I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 397

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:05 AM

Chapter 397: Organize your thoughts

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The high priest looked at Lin Hang, who was under tremendous pressure, and said softly, "Lin Hang, don't put too much pressure on yourself! You must know that too much pressure is too late. If you care too much about your own strength improvement, it is very likely that it will be counterproductive! , Your human race has never been fighting alone, at least above the current Earth star. When the catastrophe comes, our Wu race and the nine monster forces on the Earth planet should all stand on the same side as your human race. On the front, we will definitely not leave your human race alone! So for ordinary people of the human race, you should not have too much burden, just have a clear conscience! After all, the catastrophe this time is What has been predicted since ancient times is the true end of the calamity in the legend, the end of the calamity for all the creatures in the world! To be honest, when the calamity is not coming, no one knows whether it can be successfully passed through, and we don’t know. The true power of this catastrophe can only do our best to do the best we can, and there will be no regrets!"

Lin Hang held Liu Ruyan's hand tightly at this time, and said firmly, "High priest, I don't believe this prophecy. For the people and things I cherish, I must lead everyone through this catastrophe and succeed. Come on! I know I must be a little overwhelmed to say this now, but I won't be discouraged by this, you wait and see!"

After speaking, Lin Hang gently let go of Liu Ruyan's hand, then bowed his fist to the high priest, and left the priest hall directly.

As soon as Liu Ruyan wanted to chase him out, he was stopped by the high priest, "Yan'er, let Lin Hang calm himself down first!"

Liu Ruyan turned his head, looked at the high priest, opened his mouth and said, "But teacher, I am really worried that Xiaohang, if I don't want to open it, it will become an obstacle to his cultivation path!"

The high priest shook his head and said, "Yan'er, you are really concerned and messed up! How come you are so nervous and messed up with Lin Hang's affairs? When Lin Hang spoke just now, I too I have been paying attention to the fluctuations in his mind and spirit, and found that Lin Hang was still very calm and stable when he said these words, and there was no feeling of breaking out. I believe that Lin Hang can reach the present point and it definitely does not need us. So worried, he has his own ideas and decisions. We don't interfere too much, just support him! Although I really don't have any confidence in the catastrophe I will face, what if a miracle happens? So don't interfere with him too much, but choose to support him. This is the best help for him!"

Liu Ruyan opened her mouth, she wanted to say something but didn’t say it. In fact, she understood what the high priest said, and felt that what the high priest said made sense, but in Liu Ruyan’s heart, she was naturally extremely worried about Lin Hang. There is no way to deal with it objectively.

Liu Ruyan obeyed the high priest's words, did not catch up with Lin Hang, and stayed in the priest's hall to practice well. At this time, Lin Hang came to his room by himself, closed the room and perceived, and was quietly alone. Stay. Lin Hang isolated himself by himself, combing his feelings and thoughts.

In fact, very early on, when Lin Hang learned from the Wu Clan that an irresistible catastrophe was about to come, Lin Hang still had no idea at that time, because he was just beginning to enter cultivation. He didn't know much about some advanced things, so he didn't care about the great calamity that the Wu Clan said. However, as Lin Hang’s cultivation level gradually improved, Lin Hang also came into contact with more things that he had never thought of before, whether it was the power of the Wu Clan, the Monster Clan, or the ancient ten thousand clan that appeared one after another. All showed a panic about the Great Tribulation. At this time, Lin Hang finally understood a little, or realized the power of the next world disaster.

It’s just that when Lin Hang focused his attention on improving his own strength and finding his parents, he temporarily left the catastrophe behind him, especially when he recently got clues to his "The Gate of the Fairy Road". The appearance of people suspected of Zhao Kangping gave Lin Hang even greater expectations. Only after returning to Earth Star, the final bomb of the Great Tribulation was lit by the high priest, and Lin Hang had to face this matter. Lin Hang knows that he has now obtained the clues of his own "The Gate of the Immortal Road", it is very likely that he will be able to successfully climb the immortal and embark on his own "Road to the Immortal", but just like the high priest said, in such a big world In front of Jie, the strength of their Wu Clan is so strong. There are many cultivators of Dengxian, and they still don't have the confidence to get through successfully. What use is his power alone?

Although he knows the current situation, Lin Hang still has some unwillingness in his heart. Seeing that he can find his parents and complete the goal he always wanted to accomplish when he was a child, how could he just die in the catastrophe? There are also Wang Lao who has been teaching him, Liu Ruyan who silently accompanies him, and these friends of the Human Lich Demon Race, are they all perished in the catastrophe? Lin Hang has no way to accept such an ending. What he thinks now is that since just ascending to the immortal is far from enough, he will raise his cultivation base to the apex, so he should be able to have some ability to change under the catastrophe. Something is out.

Although Lin Hang's mood was a little depressed at this time, he did not lose his calmness and direction. Although he was quite overpowered now and wanted to reach the highest peak of cultivation, his inner judgment had not been lost. He knew that he could now regard this as an ultimate goal and bury it deeply in his heart, but he couldn't look at this goal and wanted to reach the sky step by step. The road still had to be taken step by step. After careful consideration, Lin Hang also determined his next direction, which is to study the mysterious technique he obtained on Ziwei Emperor Star, and strive to set foot on his own in the shortest time. "Road to the Immortal", only if he has done this first, can he continue to work hard.

In his small room, he considered his subsequent plans and goals clearly, and Lin Hang's mood at this time was also much better, no longer as heavy as he was in the priest's hall just then. It's just that he didn't leave his room. He was going to take advantage of this time to retreat for a while. One is to relieve the pressure that has been tight on Ziwei Emperor for so long, and the other is to study the existence of him. Mysterious tactics in my mind.

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