be shared, then It belongs to you, what do you think?"

Yingchuan also understood the meaning of the ancestors of Caro at this time, although at the beginning, the three major forces of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, the Human Race, and the "Purple Palace" worked together to solve the mystery of these mysterious open spaces. Yes, it can be regarded as having some revolutionary friendship in it. But now that the people of their Ten Thousand Races Alliance first cracked the mystery of this open space, if there is no major reaction in the other open areas, it is naturally impossible for them to share the Ten Thousand Race Alliance with other forces. Yes, this is not a time for empathy. At this time, it is a key decision concerning the development of ethnic power. They cannot help but feel softened.

Yingchuan nodded, and then asked, "Ancestor Caro, how long will it take to determine the reaction of other forces before starting an action according to your estimation?"

Ancestor Carlo thought for a while, and then said, "With regard to this matter, I mean not to cause a reaction from several other forces. Then my exploration action shouldn't be too intense! You don't know Yingchuan, the human race still Those cultivators who have "Purple Palace" are all ghosts! As long as we show a little bit of wind and news, they will follow the vines to find the door, so in order to ensure that our Wanzu Alliance can enjoy this opportunity this time. , I’m not going too aggressively. It should take at least a year to fully confirm. Of course, you can also study the newly acquired method during this period. Maybe there will be something new. The discovery! One year is not long, and you should be able to wait. When the time comes, I will go to "The Ethereal Tribe" to find you!"

After Yingchuan listened to the words of Carlo's ancestor, there was a trace of regret in his heart.

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