I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 407

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:42 AM

Chapter 407: cause and effect

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Looking at Lin Hang whose expression was gradually brightening, the high priest also laughed and continued, "In this case, that is to say, after you scan all these materials and realize it, you are equivalent to getting it. Twenty-four of the twenty-eight materials that you set up your magic circle! This is already extremely close to your goal. If you work harder, maybe you can really complete the collection of your magic circle materials!"

Although the high priest’s words meant that four materials were still missing, Lin Hang was already very satisfied with the completion of the current situation. After all, Lin Hang understood the magic circle and understood the twenty-eight he needed. Up to now, it has not been a long time, and 24 of the 28 materials have been obtained. This is already very fast. If there are more opportunities later, it may not be impossible to gather these materials!

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Ha, to be able to achieve such results now, I still have to thank the high priest, you and the high elders for their help! After the kid has realized all the twenty-four materials, even afterwards, I can’t find those four materials. The magic circle that should be laid out can also have a certain effect! I believe that since I got the clue to open my "Gate of the Fairy Road", I will definitely have a chance. !"

The high priest looked at the confident Lin Hang with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Okay! I believe you too! Then it should not be too late, you come with me!"

Lin Hang followed the high priest towards the depths of this area. When walking on the road, the high priest said to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, this time we found the 18 materials for you by the Wu Clan. Among them, twelve pieces are in the "Back Realm", our "Candle Realm" and Zhou Shu's "Emperor Realm" each have only three pieces, so you only need to copy three pieces here, and the rest You still need you to take a trip to the other two caves!"

Lin Hang did not have the slightest surprise when he heard that the materials of the three witch tribes were so unevenly distributed in the cave sky. Lin Hang knew that this branch of the witch tribe in "The Back World" was because of the Houtu Empress. For this reason, it has always been taken care of and admired by other branches of the Wu clan, and for this reason, the treasure house in the clan is also richer than the other major branches. This has also caused the present In this situation, the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and other treasures in "The Back World" are far more than other caves.

Lin Hang nodded, laughed, and then said, "Priest, I know, but I wonder if I can save some time and stop running these two trips! The kid is in "Back Realm" and "Emperor Realm" In ", they all left a clone of the late stage of the catastrophe, and they are different from ordinary clones. They have a high degree of autonomy and can complete independent things without my manipulation. If you If the three have discussed it, then I will ask my two clones to find the Great Elder and the High Priest. In this way, I can also complete this process quickly!"

The high priest thought for a while, and then said, "Well, since that's the case, what you said makes sense, then you can let your clones in "Emperor Realm" and "Candle Realm" help you complete the process of copying and manifesting!"

Lin Hang nodded, followed the high priest and walked deeper for more than ten minutes, and finally came to the "Candle Treasure Pavilion" in "Candle World".

The high priest did not let Lin Hang in this time, but left Lin Hang outside, entered it by himself, and took out the three materials that Lin Hang needed in "Candle Treasure Pavilion". Then Lin Hang directly scanned and copied these three materials with the spiritual support of the high priest. Similarly, at the same time, the two clones of Lin Hang also found the Great Elder and High Priest in "Emperor Realm" and "Back Realm" respectively, and scanned the other fifteen materials respectively, and then "Candle The deity of Lin Hang in "The Realm" also manifested these fifteen materials, so Lin Hang was already holding the twenty-four materials for the mysterious array at this time.

After completing the manifestation of these materials, Lin Hang and the high priest also returned to the priest’s hall. The high priest smiled and said to Lin Hang, “Lin Hang, now there are only four materials left, so you can combine these twenty Eight materials are ready! I have analyzed these four materials with Big Brother Zhou Shu. In fact, they are not because they are more rare and precious than Lei Deer's horns, but because they are more widely used. Such a situation. Therefore, these four materials definitely still have their existence in the other heavens and worlds, so I believe you will be able to put them together!"

"The other heavens and worlds?" Lin Hang muttered to himself at this time, recalling the meaning of the high priest's words, and then said, "The high priest, do you think that above the purple emperor star, will it Have these four materials that I need?"

When the high priest heard this, he thought about it carefully, and then said, "Lin Hang, I have never been to the Ziwei Emperor, so I can’t tell you what I think. However, according to your statement, this Ziwei The major forces on the Emperor Star are all powerful inheritances left over from ancient times, so even if their current overall strength is not so strong, they should not be weaker than ours in this aspect of collectibles! Besides, this The current Ziwei Emperor Star is a fragment of the legendary Ziwei Emperor Star from the ancient times. Then there may still be some ancient resources on this fragment. I really feel that if you put it this way, It’s really very possible that Ziwei Emperor Star will have the last four materials you need!"

After getting the affirmation from the high priest, Lin Hang was also very happy. He thought it would take a long time to get clues about the four materials this time, but he somewhat ignored that he had just been there. Ziwei Emperor Star. Lin Hang thought that the magic circle he opened in "The Gate of the Immortal Road" was obtained from the Ziwei Emperor. Now that the last four materials of this magic circle are arranged by himself, there is a high probability that it will fall on the Ziwei Emperor. A sense of cause and effect suddenly appeared in my heart.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Ha, High Priest, I am definitely going to visit this Ziwei Emperor Star. Even if it is not for my own business, I am also going to treat this Ziwei Emperor Star as our younger Chinese disciple. A new place for experience!"

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