I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 40

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:10 AM

Chapter 40: Draw Military VS Family

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Tian Dayong smiled and said, "It is true that as Lin Hang said, although the information is comprehensive, the real fight still depends on everyone's performance. These military players are just taking advantage of it, and finally decided The outcome is still up to you. And now, their advantages no longer exist. For the Lin brothers' victory, I have taken out the military's absolute secrets. All eight of them are the elites of our military elite. Originally, the information would never be taken out. Now Ye Xiaozi is cheaper for you."

Ye Guangyuan nodded and began to read the information with Lin Hang. Tian Dayong next to him continued, "According to our analysis, there are three seeded players in this final. Needless to say, Lin Hang, "The King of Elements" plus the "Control of Time and Space" dual abilities, in terms of abilities. It’s the strongest ever. Of course, the other two are not fuel-efficient lamps. Yu’s girl’s inherited power "Fantasy" is really a very troublesome power. Once controlled by her, it enters her rhythm. The game is basically over. The last one is our military’s best student: Hu Lingfeng, he is also a rare dual ability, not only has the strongest "Total Strengthening" ability in the enhancement department, but also has the short distance The teleporting "Blink" ability, the physical skills learned in the army, close combat is absolutely crushing you, the most important thing is that it is difficult to prevent him from getting close. He is also regarded by us as the biggest favorite to win this championship. Your voice is louder than Lin Hang!"

After hearing Tian Dayong's words, Lin Hang also seemed to take it seriously. Indeed, there is no lack of genius in any era. This Hu Lingfeng does have the strength to win the championship. The most important thing is that his physical skills are far better than himself. He is definitely not an opponent in close combat, and his "Blink" ability gives him a perfect opportunity to get close. The king of such big and small arenas. The other lady of the Yu family can’t be underestimated. Although their family has always been low-key, and they will not even participate in many competitions, once they participate, they will definitely become a favorite to win the championship. The family’s abilities are indeed too strong, and there is no Natural enemies, as long as their mental power is not particularly strong, are easy to be recruited.

The military also analyzed the winning rate of the top 16 players. According to their analysis, Lin Hang can basically guarantee a winning rate of more than 80% against other players, and the victory of Yujia Yudieyi is 55. When facing Hu Lingfeng But only 30%. This is because according to Lin Hang’s previous performance, he relied on the power of abilities to defeat his opponents. There is no way to speak of hand-to-hand combat. The spatial abilities at this stage are also in such a small space. It can be kept up by Hu Lingfeng's "Blink" ability, so Lin Hang has no advantage, but has fallen into a relatively large disadvantage. And Hu Lingfeng's win rate against other players is also steady above 60%, so he has become the biggest advantage of the military to win this time.

Lin Hang also reflected on it, and said, "This is indeed my biggest shortcoming. I originally came from Ye Luzi, and I didn't even have contact with basic fighting. Later, even though he worshipped his old man as a teacher, he did not have it. Teaching me about this is just to help me understand how to develop my own abilities. Now there are only three days, and it is obviously too late to take a stand. It seems that I can only study how to deal with him."

In fact, Lin Hang can easily defeat Hu Lingfeng's if his abilities are fully activated, but Wang Lao asked him to use only those abilities in front of others in the future, so he has a lot of restrictions, and some of his usual routines are not good. To play, he can only think of some other ways. After all, the inability of close combat is indeed a problem he can't avoid.

Soon, three days passed in a flash. Tian Dayong took the two to the venue of the third round of the finals-Beijing No. 1 Martial Arts Hall. This is just a relatively large martial arts hall outside, but behind the scenes is the military-run venue, and many important games are held here. After arriving at the venue, the top 16 players have all arrived, and many of the players who were eliminated before are all sitting in the audience, watching the game and learning and absorbing the experience of failure.

The previous officer entered the middle ring again, holding a box with 16 **** in it, representing the top 16 players. Next, in front of everyone, the officers drew lots one by one to determine the situation of the top 16 players. I don't know if it was a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement, none of the disciples of the seven major families and Lin Hang met together, and they all faced the eight elites of the military. After learning about his opponent, Lin Hang had that person's information in his mind. The descendants of the military legend: Zhao Gang, as his name suggests, he is very strong, and his fighting style is the same. He never retreats without going forward. The ability "King Kong Body" also gave him the confidence and support to crush his opponents.

Ye Guangyuan drew a female general from the military. The ability is "Twisted Light". This ability can not only create the effect of invisibility by twisting its own light, but also form an alternative "illusion" by twisting the light in front of the opponent. Confusing the opponent is also a very difficult one.

Xu Li unfortunately drew the favorite to win the championship-Hu Lingfeng, but when Lin Hang came to Xu Li, he did not show a frustrated expression. On the contrary, he appeared fighting spirit and smiled at Lin Hang, "Brother Lin , I know that everyone is not optimistic that I can beat Hu Lingfeng, I am actually not very sure, but I haven’t started yet, how can I be cowardly before a fight? No matter what, I will go all out for this battle and will not leave it to myself Regrettably!"

Lin Hang also appreciates Xu Li’s attitude towards matters and said encouragingly, “Brother Xu, I know your temperament, but what I want to tell you is that Hu Lingfeng definitely knows you better than you know him, so from the beginning, It's not equal, he must have an idea to deal with you. Yesterday, I also helped you think of a way to deal with him, and later you are like this..."

After hearing Lin Hang's words, Xu Li felt a little unwilling, and said, "We are competing in an upright manner. There is no need for this, right?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Brother Xu, my method is just to bring your game to a fair game. The next competition will still rely on your hard power. Don't worry, do it!"

Although Xu Li was still a little awkward, he knew that Lin Hang was kind and that Lin Hang's method did not break the rules. He finally nodded and agreed to Lin Hang's suggestion.

Sixteen people competed in pairs, a total of eight games, four in the morning and four in the afternoon. Lin Hang and Xu Li played in the afternoon, but Ye Guangyuan got the first good sign to play. With everything arranged, the first game was announced. Lin Hang gave Ye Guangyuan a self-seeking expression and watched him step onto the ring, facing the small army flower-Huazhi opposite. .

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