I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 403

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:47 AM

Chapter 403: Six pieces

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Lin Hang didn’t expect that as soon as he opened his mouth, he directly obtained two clues about very rare materials. He said quickly, “Don’t worry, don’t worry, now I’m listening to you two. There are clues to two materials. Satisfied! Others, I still have to trouble you two to check it out! I, Lin Hang, here guarantee that not only will you not ask for your materials this time, but will also add something to your treasure house, absolutely not letting it You two worked for nothing, and there are still losses!"

Chi Liming and Bai Yu did not reject Lin Hang’s statement. Chi Liming just said, "Let’s talk about this later! How can we not be anxious about this? We are all people who have worked hard to open our "The Gate of the Fairy Road". Now, naturally I know how important things are to you this time! So don’t worry, we will do our best to help you!"

Bai Yu also nodded, agreeing with Chi Liming’s statement. He and Chi Liming’s current thinking is that Lin Hang’s affairs should be busy. After all, the relationship between their two clans and Lin Hang is very friendly and close. Lin The improvement of Hang’s strength is also of great benefit to them. They already think that Lin Hang is the key to this catastrophe, and is the person who should be the catastrophe. If Lin Hang’s strength is improved, it will definitely be the best.

Lin Hang saluted the two patriarchs again, and saw Chi Liming and Bai Yu directly leave the chamber, and went to the treasure house in their own clan to search for the materials he needed for Lin Hang. The reason why other people in the clan are not allowed to do such things is that these clan members are not better than Chi Liming and do not know these materials very well. It is inevitable that there will be some delays. Second, it is the treasure house of the clan, except for the patriarch. Of course, the members of the clan are not so easily explored in it so unscrupulously, there are still some rules and restrictions.

Lin Hangbian, the Chiyu clan and the Bai clan were waiting for the return of the two patriarchs in this chamber. After waiting for two days, Chi Liming and Baiyu returned to the chamber. in.

Lin Hang looked at the two patriarchs expectantly at this time, and asked, "Patriarch Chi and Patriarch Bai Yu, what was the result of this trip to the treasure house? Did you find the materials the kid wanted?"

Chi Liming did not speak directly, but spread his hands, and saw three different materials appearing on Chi Liming’s hands. They were a small sky-blue horn, a fang as white as snow, and one appeared. There are five kinds of strange things resembling leather.

Then Chi Liming introduced, "Lin Hang, these three materials are among the fourteen materials you need, and we can find everything in the treasure house of the Akabane clan!"

Speaking of Chi Liming, he picked up the sky-blue little horn and introduced it, "This is what I told you, the horns of the lei deer left by the lei deer that the ancestors of the Chiyu clan killed by the ancestor of the red feather clan. Picking up the fangs and fur, respectively, continue to say, "This fang is the primordial dragon tooth you need. This is the tooth of the primordial dragon. It is the oldest piece in the collection of the Akabane clan. It’s a rare material! And this piece of fur is the five-element skin, which is the fur removed by the five-element beast. It can naturally avoid the damage of the five-element magic and is very precious!"

Then Chi Liming stretched out his hand and gently pushed these three materials before sending them to Lin Hang, and continued to speak, "Lin Hang, these three materials are all that we can provide you in the treasure house of the Akabane clan. Materials! As for the others, there is really no clue!"

Lin Hang looked at the three materials in front of him, and heard Chi Liming’s slightly apologetic voice, and hurriedly said, "Patriarch Chi, don’t blame yourself! You can get these three materials, the kid is already very Satisfied, you have helped me a lot, otherwise, I don’t know where to get these three rare materials!"

Chi Liming nodded and did not speak any more. Bai Yu spread his hand when he saw it. The same three materials were displayed. Lin Hang looked at it, it was a thick white liquid, a golden red feather, There is also an irregular stone gleaming with a hint of innate aura.

Bai Yu also said, "Lin Hang, I also searched the treasure house of our Bai clan. I can only find these three materials that meet your requirements. Each of these is not easy! This white liquid is The soft and soft water is the supreme divine water that finally formed when the heavy water of Tianhe condenses to the extreme. It has many magical functions. Now that Tianhe has dried up, it has long been unavailable! This feather is the feather of the golden phoenix, and it is not Not every piece of golden phoenix feathers can be called golden phoenix feathers, these golden phoenix feathers are the core feathers of golden phoenix, and their power is also very terrifying. You should have heard of this last spirit stone. If it were not for the limitations of the ancestral training of our Bai clan, this piece of spirit stone would have been consumed by us! It would not be easy to be able to save and bring the present."

After all, Bai Yu glanced at Chi Liming, and then said, "Lin Hang, I think this is all the help we can provide you. As for the remaining materials, we only heard from the rumors. That’s it, we never got the impression, so I can’t provide it for you. I’m really sorry!"

Lin Hang shook his head, and then said, "Patriarch Bai Yu, I also said to Patriarch Chi just now. I am very grateful for your willingness to help me. Now I have got six materials. I am very satisfied! I believe that since I can get the clue to open my own "The Gate of the Immortal Road", I will still be stumped by this circle? Still have to thank the two patriarchs for their help and let me My steps have taken another big step forward. After this time, I will wait until the next meeting. I believe I must be Brother Dengxian!"

Chi Liming and Bai Yu were also infected by Lin Hang’s strong self-confidence. They all laughed. Chi Liming even said, "Haha, Lin Hang, you have such aspirations. I believe that even without this formation, rely on your own Efforts can finally open "The Gate of the Immortal Road", and in the history of cultivation, such things have not happened! Such restrictions will definitely not become an obstacle to your ascension path. We believe in you!"

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