I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 391

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:11 AM

Chapter 391: Master and apprentice reunion

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However, just after landing on the sea, Lin Hang did not just sit idle. Instead, he hurriedly scanned the entire earth and stars with his spiritual sense, and then discovered that on various continents, the ten thousand races were still fighting. In the depths of the earth and stars, the formations set up by the ten thousand races still exist, and there is no change.

Seeing this scene, Lin Hang breathed a sigh of relief and said to Liu Ruyan, "Yan'er, it seems that my judgment has not been wrong. We have been out for a while, and the plans of these ten thousand races have not yet been fully completed! In this case, let's go see the teacher first!"

Liu Ruyan nodded and placed his hand gently on Lin Hang's right hand. The next moment Lin Hang took Liu Ruyan into Qingtian Island where Wang Lao was sitting. Because of its hidden nature, Qingtian Island did not appear in Lin Hang's scan just now. This also caused Lin Hang to be unclear about the situation of Qingtian Island. When Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan stepped into Qingtian Island. At the moment of Tiandao, I felt a familiar breath approaching rapidly.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Hang's mouth, and he waited in place for the familiar master to approach. When a figure came in front of Lin Hang, both Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan bowed and bowed respectfully.

The figure that appeared was Lao Wang, who Lin Hang hadn’t seen for a long time. Looking at Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan’s safe return, Wang couldn’t help but laugh, and said, “When you first entered this Qingtian Island, I still I was really shocked. I wanted to say that we will not all be found in such a hidden Sky Island, right? But the next moment I found out that it was you and my heart also let go. How about, Hang'er, this time Ziwei How does the trip to the Emperor Star feel?"

Lin Hang also smiled and said, "Teacher, this is a long story, let's sit down first, listen to me slowly!"

Lao Wang also knew that Lin Hang had come back this way, and he definitely didn't have time to rest, so he responded quickly and took Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan to a lounge.

After the three of them sat down in the lounge, Lin Hang first asked, "Teacher, I don’t know how the plans of the ten thousand races have been implemented after the disciple has left Earth Star this time? The current situation is still with us. Are you in control?"

Mr. Wang nodded and said, "This matter is the one that I have been paying most attention to since I took the seat on the Qingtian Island. However, as we guessed, the reason why they will allow this war to continue For such a long time, it must be because the time they waited has not yet appeared, so for now, the war situation of the ten thousand races on the earth and the stars is still small, at least the leaders of their ten thousand races and various races have not participated In such a war, I just don’t know what the future development will be, and what kind of preparation they will have after the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races."

Lin Hang nodded and said that he understood that the development of this situation was still in his expectation. At present, they don't need to make much preparation for such a situation. They can only wait for the actions of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance and then make some. Coped.

Lin Hang discussed the future plan with Wang Lao, and then talked about his experience on Ziwei Emperor Star, "Teacher, if we actually solve the problem on Earth and Star, I think you can also go there. Ziwei Emperor Star. Their cultivation world is indeed far ahead of our Earth Star. Not only are there many monks who crossed the Tribulation Period, but even the disciples of Dengxian monks have been in close contact. So, I see you now It is also the cultivation base of the later stage of the Tribulation. There should be no opportunity for breakthroughs on Earth Star. You can go to Ziwei Emperor Star and turn around. Maybe you can find a breakthrough opportunity for the road later!"

Old Wang laughed, without directly agreeing, and said, "Hang'er, the teacher knows that you are for my good. If you don't go to the Ziwei Emperor Star, you should wait until the earth star is completely arranged! Otherwise, let's talk about it! If you are a teacher, there is really no way to relax your mind. But you, this time you went to the star of Ziwei, isn't it just to find clues about your "Gate of the Immortal Road"? How, there are results!"

In fact, at the moment when he saw Lin Hang returning, Mr. Wang also had a guess in his heart. Since Lin Hang is now back before the stipulated time, it means that either he has encountered some trouble that must be avoided, or he has succeeded. , And Wang Lao's heart is naturally biased towards the second answer.

Speaking of this, Lin Hang was obviously very excited. He didn't hide anything in front of Lao Wang. He just said, "Well, teacher, after going to Ziwei Emperor Star, the disciple can feel that I have a " The induction of clues in "The Gate of the Fairy Road" has become clearer, and finally following this induction, after some arrangement and planning, the disciple can also be regarded as getting the clue. But now this clue is only a mysterious technique. In my mind, the disciple came back in a hurry, and I haven't studied it carefully. Only when I am free later can the disciple study it carefully and try to open my "The Gate of the Fairy Road"!"

Regarding this, Wang Lao couldn't give Lin Hang any advice. Wang Lao also only survived the last catastrophe. In the cultivation of the stage of the catastrophe, he has not cultivated to the top like Lin Hang, so For the time being, I haven't had any feelings about my "The Gate of Immortal Road". To feel his own "The Gate of the Immortal Road", Wang Lao needs to polish it for a while.

Mr. Wang nodded and said with a smile, "No matter what, it’s good to be rewarded! With regard to cultivation matters, Hanger, you have always had your own ideas. This time, being a teacher will not interfere with you, so you are yourself Just grasp it. But there is one thing that I am more interested in as a teacher. Hang'er, don't you mean that the teleportation array between this earth star and the Ziwei Emperor star is all set by the alliance of ten thousand races? Among those Ziwei Emperor Stars, have you ever dealt with this Ten Thousand Race Alliance, or have you collected some news about them?"

Lin Hang knew that Wang Lao would definitely care about the affairs of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance. After all, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance team on Earth and Stars has caused a lot of trouble to China. Wang Lao naturally wanted to have more enemies for this future. Some understanding.

Lin Hang nodded, and replied, "Teacher, this time the disciple is on top of Ziwei Emperor, it is not just his clue to "The Gate of the Immortal Road". For the distribution of the forces on the entire Ziwei Emperor The disciples also know a lot about the situation!"

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