I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 408

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:39 AM

Chapter 408: Let go of practice?

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After a short pause, Lin Hang continued, “It’s not the time to reach the Purple Emperor Star, it’s not now! I can feel that the battles between these ten thousand cultivators above the Earth Star have intensified. I believe that after a while, the monks of the ten thousand races brought to our planet by their ten thousand race alliance, except for the leaders of the transformation stage, should all be dead! When this step is reached, I believe they will be arranged in The magic circle in the depths of the earth star absorbed the soul and transformed into a fountain of soul power. It should have reached the final stage. Then, their final purpose is about to emerge. I have discussed with the teacher, because I understand When it comes to the true strength of their Ten Thousand Races Alliance, this time their plans, we Huaxia do not intend to participate in the competition. But in the dark, we still have to observe it. After all, I estimate that in the following days, their Ten Thousand Races Alliance There is a high probability that they will become the enemy of China and the Wu Clan. Learn about their arrangements and gains in advance, and you can also obtain some first clues for our future battles with them! After all, under the current circumstances, their Ten Thousand Race Alliance is We haven't found our existence yet, so we still have an advantage in the dark!"

The high priest nodded, but he still asked, "Lin Hang, you also know how important things are to their Ten Thousand Races Alliance. In the end, they have a high probability and will directly The one who sent the Dengxian cultivator in the alliance, in such a situation, how do you ensure that you can snoop on the information and clues you want under their noses?"

Lin Hang laughed, and then said, "Priest, you don’t know, the key to all this is to fall on that Qingtian Island! This Qingtian Island is very mysterious, and you can’t use God from the outside. Sense detection, and when we are on this Great Sky Island, we radiate our consciousness to detect something, but we won’t be noticed at all. So as long as we stay on this Great Sky Island, we will only If we don’t get out of this great sky island, then there will be no danger, and we can also rely on the hidden help of this great sky island to get the news and clues we want!"

When the high priest heard this, he frowned and said, "Lin Hang, I really have never seen such a magical Sky Island in your mouth, but you are still only the cultivation base of the tribulation period, you really So sure, those cultivators who have already ascended to the immortal can't discover this Qingtian Island? If by that time, when their Ten Thousand Race Alliance is about to complete their plan, those Ten Thousand Race Alliance cultivators who came to Earth Star will find yours. Spy, then you will be plunged into danger! Didn’t you say that when you came back from Ziwei Emperor Star, your eight clones of the Tribulation Period who inquired about the news for you, without any warning or reaction, were directly caught It disappeared in an instant, and there was no hint of advancement at all!"

Lin Hang nodded, agreed with the high priest's opinion, and then said, "High priest, I have considered the issue you mentioned. Indeed, my teacher and I have not succeeded in ascending to the immortal, nor do I understand what the priest is after. What kind of power does it have, so our judgment cannot represent all situations. However, I also have my own solution. When that happens, I am not prepared to go with my real body, so let my clone Stay on this Qingtian Island to spy on the movement of their Ten Thousand Race Alliance! Although I am very confident in the hidden nature of this Qingtian Island, I definitely won't take my own risk. I still know this matter well. !"

After listening to Lin Hang's words, the high priest finally relieved her heart. She was really worried that Lin Hang would be upset because of the development of China. This time Lin Hang was able to think of this, and the high priest was very relieved. .

The high priest nodded lightly, and then said, "Well, Lin Hang, you know the best in your heart! In fact, I have always been more uncomfortable. I have been trapped in this "Candle World" and cannot go there. Earthstar will help you, otherwise, their Ten Thousand Races Alliance will be the entire Alliance's Cultivation Cultivator. You don’t need to retreat like this!"

Lin Hang waved his hand hurriedly, and then said, "No, no, you and the great elder, they have already given me a lot of help, and the entire Huaxia! If we hadn't met you, our Huaxia might be like Earth and Star. Now the human races of other countries will be directly slaughtered by these tens of thousands of races at the beginning! So, you don’t have to, this time even if their tens of thousands of races are in good luck, when I truly ascend to the immortal, I will let them be here. All the benefits that the stars have received are all vomited out!"

The high priest laughed, and Lin Hang's mood that was somewhat depressed was immediately brought up by Lin Hang, and said, "Okay, you go back first! During this time, it is time for you to take a good rest! You are now If you don’t open your own "The Gate of the Immortal Road", no matter how much you practice, you won’t make any progress, so in the next time you can give yourself a good vacation! You have been tight all these years Your nerves, try to improve your cultivation level, and dare not relax a little bit. Now, it’s time for you to relax! Anyway, you won’t get any rewards from your cultivation, so do some usual thinking. Do what you have never had the opportunity to do! When the Ten Thousand Race Alliance's plan begins, you can start your plan. For the time being, don't be so busy!"

Lin Hang was stunned for a moment, and did not directly agree, because the high priest suddenly suggested this, and Lin Hang was at a loss for a while and didn't know how to respond. Because after Lin Hang awakened his abilities and stepped into the world of cultivation, he had always had a sense of urgency. He was always thinking of ways to compress every inch of his cultivation time, trying his best To improve his strength, everything is just to accomplish his own original goal: to find traces of Lin Hang's parents. But later, after worshiping Wang Lao as his teacher, he inevitably got involved with the prosperity of the entire Chinese clan. After that, Lin Hang did not just do it for himself, but more actions. Is working hard for the human race of China.

Now the high priest told Lin Hang to put aside his practice and do some things he wanted to do, Lin Hang really had no idea.

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