I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 405

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:43 AM

Chapter 405: Decide

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Just when Chi Liming and Bai Yu were satisfied with such an exchange choice, Lin Hang smiled and said, "Clan Chief Chi, Patriarch Bai Yu, I was joking with you just now! I also understand that this Golden Phoenix Feather treats Patriarch Chi and you Chiyu. The family is really important, and you have helped me so much, how can I say nothing? Even if I am about to leave the "Akabane Realm" this time, but my one that is also a late clone of the Tribulation will remain If you stay here with him, in fact, you will not be short of these materials in the future, and the overall strength of the two of you can also grow better!"

Chi Liming shook his head, and then said, "Lin Hang, our two tribes have already received a lot of favor from you, how can you help us with such things? No way, no way, then my Conscience will be disturbed!"

Bai Yu also nodded and said, "Lin Hang, you don't have to be like this, our development is actually not bad with these things, and it's pretty good on my own!"

Lin Hang laughed, and then said, "Clan Chief Chi, Patriarch Bai Yu, I believe you also know how important the materials you provided me just now are to me. This is related to the most important one on my path of cultivation. Level, so you can’t thank you for the help you provide me with just one sentence! Besides, my clone stays in this "Akabane Realm". Normally, there is nothing to do. Copy some for your two clans. The materials are also very good, I am equivalent to self-labor, and all the spiritual power supply must be provided by you for my clone!"

Seeing what Chi Liming and Bai Yu wanted to say, Lin Hang hurriedly stopped them and continued, "Okay, this matter is decided like this! These materials from the two clans will also be given to Clan Chief Chi before you to enhance the soul of the soul The grass and the flower of the soul, my clone will be made more in this "Akabane Realm" to meet the needs of your two races! You two should not refuse, after all, the catastrophe is about to come, and we too Standing on the same line, the improvement of the strength of the Akabane clan and the Bai clan is also very important to our alliance! For the extension and improvement of their respective races, the two should not fight with me on this matter. ! After all, you have helped me so much, I must pay something in return!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Hang didn't wait for Chi Liming and Bai Yu to react. He sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and started scanning the six materials in front of him. The grades of these six materials are not very consistent, but they are equally rare. Among them, the dragon teeth of the primordial dragon, the horns of the thunder deer, and the skin of the five elements can be scanned directly because it is very easy to scan them directly, because these three materials are the materials found from the big beasts, and these materials are obtained. The levels of those mythical beasts were not very high, and they were all in the category that Lin Hang could easily replicate now, so scanning was extremely easy. On the contrary, the other three materials are not so simple, especially the soft and soft water formed by the heavy water of the river that day, it took Lin Hang a lot of energy and mental power to finally successfully scan it down.

When Lin Hang opened his eyes again, only Chi Liming and Bai Yu were left in the Chamber of the Chiyu Clan at this time. Obviously, when Lin Hang began to scan, the two patriarchs dismissed the other clansmen. I don't want people to know Lin Hang's secret and let them disturb Lin Hang.

At this moment Chi Liming asked with concern, "Lin Hang, how is it? Is the scanning process going well?"

Lin Hang stood up, laughed, and then said, "Ha, it's exactly what I imagined. Although the process is not so easy, but fortunately, all the scans are completed in the end! In this case, the kid doesn't need to be too big. You don’t need to be brazen to take away these materials directly!"

Having completed his goal, Lin Hang was about to leave this "Red Feather Realm". He bowed and saluted Chi Liming and Bai Yu again, and said, "Clan Chief Chi, Patriarch Bai Yu, since the scan is now complete, then You two will take back all of these materials! The kid has something to do, so don’t stay here any longer. If you have anything in the future, just look for my clone. My clone is because of my distraction. Because of this, my autonomy is very high, I can communicate with you freely without my consciousness control, and my consciousness is in a state of synchronization! After that, you will contact this clone of mine, and I will also We will get news so that we can communicate in time if there are any things! Except for this, in the coming days, my avatar’s usual business is to copy some materials and consumables for you, don’t think it will let me The clone is too tired, it just needs the supply of spiritual power. For the development and growth of your two ethnic groups, don't be too conservative at this time!"

Speaking of Lin Hang's right hand move, the clone of Lin Hang who had entered the "Red Feather Realm" early in the morning appeared beside Lin Hang, and then the deity of Lin Hang waved at Chi Liming and Bai Yu, and immediately disappeared. In the sight of the two, only the clone was left, looking at Chi Liming and Bai Yu with a smile.

Lin Hang’s clone looked at the two patriarchs and said with a smile, “Since the deity has left, the task he arranged for me still has to be completed! Before the work of copying begins, I want to know whether you two only need Are the golden phoenix feathers and the dragon teeth of the primordial dragon’s teeth? If so, then I will just copy these two materials! In fact, I will say to you two more, don’t be embarrassed, I actually didn’t pay a lot, so The process of copying is not particularly difficult for me. In addition, I am originally composed of spiritual power, so there is no problem. I only need spiritual support to keep working!"

Just when Chi Liming and Bai Yu were still hesitating to think, Lin Hang’s clone continued, “As for the copying of the material just mentioned, I want to say one more thing, you two don’t have to be constrained by the Golden Phoenix Feather and the Dragon of the Beginning. Among the two materials of Dragon Tooth, in fact, many of the training resources needed by the younger disciples in your ethnic group can ask me for help, because these consumables will definitely be used less and less, especially if you are trapped now. In this "Akabane Realm", it is even more difficult to obtain these things. You can diverge your thinking, and I can all help!"

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