I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 402

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:47 AM

Chapter 402: Request and help

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Chi Liming also nodded, and then said, "Lin Hang, as Bai Yu said, don't be too polite to us! I also know that you are definitely not someone who will repay your kindness. This time, you Will come to us, and it must be similar to the last time. It should be we can just help you, and you will be like this! Just say it, if you can, we must have no problem!"

Lin Hang laughed and said, "Thanks to the two patriarchs! The kid is really grateful! Then I'm not welcome this time, I believe you two can also see that the kid is now at the peak of the tribulation period. In one step, I have to try to open my "The Gate of the Fairy Road". The difficulty the kid encountered is related to this!"

Chi Liming heard Lin Hang talk about his cultivation level, laughed, and then said, "Lin Hang, don't tell me, I want to ask you too! I really don’t know how you practiced! The first time I came to us In "Akabane Realm", you were only in the foundation stage, right? When you came back a few years ago, you were already in the **** transformation stage, and now you have directly reached the peak of the triumph, which really makes the old man unable to understand! "

Lin Hang was a little embarrassed by Chi Liming’s words, chuckled lightly, and then replied, “Actually, the truth is not like what you have seen. I have not only cultivated these years, the reason why you think my cultivation In order to improve so quickly, it is because I have practiced for decades in the caves with different time flow rates. In fact, my practice time is far more than the years you have seen! Plus some chances, kid It's a fluke to reach the current state, and it's not as difficult to understand as you think!"

Chi Liming also knew about the existence of the Wu Clan behind Lin Hang. Hearing Lin Hang's words, he also had a guess in his heart. When he was about to continue questioning, he was directly interrupted by Bai Yu, "Brother Chi! It's Lin Hang's own chance, why do we care so much? Besides, if you keep asking like this, I'm afraid Lin Hang will forget his purpose of coming here today, let's let Lin Hang talk about his request Right!"

After Bai Yu’s reminder, Chi Liming also reacted. It was true that he was too concerned about Lin Hang’s horror cultivation level and he had forgotten today’s principal. He hurriedly smiled at Lin Hang apologetically, and said, “Sorry , Lin Hang, the old man just digressed a bit! You just said that your "The Gate of the Fairy Road" encountered some problems. Could it be that you have found a way to open your "The Gate of the Fairy Road"?"

Lin Hang nodded, and then said, "It's also good luck for the kid. I got my own method of opening "The Gate of the Fairy Road" without too much twists and turns. I got a mysterious and special ancient magic circle. With the help of this magic circle, I can try to open my own "The Gate of the Immortal Road", but the layout of this magic circle requires a lot of materials. I have no clue about many of the materials, and some I have never heard of. , I don’t know how to find it at all, so I remembered that the two of you, the Akabane clan and the Bai clan, are ancient races with a long heritage. Maybe there is a collection of these materials in the treasure house of the clan. Because these materials are all effects They are very single and special, and many of them should not be used, so they may be kept as collectibles. I wonder if this kid’s request, can the two patriarchs provide some help?"

After hearing Lin Hang's request, Bai Yu and Chi Liming looked at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes. Bai Yu said directly, "Lin Hang, what's the problem with this? Don't say your ability can be straightforward. Copying materials, we will not suffer any loss at all, just say that these materials we have been collecting and have no effect, why don’t you just send them directly to you? Tell us about the rare materials, even those behind you The powerful forces have no clue?"

Although Lin Hang was confident that the Akabane clan and the Bai clan would help him before coming, but after they really got the affirmative answer from the two, Lin Hang's mood was a lot lighter. Lin Hang laughed, and then said, "Well, some of these materials can be solved by myself, so I won't say it. I want the two patriarchs to help find them, such as the opening of spirit stones and the horns of thunder deer. , Soft and soft..."

In one breath, Lin Hang slowly said one by one the fourteen kinds of materials that the Great Elder and others did not have for sure at the moment, and then looked at Chi Liming and Bai Yu, waiting for their reply.

But Bai Yu and Chi Liming did not immediately answer, they both bowed their heads for a long time. After a long time, Chi Liming and Bai Yu both raised their heads, and after a glance at each other, Chi Liming said, A hint of helplessness, "Lin Hang, you really gave us a big problem! When you said that these materials are scarce and hard to find, Bai Yu and I still didn't quite believe it, but after you really listened to you, , Really are some very rare materials! I can’t answer you this question right away. I’ll go back to the treasure house in the clan to check it out. I dare not guarantee the others, but one of our Akabane clan The ancestors once went deep into the thunder layer and killed a Lei Deer who had cultivated in the thunder layer to the tribulation period, and obtained an extremely precious Lei Deer horn! This Lei Deer horn was embarrassing because of its embarrassing grade, and was below the tribulation period There is no way for monks to use such advanced materials, and the cultivation base over the Tribulation Period uses a lot of the Thunder Deer's horns, so they have not been consumed yet, they have been kept in the treasure house of the Akabane clan, you The horns of the Thunder Deer have been found! I don’t have any big impressions of the others, but don’t be discouraged. After I check the treasure house of the Akabane clan, there should be some more. found!"

After Chi Liming finished speaking, Bai Yu also nodded and said, "Lin Hang, you really didn't lie to us. These materials are really rare materials in ancient times. It's not because of how high their grades are. The difficulty of obtaining each piece is very difficult! Let alone now, some of the materials must have disappeared at all, and only the last ones will exist in the collections of some big clans! You just finished talking, I was very impressed with that spirit stone, because when I first entered the treasure house of our Bai clan, I tripped over the stone in the corner, so this one I can be sure that we have, and for others, I also need to go back and check it out!"

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