I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 387

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:15 AM

Chapter 387: Determine the plan

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After Ziyi Fairy told her own method, she continued, "Yuanhui, I know that you take things seriously in this open space. After all, you have never asked me anything before. You can't guarantee 100% as a teacher. I will definitely agree, but I will do my best to help you! I also know that this may be the biggest opportunity in your life. If you seize it, it will be a great opportunity for our "Ziwei Palace". It’s a big happy event, so I believe there is still great hope after I fight for you for the teacher!"

Ziyi Fairy Speaking of this, Yuanhui also feels the love that Ziyi Fairy has for his apprentice. This time, although Ziyi Fairy said that Yuanhui could get the chance of this mysterious open space, it is a great opportunity for "Ziwei Palace". It was a great event, but the most important thing was that he still didn't want to delay Yuanhui's own opportunities and cultivation. The meaning between the lines also meant that he would definitely help Yuanhui win this opportunity from the top. It's just that Fairy Ziyi is someone who hasn't done that kind of thing and will never pack a ticket with others. Yuan Hui also understands this very well, so this time, Fairy Ziyi successfully entered the mysterious open space, it should be a certain thing.

Although Yuanhui feels guilty about the use of this time for the Ziyi Fairy who is dedicated to helping him, Yuanhui has nothing to do for his own opportunity in "The Gate of the Fairy Road". In fact, Yuanhui didn't deceive Fairy Ziyi either. He did feel the location of this mysterious open space, but he didn't work hard for their "Ziwei Palace".

However, during this period of time, Yuanhui also understood that apart from the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance, on this Ziwei Emperor Star, it is not impossible to make good friends with several other forces in the future. According to Lin Hang’s guess , This Ziwei Emperor Star should be a special cosmic light fragment closest to the Earth Star. When the future catastrophe comes, the forces of the Earth Star and the forces above the Ziwei Emperor Star may not be able to cooperate. Fan, after all, the first element of the Great Tribulation is not war, but the survival of the race.

Of course, Lin Hang just has a preliminary idea in his mind for such a thing now, and he doesn't mean to practice it immediately. Lin Hang knows that this trip to the Ziwei Emperor is definitely not his last time here, so When I came to Ziwei Emperor Star, I could work hard in this direction.

And here to the fairy in Ziyi who just finished speaking, Yuanhui also saluted again, and said with a touch of emotion, "The disciple thanks the teacher for your help! The disciple knows that for this matter, teacher, you will definitely be under some pressure, I I'm causing you trouble again!"

Fairy Ziyi smiled and replied, "You! Didn't you tell me about being a teacher? I am your master. This kind of thing doesn't have to be this way! Your cultivation level will improve, and you will be very happy as a teacher. Go back and wait, I believe there will be news soon!"

In Ziyi Fairy’s heart, he is also very sure, not only because of his identity, but also because Yuanhui has a special feeling for this mysterious open space. Such performance is enough for Yuanhui to enter the open space to experience it. .

Yuanhui once again saluted Ziyi Fairy, then got up from the ground and left the residence of Ziyi Fairy respectfully.

In the next time, Yuanhui only needs to wait, and the time when Yuanhui gets the news and can enter the open space for enlightenment is when Jin Yi also starts to act.

As for the last filigree in Ziwei Imperial City, she had already begun to look for the mysterious open space in Ziwei Imperial City, but the news filigree of the open space hadn't spent much effort to find out directly. Because since the innate gods took over Ziwei Imperial City, this open space has been managed by the city lord’s mansion of Ziwei Imperial City. According to Fancy’s knowledge, this open space is guarded all year round by a steward who crosses the catastrophe period and is generally not open to outsiders. of.

However, this arrangement couldn't stop the filigree, and the filigree was also ready, and only waited for Yuan Hui to arrange it properly, and then worked with Jin Yi and the others at the same time. It's just different from Jin Yi and Yuanhui's upright and bright perception, Fancy's idea is to go straight into it, taking advantage of a moment of blankness, directly obtaining the magic formula and leaving directly, and then no longer consider the matter. So, now all the preparation conditions have been completed, just waiting for Yuanhui Fairy Ziyi to qualify for him.

Just when Yuanhui asked Fairy Ziyi for help, half a month later, Yuanhui was summoned by Fairy Ziyi.

Yuanhui hurried to the residence of Ziyi Fairy, and after paying the ceremony with Ziyi Fairy, Ziyi Fairy said with a smile, "Yuanhui, with your talents, you already know why you are looking for your teacher this time, right?"

Yuanhui didn't evade it either, and replied with a smile, "Well, looking at the teacher you look like, my disciple guessed that it was the teacher that you won for me to enter the mysterious open space, right?"

Fairy Ziyi nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Yes, after you told me about it that day, I immediately reported it to the above. As expected, the high level above felt very sensitive to you. Pay attention, even if you agree to let you go to the open space for some insight. Although this open space has caused a long-term interference with our "Ziwei Palace", we still think it must hide a lot of secrets. , This time if you can successfully get something in this open space, and you can contribute to the palace, then Yuanhui you may be able to directly join the core of our "Purple Palace" without the need for subsequent assessment It’s been a while since you joined us in "Purple Palace", should you know how rare the core of our "Purple Palace" is? Therefore, Yuanhui, as your master, I also want you to grasp it well. Only one chance, this is the most important chance in your life!"

Yuan Hui was a little embarrassed because Fairy Ziyi was destined to disappoint her with his expectations, but on the surface, Yuan Hui nodded respectfully, and said, "Teacher, don't worry! What you said. I understand that the disciples will seize this opportunity!"

Fairy Ziyi nodded and said the arrangement of "Ziwei Palace", "Although they agreed to let you enter the mysterious open space and feel it, it still took a lot of time to arrange everything. Now It has been determined. After three days, you will come to the teacher's place. The teacher will take you into the Ziwei city, and then go to the mysterious open space to realize that there is no problem, right?"

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