I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 386

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:16 AM

Chapter 386: See Ziyi Fairy

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On this day, Yuanhui went to the residence of his master Ziyi Fairy in accordance with the daily routine, and performed daily ceremonies.

Fairy Ziyi still had a cold appearance, and he still answered the questions Yuanhui raised on cultivation quite normally. Finally, when Yuanhui was about to leave, Fairy Ziyi nodded gently and said, "Well, Yuanhui, you are very good! As a teacher, you can see that not long after you came into contact with this "Purple Qi Haoran Jue", although you started from scratch, you have reached a level that many predecessors have not reached! Being a teacher is yours At this stage of the heart, it’s not as good as you are. Your savvy, as a teacher, can’t find one in the current "Ziwei Palace" that can match you! However, don’t be too arrogant and complacent. With a heart to make progress! I believe that if you concentrate on practicing for a period of time, you will definitely get even greater gains in this "Purple Qi Hao Ran Jue"!"

Yuan Hui nodded respectfully and said, "Yes, teacher! The disciples will remember!"

As he said, Yuanhui showed a deliberately hesitant appearance. The careful Ziyi fairy naturally noticed, frowning, and said, "Yuanhui, what can you say directly, although you It’s only been a few months after worshiping under my door, but since I’m already your master, I will still help you wherever I can!"

Yuan Hui gritted his teeth, seeming to have made a great struggle in his heart, and then said in a deep voice, "Teacher! When my disciples are communicating with some friends of the same generation these days, they are talking about our "Ziwei Palace" There is a mysterious open space in ". This open space cannot be transformed or destroyed, but we have not solved its mystery for many years. After hearing this rumor, the disciple was also very curious, so I want to ask you, Can you let the disciples go and see in this open space?"

Ziyi Fairy understood the general meaning of Yuanhui after hearing the first half of Yuanhui's words. At this moment, when Yuanhui finished speaking, he shook his head and refused, "Yuanhui, didn't I just tell you this paragraph? In time, you should carefully study the "Purple Qi Hao Ran Ju" taught to you by your teacher, and strive to enter the catastrophe period in the shortest possible time. Did you forget it so soon? Regarding this mysterious open space, wait until it is suitable When the time came, the teacher would naturally arrange for you to go there, and now your focus should be more on cultivation!"

After speaking, Fairy Ziyi waved his hand to indicate that Yuanhui could leave today, but at this time Yuanhui suddenly knelt forward, looking at Fairy Ziyi, and said, "Teacher! My disciples will never forget your teachings. They always put cultivation first! It’s just that this time the disciple didn’t talk about this mysterious open space for no reason or just wanted to experience it, but the disciple seemed to feel a little bit about this open space. When I heard the news of this open space, I felt that I was connected to it, as if it was prepared for me! The disciple didn’t know how this feeling came about, but now no matter what I’m doing, this feeling is It has been lingering in my mind, and it has already affected my cultivation a bit! In my heart, the disciple felt that if I didn't really go to this open space to see it, maybe my subsequent cultivation would not be particularly stable. It's just a disciple. I also understand that "Ziwei Palace" has always had arrangements for this, and the disciples must not have the opportunity to enter now, so this is why I want you to help and answer my doubts!"

Yuan Hui came to ask Fairy Ziyi for help this time, but after making enough preparations, it turned out that Fairy Ziyi directly rejected his request as he thought. However, Yuanhui was prepared for this. He directly said that he had a reaction to this mysterious open space. Under such circumstances, Fairy Ziyi would have to confirm whether what Yuanhui said was true or false. The possibility of Yuanhui will be arranged to enter this open space for a test.

Ziyi Fairy had a very calm expression. After listening to Yuanhui's words, his expression changed instantly, but it didn't take long for Ziyi Fairy to recover his face and said, "Yuanhui, you just heard about this open space, right? ? So how do you know that you are sensitive to this open space? You probably don't know where this open space is in our "Purple Palace", right?"

Yuan Hui was stunned on the surface, but in fact he was secretly delighted in his heart. He was already prepared for this question that Fairy Ziyi would ask. Yuan Hui shook his head and said, "Teacher, I don't know the specific location of the open space, but it is indeed the induction that I had only after learning about the open space. I was able to sense the specific location, probably at This piece."

As he said, Yuanhui raised his hands, and then began to paint slowly in the midair between the two, and soon a light map of the eastern plain appeared slowly. The other annotations of this light map are very simple, except that a red dot lit up in the core of Ziwei City. After Yuanhui completed the construction of the light map, he pointed to the red dot in Ziwei City and said, " Teacher, the location I can sense is this location in Ziwei City. I don't know, I don't know if this mysterious open space is located here?"

Fairy Ziyi was actually shocked by Yuanhui when Yuanhui just marked the light spot of Ziwei City, because what the light spot represented was indeed the mysterious open space! She was quite convinced that although some of Yuanhui's friends had been to this open space for experience, none of them knew the exact location of this open space. At this time, Yuanhui was able to determine the exact location of the open space in Ziwei City so accurately that Fairy Ziyi could not help but believe Yuanhui's statement. He did have a special feeling for this mysterious open space.

Yuan Hui looked at the pensive fairy Ziyi, knowing that she was thinking about the next arrangement, and did not speak any more, quietly waiting for the reaction of the Ziyi fairy.

After a while, Fairy Ziyi finally raised his head and said, "Yuanhui, I don’t hide from you as a teacher. The light spot you marked in Ziwei City is indeed the one controlled by our "Ziwei Palace". There is a mysterious open space. As a teacher, I believe you can indeed have a reaction with this open space. However, I cannot guarantee you whether you can enter this open space, but I will report to it, and I will Tell the truth about your situation. As for the result, you still need to wait for the result!"

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