I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 39

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:10 AM

Chapter 39: Top 16

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After the ring is over, there will soon be the next players on stage, and the competition is still relatively tight. After the two in the sixth group ended, Lin Hang got news of the bracelet and stepped onto the sixth ring.

After taking the stage, Lin Hang saw that his opponent had already taken the stage in advance. This person is a thin and small man. When he saw that his opponent was Lin Hang, his face showed a bitter look. He arched his hand at Lin Yi and said, "Brother Lin Hang, I hope I can do it later!" Lin Hang Also bowed his hands, noncommittal. Soon, the two received a reminder from the bracelet and the game could start.

This man was able to pass the assessment of the first level secret realm, obviously not mediocre. After he entered the game state, he was obviously completely different from his previous temperament. I saw that his originally thin body seemed to be puffed up, and slowly became fuller, and in the end the whole person even grew twice as tall. He roared and rushed towards Lin Hang.

When Lin Hang saw the man's performance, he immediately understood that his opponent's abilities were also enhanced, and they were relatively rare. Judging from his appearance, not only has his strength and speed been strengthened in this state, but his ability to resist hits has obviously also been greatly enhanced. Lin Hang did not rush in. He called out a few vines to bind to the man, but was easily broken by the man. Obviously, the improvement of the man's physical fitness was still higher than he expected. Lin Hang did not panic. He thought of a way to transport the psychic energy into the ground under his feet, turning the ground into a quagmire like Xu Li that day, and even to be more effective, he also used water-type powers to make the quagmire more The ground is sticky.

The man's speed suddenly slowed down on the quagmire. Seeing this, Lin Hang gathered the psychic energy of the earth element in his hand, like wearing a hard glove, and hit the man hard. The man also wanted to dodge, but now this has become Lin Hang’s home court. His speed is suppressed by him, and he can’t hide at all. After receiving a few punches from Lin Hang, he considers that there are still many games to be compared. , Ready to save energy, chose to admit defeat.

Lin Hang analyzed the situation. One hundred people were divided into eight groups, the first four groups were twelve people, and the last four groups were 13 people. If everyone in each group is better than one game, that is to say, at least each group will have Sixty-six games were played, and the next four groups had 78 games. There is definitely no way to compare in one day, so the military has stipulated that there are only 20 matches per group every day until all groups are compared.

Soon the first day of the competition was over, and Lin Hang and others gathered together again. Everyone shared their results today. Lin Hang fought five games today, and they all won with ease. And Xu Li and Ye Guangyuan also have a record of all victories, and both have won four games. Lu Sanjin won five matches today and only won one. It was still very uncomfortable. Looking at his bitter face, you can tell how depressing it is now. Although Ding Lan is a woman, she is agile and has only lost one of the five games, so she still has a good chance of entering the third round.

In the next few days, everyone completed all the battles in their own group one after another. Lin Hang didn't have a particularly strong opponent in this group, so it was relatively easy, and he qualified first in the group with 12 games. Although Xu Li and Ye Guangyuan lost a game, they still qualified first in the group. Ding Lan is a pity. He was originally ranked second with the same wins in this group and had a playoff. Unfortunately, he lost to his opponent in the playoff and fell outside the top sixteen. The young man Lu Sanjin was more tragic. He didn't win a match in the next round, and only won one match in the entire second round, which ended dismal.

The list of the top sixteen also came out. The representatives of the four major families in the capital: Lin Jialin Chengye, Liu Jia Liu Rulong, Wang Feiyu, Liu Tianqi, all included, plus Ye Guangyuan from Huicheng, Xu Li from Northwest China, If you count Lin Hang from the Yu Family Yudie Yi of Diancheng, the disciples of the major families actually accounted for half of the finals of the competition! The others are, of course, representatives of the military, with as many as eight. None of the other small families and forces entered the finals, which also shows that the inheritance of the power world is still very important.

The top sixteen has been determined, and the third round of the game will be held indoors, and everyone has a three-day break. Indeed, after so many consecutive days of competition, each player must be a little tired. Give everyone some time to adjust, by the way, study your fighting style and make more preparations for the next finals.

After it was over, Lu Sanjin, Lin Hang and the others bid farewell, invited everyone to play in Binhai, and left alone. Xu Li also left with Ding Lan, and went back to prepare for the next game. Lin Hangbian, Ye Guangyuan and Tian Dayong returned to the Ye Family Villa and temporarily relaxed.

After returning to the room, Lin Hang really took a good night's sleep, which made up for the tense state of mind these days. Getting up early the next morning, they were not in a hurry to practice, and they were drinking tea quietly in the courtyard with Ye Guangyuan.

Tian Dayong is very dedicated. He has already obtained the list of other players in the top 16 and everyone has a detailed analysis of the data and handed it to Lin Yi. After Lin Hang took it, he took a look and then handed it to Ye Guangyuan next to him, and said, "Brother Guangyuan, look at it first. These are all first-hand information from the military. Look at your research and research opponents. The final grasp of the final."

Ye Guangyuan did not be polite with Lin Hang either. He took the information and said with a smile, "I also want to see how others evaluate me!" After that, Ye Guangyuan first found his own one and looked at it. , Frowning gradually. He put down the information and said to Tian Dayong, "Brother Tian, ​​how come the military has such detailed information about me? My weaknesses have been marked out, but I remember that I didn't show all my strength!"

Tian Dayong smiled and said, "You look down on the military too much. Although you only showed some very simple abilities, the military has actually reached the extreme in researching various abilities. Your Ye family’s water system is abnormal. Ability is no exception. Although the shortcomings of various water system abilities are slightly different, the general direction is the same. We only need to formulate a strategy for this general direction."

Ye Guangyuan is no longer so calm anymore. Lin Hang can get this information, so naturally the eight people in the military have. And although his own Fang Ye family also has information, it is far from that detailed. Ye Guangyuan is sure that the situation of the other big families and his own family are definitely not much different. It's no wonder that the previous champions of the big competitions are all from the military, and they are indeed leading too much in the first hand.

Lin Hang didn't feel anything. He patted Ye Guangyuan on the shoulder and said, "Brother Guangyuan, don't care so much. I think you only need to show your strength and don't need to care if others know you too well. That's it. And, don't you have this information now? It includes the eight members of the military. Let's study it carefully and we won't suffer from this!"

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