I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 404

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:45 AM

Chapter 404: Another way

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Lin Hang smiled and nodded. He also understood the general meaning of what Chi Liming said just now. In fact, in cultivation, even though every monk reached the peak of the Tribulation, he could vaguely sense how he should open "The Door of the Road", but some of the conditions for opening the door are too difficult to be achieved at all, or there is no way to achieve it. Under such circumstances, there are many monks who are directly trapped in the realm of the peak of the robbery, until the end of Shouyuan, there is no way to take that step. Just like those monks in the Lich Demon Clan’s Cave Sky enclosed on the Earth and Stars, many of them have cultivated to the peak of the Tribulation Period, but because of being trapped in the Cave Sky, they have been unable to take this step for a long time, and they end in hatred. .

However, there are exceptions to everything, and there are also some monks who can break through this restriction and rule with their great perseverance and great wisdom, and do not ask those who open the "Gate of the Immortal" to rely solely on their own strength and persistence. Abruptly tore open the "Gate of Climbing the Immortal" and embarking on a "Road of Climbing Immortal" that belonged to you! And the monks who rely on such a path to break through, no matter their talents or potential, are top-notch existence among all monks, and the subsequent cultivation path is also unpredictable. Each one is destined to become a peerless powerhouse.

And such a monk, Lin Hang once met one, that is the master of "Candle World", the reason why he is called a master, in addition to his incomparable talent, he also depends on his own efforts. It's about breaking the shackles. Zhulong is a genius born in the Witch Clan who moved into the Earth Star Cave. When he reached the peak of the Tribulation Period, he naturally had no way to travel around to complete the conditions for opening his "Gate of the Fairy Road". Under such circumstances, Zhulong did not give up the exploration of improving his cultivation level like those other witch monks in "Candle World". Instead, he compressed his own spirit step by step according to the records in the ancient books. Li, finally, under such day and night accumulation and unremitting efforts, he abruptly smashed the "Gate of the Immortal Road" that prevented him from improving his cultivation level, and then embarked on the "Road to Immortality", and his cultivation base is a journey. Forward, unstoppable, until now, only five or six hundred years of cultivation time, has caught up with most of the Dengxian monks in "Candle World", and has become the branch of "Candle World", second only to The high priest is now a master, and according to the high priest, Master Zhulong is about to surpass her.

However, although the perfect precedent of Zhulong is in front of him, the other peak cultivators in the "Candle World" who want to follow Zhulong and follow this path have not succeeded. This also shows that a road like Zhulong is not going to be able to go well if you want to go. Without the support of your own talent, it is impossible to succeed even with great perseverance and persistence.

Lin Hang said, "Patriarch Chi, what you are talking about is really too difficult, and the kid is not sure, so I will try my best to see if I can get the materials for this circle! I can take the normal path, and I don’t have to fight for the slightest possibility!"

Chi Liming nodded. What he said just now was also an encouragement. Although he has great confidence in Lin Hang, the success rate of such things is still too low. It is naturally better to be able to take the normal path to improve.

Lin Hang looked at the six materials on hand and said, "Clan Chief Chi, Patriarch Bai Yu, these six materials will be copied and scanned by the kid, and the original materials will be returned to you. Not only that, I am also going to help you Add another copy! Don’t refuse. I know that for you, these materials are just in the treasure house, and they are of no use. I will add another material to you and it will not be a big return. However, I do have a suggestion. You may not be able to use these materials, but can you exchange them with each other? I dare not say the others, this is the golden phoenix feather, I believe it is for the red clan chief and the red feather clan. , Should it be a treasure you want to get?"

Although the Akabane clan is a humanoid monster clan, their essence is still the Akabane bird in the ancient times. That is to say, after each clan member of the Akabane clan merges with their own "Demon Spirit", they will be with the original The monster clan is no different, and can freely switch between the monster body and the human body. Therefore, when the body is Akabane, there is naturally a demand for Golden Phoenix's Feather. The golden phoenix belongs to a very high level of existence even in the Phoenix clan, and the phoenix belongs to the ancestor of the avian demon clan. The golden phoenix feather must have a relatively large effect on the Akabane clan, whether it is with the aid of the golden phoenix feather training or It is very suitable for refining the spiritual treasure of life, and Lin Hang also understands this very well, so he made such a suggestion.

Faced with Lin Hang’s statement, Chi Liming coughed lightly, but could not say anything against it, because as Lin Hang said, their Chiyu clan was really greedy for this Golden Phoenix Feather. They didn’t know that they were in the Bai family. There is such a golden phoenix feather in the treasure house of the clan. Otherwise, relying on the relationship between the two clan, it would have been directly exchanged at some price, and how could it wait until now.

And Bai Yu on one side naturally saw this. After a while, he said, "Brother Chi, if it is really as Lin Hang said, this golden phoenix feather is so important to your Chiyu clan, then this one in our clan A golden phoenix feather has been given to you directly! In fact, if we had known that there was such a golden phoenix feather in the treasure house of the Bai clan, I would have given it to you a long time ago!"

Chi Liming shook his head, and then said, "Lin Hang is right. This golden phoenix feather is indeed very useful to the Akabane clan, but how could I accept your direct gift from Baiyu for no reason? Lin Hang’s suggestion, I think we can give it a try. We really want this golden phoenix feather of your Bai clan to exchange these materials with you. In this way, we can all get what we want. Things, you won’t feel sorry for this, Bai Yu, what do you think?"

Bai Yu listened to Chi Liming's words, thought for a while, and then said, "If this is the case, then, Brother Chi, you can take the Dragon Tooth of the Beginning and exchange this Golden Phoenix Feather with us! In this case, neither of us need to have it. Psychologically burdened!"

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