I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 392

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:10 AM

Chapter 392: Brother Dengxian's shock

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After speaking, Lin Hang sorted out his thoughts and continued, "After Yan'er and I went to Ziwei Emperor Star, we did not go directly to the inland area. Instead, we chose to settle on a small island on the sea. On. Later, with our investigation and understanding, we learned how correct this decision was. It turned out that there are four most powerful forces on the Ziwei Emperor star in the inland, and they will take the entire inland capital. It was restricted, and people other than them were not allowed to enter the inland at all. I also learned a lesson in this matter. All were killed in an instant, and none of them realized in advance and then fled. Because of this, the disciples knew that there was no way to directly enter this inland, so they created several genius clones with lower cultivation bases, according to their rules. , Joined their forces from the West Polar Sea through normal channels."

When Lin Hang talked about this, there was still a hint of lingering fear in his heart. After relieving his mind, he continued, "And their alliance of ten thousand races is one of the four major forces in the inland. I will take one of my own. The clone disguised as a member of the "Ethereal Clan" among their tens of thousands of races. After successfully returning to the "Ethereal Clan", the clone showed its excellent talent and potential, so it was within a short period of time. Won the trust of "The Ethereal Tribe." In the days that followed, my clone was even more entrusted with the important task of "The Ethereal Tribe", which represented that "The Ethereal Tribe" visited all the races of the entire Ten Thousand Races Alliance. That is to say, during this visit, I saw the first cultivator of Immortality in the Ten Thousand Race Alliance!"

Speaking of the immortal monk, Lin Hang's heart became heavy, and he said, "Teacher, this time the time for my disciple is tight, otherwise, with my clone, it is very likely that I will continue to develop and get more. The secret news of the ten thousand races! But the disciple came back in a hurry, so some of the foundations I laid in the early stage of this clone are of no use for the time being. For the ten thousand race alliance’s plan on our planet, the disciple didn’t get much use. In addition, as far as the disciples know, the number of the Dengxian monks of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance should be quite large. Like the strongest "Kashgar", there are as many as five Dengxian monks in a single race! Other ten thousand clan forces Among them, there is basically the suppression of the ancestors of Dengxian. Therefore, teacher, regarding the arrangement of their Ten Thousand Race Alliance on our Earth and Stars this time, the disciples are also a little worried about how many people they will send in the end. What's the ratio. If there are too many cultivators at the end, then we can only give up fighting for them. After all, we still have to preserve our strength. It is really not suitable for eggs to touch rocks!"

Lao Wang also felt the seriousness of the matter from Lin Hang’s news. He nodded and said, "Well, Hang'er, what you said is correct. If their Ten Thousand Races Alliance really prepared for this plan for a long time, At the last moment, they couldn’t simply handle it like this. The alliance will inevitably send a lot of immortal monks to ensure the successful implementation of their plan. At this time, among us, you may not even have a solution for Hang'er. Time has succeeded in ascending to the immortal, and those masters of the Wu clan have no way to get out of the cave. By then, the difference in high-level combat power will be too great, so we'd better avoid their edge and not compete with them this time. It’s just that I’m really unwilling to be a teacher! They came to Earth Star this time, without knowing that we exist, it’s really a good opportunity for China Huaxia. After all, China Huaxia started too late. Although it has ten times the time blessing of the Wu Clan Dongtian, the development is still too slow! The teacher always feels that this time their Ten Thousand Clan Alliance's plans and goals, if they can be taken down by us, will definitely become our Huaxia again by leaps and bounds. Opportunity!"

Lin Hang understands Wang Lao's thoughts. In addition to his own cultivation level, Wang Lao's most concern is still that China can make progress online again. This time, Lin Hang and Wang Lao thought they would Waiting in the dark is very likely to compete with these ten thousand races on Earth and Star. But now as the understanding increases, and the real strength of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance is also recognized, this kind of thinking has naturally changed. After all, their current strength is completely unable to compete with those of the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance.

Lin Hang looked at the discouraged Mr. Wang, and comforted him, "Teacher, it's okay! This time, it’s not a big problem for Huaxia to make money. The disciples believe that there must be a way to improve that is more suitable for our disciples! If the opportunity is ripe, as I said to you before, our young disciples in China may not be able to go to the Ziwei Emperor Star to experience it! You know, if the Ten Thousand Race Alliance is above our Earth Star After completing their plan and getting what they want, they will not stay in our planet in the days to come. Once they leave the planet, they don’t even need to wait until this time, as long as they bring The disciples who were going to sacrifice on the earth and the planet were completely dead. Then, don’t these disciples in China mean that they have lost the place and conditions for their experience? So, the disciples are already thinking about whether we can develop one. It belongs to us, the road to Ziwei Emperor. The disciples also found out that the current Ziwei Emperor has a vast West Polar Sea. Although the West Polar Sea is huge, it does not belong to the Inland Four. Jurisdiction by the big powers has also led to the fact that the forces here are very mixed. There are not only the forces sent from the inland to monitor the movement here, but also the local forces and the existence of casual cultivators. As long as our disciples are not particularly publicizing here , Then there will be no great danger, and you can exercise yourself in this complicated environment. Teacher, what do you think?"

In fact, Wang Lao was worried about the problem that Lin Hang is now talking about. Because of the existence of many ten thousand monks on Earth and planets, they used the hunting plan of experiencing young disciples in order to improve the performance of these disciples. Quality and speed of practice. The past few years have proved that their plan is very correct, and every disciple has made great progress in this plan.

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