I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 393

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:09 AM

Chapter 393: arrangement

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However, Wang Lao also understood that these ten thousand races on Earth Star did not stay on Earth Star for a long time. When their plan was completed, they would definitely leave Earth Star and return to their own Ziwei Emperor Star. And this result has caused their Huaxia hunting plan to be cut off directly, and there are no more places and objects to experience. And Wang Lao, who has become accustomed to the rapid promotion of young disciples in his clan, is naturally thinking of a way. He wants to solve such a problem, but he still has no clue after so long.

Now that Lin Hang has returned from Ziwei Emperor Star, he not only tells Mr. Wang that he has solved his clue problem in "The Gate of the Immortal Road", but also finds a suitable new experience place for their younger disciples of China. When Lin Hang introduced the situation of the West Polar Sea just now, Mr. Wang also listened very seriously. After listening to it for a while, he also felt that the plan that Lin Hang said was very feasible. After all, Lin Hang had stayed in the West Polar Sea for the past seven or eight months, above the Ziwei Emperor. Lin Hang must have a certain understanding before daring to say such a plan now.

Old Wang laughed, nodded, and said, "Okay, Hang'er, the matter of going to Ziwei Emperor Star, let's wait until all the cultivators of the ten thousand races on Earth Star have left! I'm not particularly anxious now. , You’d better send a clone to run twice, I have lost contact with the Wu Clan’s Dongtian in the past few months. Now that you are back, it’s time to re-establish this contact!"

Lin Hang thought for a while and said, "Teacher, let's do it! You have been guarding this Qingtian Island long enough. I left a clone of the late stage of the Tribulation on this Qingtian Island, and then you Come back to "Candle World" with me! It just so happens that you haven't gone back for a few days, and you have worked hard during this period. It's time to take a good rest!"

Mr. Wang did not reject Lin Hang’s proposal, nodded and said, "Alright, Hang'er, after you come back, you can be a little more relaxed as a teacher! It happened to be a teacher to leave "Candle World" for such a period of time, and I really want to I know how those people are now! Also, you will have to go to "Emperor Realm" later, Brother Zhu and Ge Dage can still host our ordinary Chinese people in "Emperor Realm" As for the overall situation, since you are back, naturally you want to bring them back to "Candle World"!"

If Mr. Wang didn’t say it, Lin Hang would have forgotten that Mr. Zhu and Mr. Ge who were sent to the "Emperor Realm" before he left. At this time, he heard Mr. Wang's order, Lin Hang thought about it, and then spoke. Said, "Well, in that case..."

As he said, Lin Hang waved his right hand, and a clone appeared directly, and then Lin Hang said, "Teacher, Yan'er, let my clone take you back to "Candle World" first, I will stay Here, wait until I send every clone to the caves, and then I will bring Zhu Lao and Ge Lao back to the "Candle World" to make peace with you."

Lao Wang and Liu Ruyan naturally didn't have any opinion, so they left with Lin Hang's clone.

After Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan left, Lin Hang also sat down and began to concentrate on creating a clone. Because the next avatars will enter the caves such as "Emperor Realm" and "Back Realm", replacing Lin Hang with the great elders among them, so Lin Hang is not sloppy and wants to make the clones. The land is more independent and does not require him to spend a lot of time to manage it. Just like the Jin Yi and other clones produced at Ziwei Emperor Star at that time, they are almost the kind of clones that can act independently. In this case, these avatars can not only provide support for the connection between Lin Hang and the major caves, but also can help pilot research some difficult problems or new spells together in his free time, and the efficiency will definitely increase a lot.

After three days in this way, in the lounge at this time, besides Lin Hang, there were already four more clones of the cultivation base after the Tribulation. Of these four clones, one of them remained on Qingtian Island. Above, help Lin Hang to watch these younger disciples of China, and three others who will go to "Emperor Realm", "Back Realm" and Monster Race "Red Feather Realm" respectively, as the future leader of Lin Hang and these caves A bridge of communication.

Lin Hang, who has completed the copy, opened his eyes, got up and shook his head. Although it has been a few years since he has practiced "The Art of Distraction", Lin Hang has now produced four of them at once. The powerful and independent distraction of distraction still requires him to expend a lot of spiritual consciousness, so at this time the spiritual power of the pilot is a bit heavy.

After Lin Hang got up, two of the four avatars standing around him nodded to Lin Hang, and then disappeared into the lounge in an instant, facing the "Back Realm" and "Red Feather Realm" respectively. "Hurry up.

One clone remained here, and Lin Hang took the last clone directly to the entrance of "Emperor Realm" on the outskirts of Huicheng, took out the jade card to open the light gate, and entered directly.

Lin Hang asked the clone to meet the elder first, but he went to the region belonging to China in "Emperor Realm".

With a scan of his spiritual sense, Lin Hang found the two elders Zhu and Ge who were dealing with affairs. They did not conceal their aura and appeared directly in front of the two elders.

Mr. Zhu and Mr. Ge also sensed the appearance of Lin Hang. They thought it was a mistake in their perception. At this time, they really saw Lin Hang appear in front of them. Mr. Zhu immediately reacted and said with a smile, "It's Lin. Hang! You have successfully completed your goal and come back from the purple emperor star?"

Lin Hang perceives Mr. Zhu and Mr. Ge who are still in the Golden Elixir period, and realizes that their cultivation level has not changed a lot during these times. He suppressed the feeling in his heart and said with a smile, "Yes, Zhu Old, old Ge, I'm back! So, now you two can go back to "Candle World" with me, and leave the affairs here to my clone!"

The second elder Zhu Ge had already guessed why Lin Hang came to "Emperor Realm" alone. It must have been to replace them. Elder Ge nodded and said, "Well, we can rest assured that you are here! But we Before we leave, there is one more thing to do! If this thing is not completed, Lao Zhu and I will not be at ease, and it will not be possible to return to "Candle World" so easily!"

Lin Hang was a little strange. He didn't know why Zhu Ge suddenly appeared so mysterious. He asked curiously, "Old Ge, what else needs to be dealt with? It doesn't matter, I can wait for you!"

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