I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 409

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:39 AM

Chapter 409: apology

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Lin Hang thought for a while, with a hint of distress on his face, and said, "Priest priest, I have come over these years. Cultivation has always been with me. I have never given up. You want me to let go of my practice. I really don't know what I should do, I am very confused!"

The high priest laughed, and then said, "Lin Hang, I said that your nerves have been too tight these years! Now you can't even think of what you want to do! I tell you, except for cultivation. There are many things you can do! For example, don’t think about anything and get a good night’s sleep. In my opinion, you have never had a good night’s sleep in these years, right? Although it’s about us now You don’t need to sleep to restore your energy and adjust your state, but it’s always a tight state and it’s not conducive to your future path! Now is a good opportunity for you to take a good rest for a while , In this case, your mental pressure will not be too great. As for other things, there must be many things you want to do on your own, but these years because of the pressure on your head, you have been temporarily pressed down in the bottom of your heart. Just think about it carefully, and you should be able to get the answer you want!"

After hearing the words of the high priest, Lin Hang thought in his heart, and then said, "Well, high priest, I will just do what you said, and I will not focus on my own cultivation in the next time. Believe it. In such a leisurely daily life, I should be able to find something I want to do!"

The high priest nodded, and then Lin Hang bowed to the high priest, then left the priest hall and returned to the region of the Huaxia human race.

The first time he came back, Lin Hang went to see Mr. Wang. Lao Wang had recently reached the peak of the Tribulation, so he also slowed down the progress of his own cultivation base. He was not enthralled in the cultivation. Now he was naturally in his room, so that Lin Hang's visit did not fail.

After the master and apprentice took their seats, Wang Lao laughed and said, "Hang'er, aren't you studying the clues of your own "Gate of the Immortal Road"? How come you have time to become a teacher? It is the most critical thing for you, you don't have to run to be a teacher all the time!"

Lin Hang also laughed, and then replied, "Teacher, I don't like to listen to you! You are my master, no matter how you treat you with some etiquette, I still have to do it! But , I encountered some problems with the disciple’s "The Gate of the Fairy Road", so for the time being, there should be no way to successfully open my own "The Gate of the Fairy Road"!"

When Lao Wang heard Lin Hang's statement, his brows were also frowned. He originally thought that Lin Hang went to Ziwei Emperor and finally got the clue to open his "The Gate of the Fairy Road". After returning, he should be able to successfully complete the breakthrough. , Became the first immortal monk of their Huaxia human race, but now Lin Hang actually told him that he was in trouble, and couldn't help being a little unacceptable. After all, in Wang Lao's heart, Lin Hang's is now the person most likely to succeed in ascending to the immortal, and it is also very important for the entire Chinese race. If Lin Hang has been stuck here and unable to break through, it will be even more difficult for them to gain competitiveness in the following days.

Lao Wang looked at Lin Hang's expression. He didn't see the disappointment and frustration he had expected, and he relaxed a little. It seemed that the situation was not as bad as he had imagined. After sorting out some feelings, Wang Lao asked in a deep voice, "Hang'er, what problems did you encounter with your own "The Gate of the Fairy Road"? When you came back, you were in retreat for three months. , And didn’t tell me, what happened in it?"

Hearing Wang Lao’s questioning, Lin Hang’s heart also felt a little self-blame. Before, Lin Hang was pointed out by the high priest that he did not want to touch, and he returned to his room for three months. Wang's retreat was only when he was studying how to open his "The Gate of the Immortal Road" and did not know what was involved. After the retreat, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan went directly to the high priest and asked about the arrangement of the magic circle. The 28 kinds of material clues needed, and the subsequent trip to "Akabane Realm", did not have time to talk to Wang Lao, so that Wang Lao is actually not special about Lin Hang's research progress and plans. It is clear that there will be questions like this.

Lin Hang saluted Wang Lao, and then solemnly said, "Teacher, I'm sorry! The disciple has made you worry about these hours! The disciple did retreat for three months, but I had already completed the retreat a few days ago. Come out. This retreat is to sort out the disciple’s progress in cultivation, but what I want in the end is to get the mysterious technique of "The Gate of Immortal Road" from Ziwei Emperor Star. Give a thorough study. And these three months have passed, the disciple finally understood this technique, and finally found that the hidden information in it was related to a mysterious magic circle from ancient times. This circle should be able to help. I successfully opened my own "The Gate of Fairy Road"!"

Lao Wang nodded, expressing his understanding, and then said, "Hang'er, since you already have an understanding, why do you still say that you have encountered a problem? Could it be that you have not been able to arrange this mysterious circle yet?"

Lin Hang nodded with a wry smile, and then replied, "Teacher, you are right! This magic circle is not an ordinary magic circle, and there are no clues in the ancient classics. I only know the layout. This array requires 28 kinds of materials, and most of these 28 kinds of materials are unknown to the disciple's mind! So after leaving the customs, the disciple immediately found the high priest and the high elder and asked them The clues to these materials. The elders deserve to be knowledgeable. They all know a little about the twenty-eight materials I need, and there is no unfamiliar or unfamiliar materials. However, these twenty-eight materials, from Counting from the ancient times, they have been relatively rare and scarce materials, and they are generally not so easy to find. And now, I don't know where there are products. A few of them have disappeared in the ancient times!"

Hearing this, Wang Lao already understood Lin Hang's current situation, nodded and said, "Oh, then you will understand as a teacher! Xiaohang, you can't complete your own ascent because you can't find these materials. The first step?"

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