I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 395

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:08 AM

Chapter 395: High Priest

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The many disciples in "Candle World" who have never experienced the earth and stars, although there are a few people who have reached the Yuan Ying stage by virtue of their extraordinary talents, this is only an isolated phenomenon, and most of the disciples are still in the golden age. During the Dan period, the entry was basically very slow. This is all because after entering the Golden Core Stage, cultivation is not something that can be directly moved forward with the accumulation of time and a small amount of talent. Experience, perception and opportunity are indispensable, and these disciples may also have a lot of them. Those who can reach a higher realm are stuck in the current realm only because of their lack of opportunity or insights, and there is no way to move forward quickly. They only need future experience to keep up with it and there will be no major problems.

Zhuo Sheng laughed after hearing Lin Hang's words, and said, "Well, Lin Hang, you just came back, and you started to work for China again! Regarding the situation of these disciples, Mr. Zhu and Mr. Ge I have already told us in general, so don’t worry! After so many years in "Candle World", don’t our military have a complete training system? Don’t worry too much, these 80,000 disciples We will definitely arrange it! It’s yourself, but I listened to Wang Lao said that it’s not very easy for you to be on the Ziwei Emperor star. After finally coming back, you don’t have to worry so much. Take a break!"

Lin Hang also reacted at this time. He just conveyed his thoughts, but just like Zhuo Sheng said, they are the professionals in this area. It has been decades for how to do well. They must be more thoughtful than Lin Hanghui thought.

Lin Hang scratched his head, laughed, and then said, "Oh, Brother Zhuo Sheng, you are right, I think too much! Now that the military has detailed systems and arrangements, then I won't intervene anymore. , I'm also very relieved to hand them over to you! Then I have to meet the high priest, and Brother Zhuo Sheng's reminiscence, we still have time afterwards!

Having said that, Lin Hang left here directly and went straight to the priest's hall of the high priest. The high priest apparently also knew the news of Lin Hang's return, and was waiting for Lin Hang's arrival with Liu Ruyan in the center of the main hall.

After entering the main hall, Lin Hang saluted the high priest who hadn't seen him for a long time, and then said, "The high priest, after such a long time, are you doing everything well?"

The high priest did not expect that Lin Hang would be so polite when he opened his mouth, and immediately said with a smile, "Lin Hang, you, it's still like this! I have been in this "Candle World", what's wrong? It's you. Hearing Yan'er said, this time the journey of Ziwei Emperor Star was not so smooth, did you have a great loss of consciousness?"

In front of the high priest, Lin Hang was relatively able to show his truest emotions. He nodded and said exaggeratedly, "High priest, don't you know! The monk above the Ziwei Emperor really has There are too many. The clones that I worked so hard to make finally entered their sphere of influence, and they were all destroyed, none of them reacted! This also caused my spiritual consciousness to be greatly damaged, if It’s not that I have practiced the "Distraction Art" to a very deep level these years. The consequences of this blow will definitely be more serious! High priest, when will you be able to come out of this "Candle World"? If you support me, then I won’t be in such danger!"

The high priest gave Lin Hang an angry glance, and said, "If I can leave "Candle World", why should I stay here? Besides, even if I can go out, according to your temperament and the path you have been walking. , Believe in these things, you won’t let me stand up for you? This time your injury is considered a good thing to me. Your previous cultivation was indeed a bit too smooth, and you didn’t suffer from any particular troubles. The twists and turns, not only the rapid advancement of cultivation base, but also all kinds of dangers can turn into good fortune. Of course, this is related to the "Hou Earth Ring" you carry, but the greater possibility is that I am afraid it is If your own luck is overdrawn, you will suffer a catastrophe that you can't resist at all in the future! But after this time, my heart is half down. You still have to go through more hardships, or else you will start It was too smooth at the time, and there may be unexpected disasters afterwards!"

The high priest so solemnly reminded that Lin Hang naturally put away the strangeness on the face, and replied solemnly, "Well, the high priest, I understand what you said! In fact, the last time I faced the tribulation. The tribulation of heaven has changed, and the kid has already felt it. This tribulation may be a warning to me, let me not be too superstitious about my own strength in the days to come, and have a kind of hold on any affairs. Humility is also a necessary quality to become the strongest!"

Knowing that Lin Hang is also taking it seriously, the high priest also nodded in satisfaction, and said, "By the way, Lin Hang, you said that on the Ziwei Emperor Star, you once had a face-to-face with a monk from the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance? Do you have any special feelings?"

Lin Hang thought for a while and replied, "Priest, how do you say it! Although the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance, Dengxian, did not release his powerful aura too much. It looked no different from ordinary people, but he gave I have a very strange feeling. It seems that he does not belong here. This feeling is the feeling I have never had before facing a monk during the Tribulation Period."

"Is it true?" The high priest frowned and said, "In this way, your feeling is not wrong, it is indeed the feeling of Monk Dengxian! Listen to Yan'er, you said that Monk Dengxian among the forces of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races There are as many as dozens of people? And above Ziwei Emperor Star, there are still two and a half powers equal to this strength?"

Two comparable to the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance are the "Ziwei Palace" and the human forces, and the half is the most central Ziwei Emperor City Lord Mansion.

Lin Hang also nodded solemnly, and said, "Well, the kid can be considered as being mixed into these big forces. I can often come into contact with the monks who are crossing the catastrophe period, and it is indeed more common. Although the monk of Dengxian. I only met an ancestor up close, but according to them, the number of Dengxian ancestors in each force is not very different, there are almost dozens of them!"

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