I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 398

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:16:04 AM

Chapter 398: Exit

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To say that the tactics that Lin Hang spent energy to obtain in Ziwei Emperor Star are truly mysterious. It is like Lin Hang’s avatar Chuan said to the ancestors of Kashgar when he was in Kashgar. There is no way to take out the magic formula and study it with others. Now Lin Hang knows that the excuse at that time has actually become a fact. When he has not studied this formula clearly, he really has no way to show it and let the high priest Wait for someone to help him study together. Therefore, Lin Hang can only rely on himself for clues about his "Gate of the Fairy Road".

Lin Hang did not start the research directly, but gave himself three days to relieve his stress and nerves, and after adjusting his state to the peak, Lin Hang let out a long sigh of relief and then began to sit cross-legged. Now, I am ready to start the research on this method.

Lin Hang focused his attention on his mind, and here was a mysterious technique brought back by Jin Yi and other four avatars from the four different mysterious open spaces. In fact, this statute gave Lin Hang a very strange feeling. It seemed that it was not just as simple as a statute in nature, but gave Lin Hang a very spiritual feeling.

Without paying attention to so much, Lin Hang touched the spiritual power to this tactic and began to study it. In this way, Lin Hang’s first research was carried out for a day, but after such a long time, Lin Hang still had no clue. He didn’t even know what type of tactics belonged to. Lin Hang didn't know whether an offensive spell was a guardian spell or an auxiliary spell. This day passed. Lin Hang's mental power was consumed a bit because of his investment in the research of Fa Jue. He had to stop and prepare to rest for a period of time before continuing, otherwise he would not be able to support it.

And Lin Hang, who was resting, was not discouraged. He had already done a good job of psychological construction in his heart. He knew that every monk’s path to ascend to the immortal was not so easy to follow. This section of the art is related to his own The clues that "The Door" opens naturally have some difficulties. The situation is completely in Lin Hang's expectation. He is not impatient now. He is ready to study for a while every day. If the water drops through the stone, there will always be results. one day.

In this way, Lin Hang began his research life, and the people outside the room did not worry too much about him, because Lin Hang also left a clone in "Candle World" before he retreats. Through this avatar, Wang Lao, Liu Ruyan and others also learned about Lin Hang’s plan, and given their knowledge of Lin Hang, they did not question Lin Hang’s ideas, nor did they doubt Lin Hang’s state of mind. He trusted him incomparably. I believe that Lin Hang will definitely be able to successfully complete the research on that mysterious technique, and finally open his own "The Gate of the Immortal Road" and embark on the "Road to the Immortal"!

Time passed day by day, and cultivation has never been timeless. Soon, three more months passed in "Candle World".

During these three months, Liu Ruyan would come over at a fixed time every day, sit quietly outside of Lin Hang's retreat room for a while, and then leave silently. Although Lao Wang wanted to persuade Liu Ruyan, he didn't say what he said, so Liu Ruyan left. On this day, Liu Ruyan came to Lin Hang’s room as usual. She was still going to sit at the door as usual, but suddenly saw that the originally closed door had been opened, and a figure she missed day and night. She was standing at the door of the room looking at her with a smile, her eyes full of tenderness.

This figure was just like Lin Hang, who had not appeared in front of Liu Ruyan for a long time after being closed for three months. At this moment, he opened his hands to Liu Ruyan. Liu Ruyan resisted the urge to cry. Arrow rushed into Lin Hang's embrace.

Lin Hang gently stroked Liu Ruyan's hair resting on his shoulder, and then said softly, "Yan'er, how are you doing in these three months?"

At this moment, Liu Ruyan held her deep hands tightly around Lin Hang's waist, then shook her head, and said softly, "No, I'm not good at all! Although I know I should believe you, but still in my heart I can't help but worry about you, I'm afraid you didn't want to understand it for a while, and fell into the'external demon' of the tribulation period! Xiaohang, promise me, no matter what the situation is, you must ensure your own mentality, okay? "

Lin Hang nodded lightly. In fact, after entering the room and closing his perception with the outside world, at the beginning, Lin Hang really vaguely felt the breath of the'external demon'. At this time, he felt the lowest point in his heart. The fallen'outer demon' that is about to spawn. At such a critical moment, Lin Hang promptly stopped the negative energy and thoughts in his heart, and hurriedly condensed his mind, so that the degenerate'external demon' did not generate. Otherwise, Lin Hang estimated that his mentality and state at the time would be difficult to resist the offensive of the'External Demon', and it might be overwhelming.

Lin Hang said, "Well, Yan'er, I promise you that I won't do this again! In addition to studying the mysterious tactics, I have been thinking about it. Indeed, in the future, the pressure of our Chinese race will be very serious. Great, but we can’t give up on ourselves before things happen. No matter what, we must work hard to strive for our greatest possible, so that even if we still fail in the end, we have no regrets! "

After Liu Ruyan awakened the identity of the Demon Race, he actually no longer had the same feeling for Huaxia and Human Race. In her heart, perhaps only Lin Hang and the High Priest are important people in this world. She doesn't really care about the future of Human Race. All she thought was to be able to stay with Lin Hang, and there was no regret.

After the two stayed warm for a while, Liu Ruyan left Lin Hang’s arms and asked about Lin Hang’s three-month harvest, "Xiaohang, why did your retreat suddenly end? These three months Time, how is your research on that mysterious technique?"

Lin Hang gently stroked Liu Ruyan's cheek, and said, "Yan'er, this technique is really evil. Every time I study it, it consumes a lot of my mind and mental energy. It takes a long time to recover. This has also resulted in my actual research time being not very long, only about one month."

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