I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 401

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:49 AM

Chapter 401: Visit "Akabane World"

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The elder nodded, and then said, "Well, Lin Hang, you should go to "Red Feather Realm" first. We will also help you to look for it carefully in the treasure pavilion in our cave to see if there is any What we have neglected. After all, we also have a general impression of the various materials and treasures in the treasure pavilion. We dare not say that we know all of those things. So don’t worry too much. I guess that apart from those materials that have really disappeared for a long time, you should be able to find everything else, and you only need to bother to find these few!

Lin Hang also regained his confidence at this time, nodded, and then said, "Well, the elder, please trouble you! Without further ado, the kid will go to the "Akabane Realm" now! It just happens to have some time. I haven't visited the Akabane clan and the Bai clan of the human clan. This time I still have to come and visit!"

Then Lin Hang tilted his head to Liu Ruyan, and asked, "Yan'er, will you come with me this time?"

Liu Ruyan thought for a while, and then said, "Xiao Hang, you are asking for the help of the Chiyu clan and the Human Bai clan in "Red Feather Realm" this time. I won't go with you! I'm right there. We have broken through to the late stage of Tribulation, and I have been in a hurry these days. I haven't practiced too much during the three months of your retreat. It just so happens that things are almost settled now, so I stay here. , Please sort out your own practice!"

At this moment, the high priest also nodded, then looked at Lin Hang with a bit of complaint, and said, "I agree with what Yan'er said! Lin Hang, do you know how Yan'er spent the three months? I have been worrying about your situation day and night, and there is no way to concentrate on training. I am a little worried that she will have an "external demon" because of this! So this time in the "Akabane Realm" there is no need for Yaner to help you, you just Go alone, Yan'er stay by my side, I want her to practice hard these time!"

Both Liu Ruyan and the high priest thought this way. Lin Hang nodded and said yes. He also knew that Liu Ruyan really paid too much for him. You must know that Liu Ruyan had awakened his demon race , Actually, the talent of cultivation is still above Lin Hang, but Liu Ruyan, whose cultivation level originally surpassed Lin Hang, is a bit behind now. All this is because Liu Ruyan is very good at everything about Lin Hang. Xin, this also made her delay her practice. Lin Hang always felt that this was very bad, but there was no way to bring it up with Liu Ruyan. At this time, his affairs were basically settled, and it was time for Liu Ruyan to take a good look at his own practice.

Seeing that the purpose of this trip has been achieved, Lin Hang gave a fist in his stomach and the three combat readiness, and then said, "Priest, if this is the case, the kid will leave first. You can continue this meeting!"

The high priest nodded and said, "Okay, you leave first! Yan'er, you stay here and go back with the teacher later, the teacher will help you sort out your cultivation status!"

After receiving the response from the high priest, Lin Hang didn't stay here anymore, turned around and walked out of the room. After getting a little away from here, he took out the jade card to open the light door and left "Candle World" alone.

Although before returning to "Candle World" this time, Lin Hang had already made a clone of the latter stage of the Tribulation, and went to "Akabane World" as a hub to replace him with people in "Akabane World". This time, Lin Hang can also leave it to this clone to do it, but Lin Hang feels that this time he wants them after all, so he still came to the door himself, which seemed more polite and more solemn. Otherwise, if you just let the avatar speak, it will inevitably seem to be a bit of not taking this matter as a matter of business. Although the people in "Akabane Realm" will not have much reaction, it is really not good. Lin Hang still wants Try to talk about it and do your best.

Lin Hang's movements are very fast, and his current cultivation is not something that the ten thousand cultivators on the stars can find whereabouts, so he came to the original location of Ningcheng in China. Lin Hang confirmed it a little bit and avoided it. The several pairs of ten thousand teams at war directly entered the "Akabane Realm".

The last time Lin Hang came to this "Red Feather Realm", it was because Liu Ruyan failed to cross the catastrophe of the fire and turned into the lotus flower of his body. He had no choice but to come to "Red Feather Realm" to seek the help of the Red Feathers. It's just the beginning of the transformation of the gods. After so many years, Lin Hang has passed a lot of time, but for the "Red Feather World", they do not have the special time flow rate of "Candle World". Only a few years have passed.

Therefore, when Lin Hang returned from the Ziwei Emperor and the clone sent into "Aka Feather Realm" was the cultivation base of the later period of the Tribulation, he shocked the Chi Liming and other members of the Akabane clan. Because if it were normal, it would be really terrifying to have such a cultivation level. There were so many geniuses in ancient times, and there was almost no one who could jump to so many realms in a few years, and there was one of them. The most difficult stage of crossing the catastrophe.

Because of the clone’s advance notice, when Lin Hang’s deity came to the central chamber of the Akabane clan, the Akabane clan chief, Chi Liming clan chief, and Chi Ye, who was in charge of the Akabane clan’s daily affairs under him, appeared. Here, the three elders of the Akabane clan were in retreat at this time, so they did not rush to see Lin Hang.

And in this chamber, in addition to these clansmen of the Akabane clan, the Bai clan of the human clan also got news, and the patriarch Bai Yu also appeared in this chamber with some of his disciples.

As soon as he entered this chamber, Lin Hang put his hands together, saluted Chi Liming and Bai Yu, and then smiled and said, "Clan Chief Chi, Patriarch Bai Yu, the kid has seen the ceremony here! This time it is indeed. It happened for a reason, the two patriarchs are here to wait for the kid!"

Chi Liming hadn't spoken yet, Bai Yu directly waved his hand, and then said, "Lin Hang, I have already told you, don't be so inconsistent with us, you are not a little busy helping our two races! It’s the heart disease that has plagued our two clans for a long time! So, I also said that you will be the forever noble guest of our Bai clan from now on, let alone a small favor, it is to use the power of the whole clan to help you again. How difficult?"

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