I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 396

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:06 AM

Chapter 396: The strength of the witch

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With that said, Lin Hang seemed to have thought of something, and asked about the high priest, "The high priest, the kid suddenly remembered. I never seem to know the truth of the witch race in the "Candle World" and other caves. Strength. I am also very curious now. If you and the Great Elder can really come out of this cavernous sky, do you have the confidence to beat the major forces on this Ziwei Emperor?"

Lin Hang thought about it for a while and found that he really hadn't paid attention to this issue all the time. His cultivation level was not enough before, and he couldn't understand the strength of the high priest and the high elders, but now Lin Hang can also be considered as such. He had reached the peak of the Tribulation Period, but he still couldn't see the strength of the High Priest. He was also very curious about the current strength of the entire Wu Clan, so he asked directly.

The high priest laughed, and then said, "Indeed, I haven't really talked to you about this issue! And among the people of our "Candle World", you have only met one of the people with advanced cultivation. It’s just the candle, and the others don’t have much contact or intersection with you. Let’s just tell you that, not counting the "Emperor Realm", "Hear Realm" and other Wu Clan Dongtian, it is only the current strength of our "Candle World" , It is enough to match the sum of all the forces on the entire Ziwei Emperor Star! Although I don’t know how far the Dengxian monks among them have reached, after Zhulong practiced "Nine Candles", I was right He is also full of confidence. With his talents, future achievements may not be under the ancestors of the Nine Yin Yin! Therefore, the power above the Ziwei Emperor Star is indeed a little unimaginable for your current Chinese race. Comparable, but in our eyes it is only a slightly stronger fragment of the universe! If we are not trapped in this cave and unable to leave, how difficult is it to directly wipe out the alliance of ten thousand races? "

Lin Hang had also seen the candlelong mentioned by the high priest, and also copied this senior’s ability to stand still in time. He also knew that this senior candlelong was indeed the most talented person in the entire "Candle World". Witches. But after hearing the introduction of the high priest today, Lin Hang realized that he still knew too little about the witch tribe. He had always dealt with the high priest, great elder and others before, and had never discovered the strength of the entire witch tribe. Thinking of the strength of the Wu Clan is so terrifying.

Lin Hang did not conceal his surprise, and said, "Priest, do you mean that the number of witches in "Candle Realm" is far more than that of the major forces on the Ziwei Emperor? It's just that the kid is not. It is clear that these cultivators of the Witch Clan are all ancestor-level figures handed down from your era?"

The reason why Lin Hang believes that these monks of the witch race have successfully ascended to the immortal before entering the "Candle World", because each monk has a different method of opening his own "Gate of Immortal Road". In other words, every monk basically has gone through a lot of hardships to find the clues of his own "The Gate of the Immortal Road". This process is naturally impossible to find easily by staying in one place. It will definitely go through. It takes a journey to succeed. After the Wu Clan came to Earth Star, they always stayed in the cave and sky, lacking the opportunity to travel, which naturally caused a certain obstacle to the generation of the Dengxian monk, and might even be unable to create the Dengxian monk.

The high priest naturally understood the meaning of Lin Hang’s words, first nodded, and then said, “It’s true that, as you said, most of the immortal monks in our "Candle World" were before they entered the stars. I have already ascended to the immortal. The conditions for ascending to the immortal are indeed very harsh. After we entered the "Candle Realm" among the earth and stars, many of the younger disciples also successfully survived the three catastrophes and cultivated to the peak of the tribulation period, but they were unable to find it for a long time. There is no way to go further for the clues of my own "The Gate of the Immortal Road". Many disciples have become bitter. But there is an anomaly in this, that is, Zhulong! I also told you before, Zhulong His age is not too big, and he has only cultivated for five to six hundred years, but he is indeed now the second best player in our "Candle World", second only to me! Moreover, he has gained you. After the ancestral inheritance technique "Nine Candles" was brought out, his current cultivation level has shown a terrifying upward trend. I believe that in the near future, he may surpass me!"

Having said this, the high priest couldn't help but want to remind Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, can you now roughly understand the true strength of our twelve branches of the Wu Clan? But, this is what we are, and we will come after facing it. In the Great Tribulation, there is still no great confidence! So, your Huaxia's current strength has indeed improved very quickly, but it is definitely not enough in front of the Great Tribulation! Your progress in cultivation is in my opinion , Is already beyond a lot of absolute geniuses, but still stuck in the mouth of Dengxian, what you have to do now is to improve your strength, so that you can protect your Huaxia when the catastrophe comes. Destroyed!"

Looking at the dignified high priest, Lin Hang could also feel her concern for Lin Hang and the human race. She immediately became serious, nodded and said, "High priest, I understand what you said! Actually, she is in personal contact. After the immortal cultivator of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, the complacency that I had brought about through the nineteen thunder and eighteen thunder tribulations and the overwhelming fire tribulation has completely disappeared! Now my idea is to use I got the clues of my own "The Gate of the Fairy Road", and I tried my best to open my "The Gate of the Fairy Road", and then embarked on my own "Road to the Fairy Road"! This way, step by step steadily and steadily, to improve my strength, only Only when my strength can be improved can I have the confidence to resist external pressure for our Huaxia, so that they can get a better development environment. This time, the plan of the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance on our planet may not be able to participate in China. Now, our strength is too far away from them, and we can only give up. It is also this kind of thing, which makes me understand the feeling of powerlessness without strength. I don’t want to let this happen again. If the catastrophe comes, my strength It’s not enough to keep China, so I really can’t forgive myself!"

When Lin Hang was a little excited, Liu Ruyan had already come to Lin Hang's side at some point, and gently held Lin Hang's hand, providing Lin Hang with silent support.

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